I have been wanting to do one of these for a while. We love communities and friends ESPECIALLY IF WE HAVE A COMMON LOVE! I want to share the love for my fellow blogs, YouTube channels and podcasts who talk/write about dramas. Now, I will say even though there are only 5 channels/podcasts/blogs on this post THAT DOES NOT MEAN THIS IS ALL I LISTEN TO AND WATCH! I have many more podcasts, YouTube channels and blogs I read. So, if you as readers want more lists like this so you can find more fun YouTube channels/blogs/podcasts to join and partake in the content - LET ME KNOW because I can do more of these lists or something on my social media accounts.

The KThree - First up is The KThree. These 2 ladies are GREAT! They run a YouTube channel and a podcast which you can find on all sites where podcasts are available. They do bi-weekly live chats where we talk about all the Kdramas that we are watching in a live. Marisa and Jenn try to cover as many Kdramas as possible and try to watch as many different genres so, they will most likely be watching something you will be interested in. Marisa and Jenn are opinionated and knowledgably and always engaging. IT IS JUST SO FUN! What I love about this channel especially during the live chats is that you can say your opinions and they are welcoming no matter the opinions. You don't have to love everything you are watching, and you are free to express that. The conversations during the live chats are always great because the chats are so diverse in opinions and what people are watching. I am a little bias towards this YouTube Channel and podcast BECAUSE I WRITE THEIR BLOG! 😂 If you want to go and read about Kdramas, you can go to their website and check out the blog and that is all my writing.
Watching Sundays - YOU LIKE CDRAMAS - GO WATCH THIS CHANNEL! Flip and Element are great hosts and have very interesting videos. You can tell they enjoy what they watch, giving their opinions about it and interacting with people who watch dramas as well. They have branched out into Kdramas, movies, dramas from other countries and checking out some Kpop. You will find something you will be interested in on this channel because it is so diverse. Cdramas is how I found them, so I am partial to their Cdrama reviews. You will see a common fact about all these blogs/Youtube/podcasts that I will say and that is the diversity of opinions. Flip and Element may watch these dramas together, but they might not like it at the same level. I like how they play off of each other and talk about what they liked and disliked about the drama. I also LOVE their theory videos. It is so fun to be watching a drama along with them and listening to their theories as we watch and see if their theories come true. Every time I watch their videos and I have not seen the drama; I am adding more dramas I need to watch to my lists.
The Certified Noonas - This podcast is one of the longest I have been listening too. These 4 women just cover EVERYTHING and ANYTHING about Asian Entertainment. Each of the 4 hosts watch and like many different things so you always have a diverse group of dramas they are watching and OF COURSE a diversity of opinions. Each host likes different genres and even dramas from different countries. You will always find new dramas to watch or new actors/actresses to check out after listening to this podcast. Some of their most popular episodes are what they are all watching in terms of dramas or what Kpop they are listening too. They also have dramas reviews and themed episodes. The variety of entertainment that this podcast covers is just SO GOOD! I literally have to listen to these episodes with a pen and paper next to me to write down dramas to add to my lists. What I also love about this podcast is the dynamic between the 4 hosts. They have good conversation. They are funny and have good stories. I am always laughing when I listen to their episodes. This podcast also has a blog on their website along with quizzes and more content on their website.
Daebak K Rambles - One good thing that came out of the Pandemic is that I branched out and wanted to find new podcasts/blogs to listen to and read. This is how I found Daebak K Rambles and the next podcast. I love the set up for this podcast. Jess being the person who has been watching Kdramas FOREVER and taking her co-host Rico along for the ride and introducing him to Kdramas. As someone who has been watching Kdramas for FOREVER like Jess, I just loved hearing what Rico thought about dramas that I have mostly all seen. There are a couple dramas that I have not watched that they talk about in Season 1. I like that when this duo talks about a drama, they have questions for each other that drive the episode. I like their opinions on dramas and how different their opinions can be on a drama. It is also interesting to have Jess on the podcast because she will rewatch the drama if she has seen it. During the episode of said drama, she will talk about if her opinions have changed from when she first watched it and now when she rewatched it. I find this fun because I hardly ever rewatch dramas so I always wonder if my opinions would change if I rewatch the drama from when I first watched it. Jess from this podcast also writes a blog on their website so you have SO MUCH MORE CONTENT on the blog to read about as well.
Dramas with a Side of Kimchi - This podcast is another podcast I REALLY got into during the Pandemic. This group of women are diverse as well. They each have their own opinions and dramas they like so they each are watching different things and have different opinions that they bring to their podcast episodes and blog. Yes, this podcast also has a blog on their website. They have SO MANY episodes out to listen to and watch so many different things so you are bound to find new dramas to watch yourself. I love that some of the blog posts are written by certain hosts and also some podcast episodes are done by subgroups of the hosts. I think that is really unique and is done well. I love how the hosts interact with each other in the episodes. This podcast and blog have been around a LONG time, and you can just tell by listening to the episodes. The hosts just get along so well together, and I love hearing their opinions and hearing what they like and dislike about dramas. I always have a fun time with this podcast.
What podcasts do you listen too?
What blogs do you read?
What YouTube Channels do you watch and subscribe too?