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Now that you have read my "TOP 11 KDRAMAS OF 2023" blogpost a few days ago, Today, I have given you my list of my "TOP 11 NON-KOREAN DRAMAS OF 2023". If you have not yet read my blog post for my top kdramas of 2023, you can read it here.

2023 was a different year for me compared to all of the other years that I have run this blog for Non-Korean dramas. I watched a lot more variety in 2023 which made it harder to make this list because I had a lot more options to choose from. I actually have honorable mentions for this list because I just could not leave them off the blogpost and not mention them. 2023 was a great year to try new genres and dramas from other countries because there were some great ones out there.

Just like my top Kdramas of 2023 list, this list is also in no particular order and the dramas are not ranked. The dramas also did not have to air in 2022. I just had to watch them and complete the dramas in 2023 so, multiple dramas on this list are older dramas. JUST HAVE FUN WITH MY LIST! Let me know if you have seen these dramas, what you thought of them and if you added them to your plan to watch list. I make them to suggest some good dramas for you to watch in the future that you might have missed when they aired OR to try out a new genre or type of Kdrama. I created this list from all of the non-Korean dramas I watched in 2023 and that were ranked 8 -10 on MDL.


Now, remember these are in NO PARTICULAR order and not ranked

Episodes: 56 (VIKI)

It took WAY too long to watch this. So many people told me to watch this and it took me a while to start and finish but I completed it in 2023. I did like Part 2 more than Part 1 but I think because the leads grew a lot in part 2 and everyone got their satisfying ending in part 2. Part 1 was still enjoyable to watch but compared to part 2, I just liked Part 2 more. You became very invested in the leads' relationship and story. The cinematography was FANTASTIC and a highlight of this drama. The acting was TOP-NOTCH and was another reason you got invested in the leads' story. They just portrayed their characters so well and their chemistry was on fire. Part 1 had some comedy that did not work for me which is another reason why I liked Part 2 more.

Episodes: 40 (VIKI)

There should be no surprise that this is on my list of favorite non-Korean dramas of 2023. You can go the Daebak K-rambles Podcast and Tea and Soju - A Cdrama Podcast to listen to our Drama trio deep dive review of this drama. I have very high standards when it comes to Xianxia dramas and to have one that competes with the one that has been at the top of my favorite Xianxia since it aired is saying something. Till the End of the moon is that drama! There is so much I can say about this drama. One of the best Xianxia dramas I have ever watched. CHEMISTRY GALORE!! You can read my full review here.

Episodes: 48 (VIKI)

Another drama that took me way too long and finish! I am so glad I finally watched this drama. Especially since there is supposed to be a Season 2 coming out at some point. This drama is VISUALLY STUNNING! It is just on a whole different level. You can tell the production cared about this drama and put great effort into doing their research and making everything accurate. The acting is so good. The actors put their all into these characters. It is a story that hooks you at the beginning and doesn't let go until the very ending. It is thrilling ride. The fight/action scenes were fantastic. You do have to pay close attention because there is a lot going on and a lot of characters. TRUST ME, IT IS WORTH IT THOUGH! I should have watched this sooner.

You can read my review here.

Episodes: 10 (YouTube)

I know I have said this before but I LOVE TOR! This was just a fun series to watch. It was just so unique when it came to the Thai dramas that I have seen. I want more of this type of Thai dramas. The leads had AMAZING chemistry. I know other people think this but it was a missed opportunity with that chemistry FOR SURE! If they do a second season, I am TOTALLY watching it. I just loved how this drama took risks. I loved the fantasy/supernatural elements as well. This is just such a unique drama.

You can read my review here.

Episodes: 4 (YouTube)

This is a FANTASTIC mini-series. I am so happy we are getting a Season 2. I love that this was an experiment and IT PAID OFF! The chemistry is SO GOOD! The acting was great too. I love that this drama took risks. It is WAY TOO SHORT so I love that we are getting a Season 2 because I needed more. It definitely was a little scary but it is a well-balanced little drama. I can't really take scary stuff but this is doable. There are just so many things about this drama that stood out and was just so unique. It is only 4 episodes so watch this!

Episodes: 12 (IQIYI)

This is definitely one of my favorite Taiwanese dramas I have ever seen. I know since it is only on IQIYI, not a lot of people have watched it or have access to it. If you do have access to it though, do yourself a favor and click play now. I literally have nothing bad to say about this drama. I loved the leads. I loved the found family. I loved how much heart went into all of the stories in the drama. You will cry with this drama because there are so many heart breaking and heartwarming moments. The acting WAS SO GOOD! I really want a second season because I would love to revisit these characters and this story again.

You can read my review here.

Episodes: 14 (VIKI)

I love when I can highlight some of the shorter web dramas on my blog. I love when those dramas can highlight some lesser-known talent to audiences. An Ancient Love Song is a beautiful story and great binge. The lead couple have great chemistry. I will warn you that if you want a happy ending, this is not the drama for you. I loved all the little meanings in the drama and how everything in the story were eventually tied together. It had a unique twist to the trope of time travel that I thought was brilliant. It had a talented cast and I hope to watch these leads in more dramas in the future.

Episodes: 12 (VIKI)

I feel like there is a theme for 2023. I completed and loved dramas that I should have watched sooner and not waited until 2023 to watch them Don't Call it Mystery is another one of these dramas. I have always been a sucker for Sherlock Holmes type characters. Suda Masaki's character in this drama FITS that description very well in this drama. I really need a season 2 for this drama. I just needed more of it. I know there is a movie out there that I have not seen yet. I also liked the supporting characters with this drama. It was just interesting to see how all the mysteries were solved. I loved watching Suda Masaki's character and see how his brain worked. I love quirky characters like this one.

Episodes: 30 (IQIYI)

Another drama that I should have watched back in 2021 when it came out. I think everyone knows that this is the drama following the cdrama One and Only. It is the healing drama from the tragedy that is One and Only. I am one of those people who loved One and Only even though it has a very sad ending. One and Only needed this drama to allow us to get our happy ending. I might be bias because I love both leads. You don't need to watch One and Only but I think you will appreciate Forever and Ever more if you watch One and Only first. I just liked seeing our leads together again and getting their second chance. If you are looking to a drama that doesn't have that much angst or conflict and a couple that don't really break up, you will like Forever and Ever.

Episodes: 24 (IQIYI)

You can listen to my full review of this drama on the Tea and Soju- A Cdrama Podcast because we did a Drama Trio review on this drama. I had to use the poster for my favorite character. 😂 THE CINEMATOGRAPHY OF THIS DRAMA WAS BEAUTIFUL! The chemistry was great with both couples and the cast. I loved the costumes and the setting for this drama too. There was just so much to enjoy and unpack with this drama. I loved that it had some actors/actresses that every knew but also brought a lot of lesser known or new actors/actresses into the cast and made them shine. I would not be mad to get a Season 2 and it definitely needs it.

Episodes: 17 (YouTube)

This drama took me WAY too long to finish but I am glad I did finish it. I loved the brother's relationship in this drama. If you want a drama where the brothers support each other ALWAYS - this drama is for you. I thought it was interesting to watch a Thai drama set in a more historical setting because I have not watched a ton of those. The acting WAS SO GOOD! I did need more of the couples because the drama in the family overshadowed them a bit but both romances were very sweet in this drama. It isn't a perfect drama but I can why a lot of people love it including myself.


Episodes: 12 (IQIYI)

I have said this before but I might be very bias with this drama. This couple was my favorite couple from Until We Meet Again. I had been waiting for this drama for years and we finally got it in 2022. For me, the drama did not disappoint. I got to revisit this couple and learn more about their relationship. I loved how supportive they were for each other. I loved watching them all over again and seeing their relationship progress through the drama. I loved seeing their perspective of the Until We Meet again storyline. I literally was smiling the entire time and still rewatch scenes from it.

Episodes: 18 (VIKI)

My Journey to You caused me to finally check out this web drama that had been on my plan to watch list FOREVER! I can see why everyone liked this drama so much. I put this one in the honorable mentions because I needed another excuse to highlight a short web drama again. If you need a nice quick binge, check this drama out. I loved the two leads and the acting is quite good. This is another web drama that had a unique story. I feel like these shorter web dramas give people an opportunity to experiment more. This was one of those web dramas that I wish was made into a longer, full-fledged drama because I liked it so much.


I am putting this one in the honorable mentioned because it is a movie AND EVERYONE NEEDS TO GO SEE THIS MOVIE! I have not seen many Godzilla movies but this is BY FAR the best Godzilla movie I have ever seen. Godzilla is absolutely terrifying in this movie. You actually got a story with the humans. You want the humans to win and actually care for the humans which I have not always seen with other Godzilla movies. It is SO WELL ACTED! I am so glad I went to the theater and watched this movie. YOU NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE! You can check out my full review here.

What were your favorite Non-Korean dramas of 2023? Did some of your favorite dramas make my list?





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