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Now that we started a new year, 2022, I CAN PUT OUT MY TOP DRAMAS OF 2021 LISTS! Just like last year, I am making 2 lists. This list will be for my favorite Kdramas of 2021 and the other list is for all of my favorite non-Korean dramas of 2021. Just like I say EVERY TIME I write these types of blog posts, I WAS NOT GOING TO TORTURE MYSELF AGAIN THIS YEAR with choosing favorite BUT HERE WE ARE!

Now my list for the Kdramas of 2021 are in no particular order and the dramas are not ranked. The Kdramas also did not have to air in 2021. I just had to watch them and complete the dramas in 2021 so, at least one of these dramas on this list actually started in 2020. JUST HAVE FUN WITH MY LIST! I make them to maybe suggest some good dramas for you to watch in the future that you might have missed when they aired OR to try out a new genre or type of Kdrama.


*Now, remember these are in NO PARTICULAR order and not ranked*

Episodes: 16 (VIKI and NETFLIX)

I MEAN I am predictable...OF COURSE, this Kdrama was going to be in my top dramas list of 2021. This is one of BEST crime dramas I have ever seen. It kept me guessing until the end of the drama. I am a sucker for these types of crime dramas that take place out in the country, in a small town where everyone is a suspect. This must be from my love British small-town crime shows and Agatha Christie novels. I got AMAZING acting. I got attached to characters and cared about them. I got all kinds of emotions and connected with the drama. I was invested in the drama. It grabbed a hold of me and didn't let go until I had finished the drama. These are signs of a good drama for me.

Episodes: 16 (iQIYI)

The best part of this drama for me was the COMEDY! I laughed so hard throughout this drama. The comedy was well done and well placed within the drama. The lead trio was COMEDIC GOLD in this drama. I thought the cast had great chemistry together which is probably why the comedy worked so well. It was just a fun drama that I looked forward to every week. This is always a good sign when you are watching a drama - when you are looking forward to the next episode, even if you have to wait for the episode because you are watching it as it airs.

Episodes: 12 (VIKI)

THIS DRAMA WAS SO SATISFYING! The acting was FANTASTIC! One thing I always love about Korean dramas with zombies/monsters in it - THE ACTING OF THE PEOPLE PLAYING THE ZOMBIES/MONSTERS! I am always so impressed with what they can do as zombies. It was no different in Happiness. The OSTs were so memorable. I loved the social issues and constructs that were discussed in the drama, and I loved that it mostly all took place in one building. I love when you have a confined location in a drama like that. It was just a SATISFYING GOOD DRAMA!

Episodes: 16 (NETFLIX)

Speaking of discussing social issues in a drama, I have to bring up Law School in this regard. This Kdrama attacked social issues in a form of a drama and was more than just a crime drama. One of my favorite things about this drama FOR SURE! I loved that this was an ensemble drama, so you got everyone's stories and problems. The crime was intriguing, and this was another drama that left me guessing until the very end. The acting was TOP NOTCH as well as the OSTs. I enjoyed this drama SO MUCH!

Episodes: 16 (NETFLIX)

I guess I have a theme for 2021 and that is I love dramas who use the platform of a drama top discuss and bring up social issues. Mine was the same thing. I loved the acting in this drama but when you have the type of cast it did, it should not surprise you that the acting was GREAT in this drama. This was another crime drama where I did not predict the ending. I guess that is another ongoing theme with my 2021 drama favorites. I liked that it was a female centric drama which is always a welcomed theme in a drama. This was just a good and sophisticated drama. I loved the message it had at the end of the drama.

Episodes: 16 (iQIYI and VIKI)

There are not many romance dramas on my favorites list. Romance dramas are just not a type of drama I click play on. I will tell you what though, My Roommate is a Gumiho is one of the best romantic comedies I have watched in a LONG TIME! You want to laugh HYSTERICALLY? Watch this drama! The two lead actors had AMAZING chemistry, but I loved all the couples in this drama. The acting in this drama was done SO WELL! The comedy was TOP NOTCH in this drama. I just enjoyed watching this drama SO MUCH! I was so invested in the story and looked forward to every episode. I was sad to see it end too. THIS DRAMA IS JUST SO MEMORABLE AND GREAT!

Episodes: 20 (VIKI)

I don't watch many historical Kdramas. 2021 proved to be the outlier to this statement. I watched, I think, twice as many historical Kdramas in 2021 than I ever have before. One of these dramas that I am SO HAPPY I clicked play on was Bossam: Steal the Fate. This drama is one of the BEST historical Kdramas I have ever seen. It has BEAUTIFUL cinematography which I always appreciate in a drama. The acting was GREAT which is probably why I became so invested in the relationships and stories. I will say it did not have to be 20 episodes but MAN I WAS SO EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN THIS DRAMA!

Episodes: 6 (NETFLIX)

Speaking of EMOTIONAL Kdramas, this drama TAKES THE CAKE! This was an impactful and emotional drama to watch BUT MAN WAS IT HARD TO WATCH AT SOME PARTS! This drama did not hold back AT ALL! That is probably why I liked it so much. It did not hide anything to prove the point they were trying to make with the story they were telling. D.P. leaves quite the impression on you and was not the drama I was expecting we were getting from the teasers. The cast did an AMAZING acting job; everyone from main to supporting cast was so talented. You will be thinking about this drama A LONG TIME after finishing it.

Episodes: 9 (NETFLIX)

This wouldn't be a TOP Kdramas of 2021 list without Squid Game being on it. I remember when this drama was first announced, I got excited for it immediately. IT FINALLY PREMIERED IN 2021! I know people either love this drama or maybe didn't like it as much even with the hype of it all. I LOVED IT! This drama is also right up my alley, so I am not surprised I liked it so much. Again, going with my theme of loving dramas that used it platform to discuss social issues, this drama did just that. THE ACTING WAS PHENOMENAL! Loved the ensemble of a cast. I NEED SEASON 2 because I want MORE!

Episodes: 8 (NETFLIX)

I am a SUCKER for revenge dramas and My Name did not disappoint. I am also a sucker for a strong female lead. I have to give props to the entire cast of this drama because the acting was really something else. The fight scenes and actions scenes were so entertaining, so I also have to give props to the production overall as well. I enjoyed this drama so much. It was dark and bloody and just everything I needed when I watched it. It had a lot of nice twists. The leads did shine in the drama, but the supporting cast was also powerful and impactful. That just speaks to how good the acting was in this drama.

Episodes: 8 (NETFLIX)

I mean what did I NOT like in this Kdrama. The cast was INCREDIBLE which is not surprising given who was in it. The story felt unique and fresh. The production was quite impressive with its special effects and CGI. I was very satisfied with this drama, and it met all my expectations. I mean I did have some questions at the end but that was due to the fact that they clearly wrote this for a second season. I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS DRAMA! I don't even care that there needs to be a second season to answer some of my questions at the end because I JUST LOVED IT SO MUCH! Another plus of this drama is that it discussed some important social issues again through its platform.



Episodes: 16 (NETFLIX)

A trope that I always appreciate and LOVE in dramas is FOUND FAMILY! The Uncanny Counter was the PERFECT example of this trope in 2021. I loved the cast and the characters they betrayed. It was a drama where you became invested in the characters and their stories. You even become connected to some of the villains as well. I mean I did. This drama had a lot of heart and emotion to it. It did end up having a couple tropes that it fell into at the end that it could have done without. I STILL had a lot of fun with this drama

Episodes: 16 (iQIYI)

I liked this drama A LOT more than I thought I would. The couples were the HIGHLIGHT of this drama for me. I loved seeing all their relationships, YES, ALL THE COUPLES' RELATIONSHIPS, progress in this drama. THE COUPLES COMMUNICATED WHICH WAS GREAT! I also always love when there was little angst and that was the case with, She Would Never Know. The ending was very cute. This was a very generic slow romance Kdrama but sometimes that is a good thing. I found it comforting to watch and it was a nice change of pace with all I was watching at the time.

What were your favorite Kdramas of 2021? Did some of your favorite Kdramas make my list?





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