We are officially HALF WAY THROUGH 2021! You know what that means I NEED TO POST SOME OF MY FAVORITE NON - KOREAN DRAMAS OF THE FIRST HALF OF 2021! Unlike, my lists that I do for the entire year (TOP 11 NON-KOREAN DRAMAS OF 2020), there is no total number of dramas I am going to try and get too. I am just going to list some of my favorite dramas. My list will also not have any order. Just because something is higher in my list doesn't mean I liked it more over the other. This is just a list of dramas I liked and would recommend to watch if you have not seen them yet. This list might change by the end of 2021 but it also might not, WE WILL SEE! This list also is the dramas that I completed in the first half of 2021 (January to June) so it does not just mean these dramas had to premiere and air in 2021. It will also not include any dramas I have completed this month (July) because this month is in the 2nd half of 2021. If your favorites aren't on the list, it either means I haven't watched them yet (like MANY 2021 dramas) or they might not have been my favorite. Whatever dramas I watched and were my favorite in the first half of 2021 will be on this list.

Episodes: 7 (VIKI)
I have always said that Japanese dramas make my favorite romance dramas. Shanai Marriage Honey just further proves this. It had one of my favorite tropes with is contract marriage. It was a VERY EASY watch. THE COUPLE HAD AMAZING CHEMISTRY! There was very little angst which is always appreciated. The FL was sometimes a little too cute for me BUT SUCH A GREAT AND QUICK WATCH!

Episodes: 36 (iQIYI)
HANDS DOWN ONE OF THE BEST CHINESE DRAMAS I HAVE EVER SEEN! If you read my FIRST IMPRESSIONS or FINAL REVIEW of this drama, I just GUSH about this drama. I experienced all the emotions with this one. I cried, laughed and got angry with the characters. I may have been a little bias with this drama because I am a fan of the anime. This drama is just SO UNIQUE in Cdramaland and just a JOY TO WATCH!

Episodes: 14 (WETV)
Was this drama perfect? NO, but I have to hand it to the production for trying something new. It was refreshing and I am a sucker for crime dramas SO I LOVED THIS! I think it will now be an even BETTER watch because you aren't waiting week to week for episodes. THE MAIN COUPLE'S CHEMISTRY WAS OFF THE CHARTS WITH THIS ONE!! That was definitely a highlight with this drama. The cinematography and setting for this drama were gorgeous as well. You can read my FIRST IMPRESSIONS and FINAL REVIEW if you want.

Episodes: 36 (iQIYI)
I had a lot of fun watching this drama. Are you a fan of crime/mystery dramas? Are you a fan of Republican era dramas? I would recommend this one FOR SURE! I had a lot of fun with all the mysteries. I liked the trio of our main leads and did not mind the romance AT ALL. This was an easy watch and just so enjoyable. The ending was unexpected too which I always appreciate.

Episodes: 10 (VIKI)
I am a HUGE fan of Sherlock Holmes and Watson so I think that is why I enjoyed this Japanese drama so much. The best part of this drama was the relationship between the 2 main characters that were the Sherlock and Watson representations. Some of the cases were better than others but I just had a good time because of the characters. If you are a fan of Sherlock and Watson just like I am, you will enjoy this one for sure!

Episodes: 12 (WETV)
This drama takes the HONORABLE MENTION because I had a BLAST watching it. I was watching it with a bunch of twitter people. Just the conversations, comments and back and forth we all had with this drama made it so much fun to watch! I DEFINITELY liked some couples over others BUT I would totally watch a season 2 of this FOR SURE! It was really more of the experience of watching this drama than the drama itself 😂.
What were some your favorite Non - Korean dramas of the first half of 2021?
Did some of your favorite dramas make my list?