Now that you have read my "TOP 10 KDRAMAS OF 2024" blogpost a few days ago. Today, I have given you my list of my "TOP 10 NON-KOREAN DRAMAS OF 2024". If you have not yet read my blog post for my top kdramas of 2024, you can read it here.
2024 was different for me. Usually, I am watching Kdramas constantly with a lot of them being on-air Kdramas and then sprinkle in other dramas from other countries where I can. There were some months in 2024 where I was watching no on-air Kdramas. So, I had a lot more to choose from when I made this list. I definitely think this list was harder to make than my Kdramas one was for 2024. I definitely had to include some honorable mentions on this one. I still watched fewer dramas overall in 2024 so, it was harder to make this list but the pool of dramas was small to choose from as well. There is a wide range of ratings in this list for 2024.
Just like my top Kdramas of 2023 list, this list is also in no particular order and the dramas are not ranked, EXCEPT for my Number 1. The dramas also did not have to air in 2022. I just had to watch them and complete the dramas in 2023 so, multiple dramas on this list are older dramas. Let me know if you have seen these dramas, what you thought of them and if you added them to your plan to watch list. I make them to suggest some good dramas for you to watch in the future that you might have missed when they aired OR to try out a new genre or type of Kdrama. I created this list from all of the non-Korean dramas I watched in 2023 and that were ranked 8 -10 on MDL.

Episodes: 10 (HULU/DISNEY +)
I knew this was going to be my number 1 show of 2024 the minute I completed it. IT WAS A MASTERPIECE! From the costumes to the acting, to the sets, to the story - LITERALLY EVERYTHING WAS AMAZING! It definitely deserves all of the awards it has gotten. The music was great as well. I am curious what is going to happen in the upcoming seasons because they are done with the source material. It was a joy to watch this every week and just sit there in awe with everything to look at. I am so happy that this drama was made. I have a review up on the podcast for this drama where I go so much more in depth to the drama and story.
RATING: 10/10

Episodes: 40 (VIKI/NETFLIX)
It is probably not surprising that I loved this cdrama. I can see why it was so popular in 2024. The story was SO GOOD! I loved that we got so much revenge in this drama. The chemistry was OFF THE CHARTS with our main couple. I love how both leads were smart and supported each other. A lot of the side characters you also fell in love with and enjoyed them. There was some found family in this drama which was fun and unexpected. I did have a few minor issues with the last few episodes. I wish some of the characters got different endings. I also felt like the pacing was off in the last few episodes. Lastly, I had minor issues with the ending. I wish there was one more episode or it was paced out differently. I along with some other podcasters did a review of this drama on the Daebak Podcast FYI.
RATING: 9.5/10

Episodes: 8 (NETFLIX)
I WAS SO HAPPY THAT WE FINALLY GOT SEASON 2 OF THIS DRAMA IN 2024! I liked Season 1 more than Season 2 BUT Season 2 was still a great drama. You do need to watch Season 1 to understand some of the things going on with the characters in Season 2. Mainly the storylines going on in the main characters' personal lives, nothing having to do with the main case that is being investigated in Season 2. I still thought the story/case was engaging. The acting was amazing just like it was in Season 1. I wish we got deeper conversations between the characters. I also felt like some characters/actors were underutilized in the drama. I definitely need a Season 3. I have a podcast review of this drama up on the podcast
RATING: 8.5/10

Episodes: 12 (IQIYI)
I am so mad that it took me this long to watch this drama. I know people were screaming at me to watch this drama for years. I should have watched in back in 2020. I know a Korean remake made me check this one out sooner rather than later, but I am so glad I watched this before the remake came out. It was unpredictable but in a good way. THE ACTING WAS TOP TIER! In my opinion, some of Bai Yu's best acting. It was hard to follow at times but that was because so much was going on. There were 3 timelines you had to keep track of. Everything coming together at the end and being explained was a treat to witness. It was HEARTBREAKING to watch.
RATING: 9/10

Episodes: 10 (VIKI/NETFLIX)
I know my rating for this drama might be a little controversial and in the minority. I thought this was a fun, adorable rom-com. This is why Japanese dramas are some of my favorite romance dramas. It had a unique concept for a story. The leads are cute with LOTS OF CHEMISTRY! I definitely did not like the trope of noble idiocy at the end because it was not needed. I loved the message that the audience got from it at the end. I know other people criticized the female lead and her actions in this drama. How reserved she was. I did not have a problem with her as much as other people did. I know other people did not like that the drama did not sub his Korean thoughts. I did not mind this because I think it added something extra to the drama and made the female lead more relatable. I would still recommend this drama for people to check out.
RATING: 9/10

Episodes: 8 per season (NETFLIX)
Oh look, another drama I should have watched YEARS AGO! I feel like 2024 is shaping up to be this theme for the Non-Korean Dramas I watched. I feel bad that it took me this long to watch this. I can now see why so many people were telling me to watch this. It has a little bit of everything: romance, mystery, crime, relationships and found family. My favorite season of the drama was actually Season 2 so; it is another case where the second season is even better than Season 1. It did not need to be split into 3 seasons. I loved that this drama is unpredictable. It is well worth the watch. It has amazing acting I love the relationships that are explored in the drama. ALSO, THERE IS AMAZING CHEMISTRY WITH SOME OF THE LEADS! I wish we had explored that more.
RATING: 9.5/10

Episodes: 40 (VIKI)
This is a solid Chinese drama. I can see why a lot of people enjoyed this drama when it came out. It wasn't the best Chinese drama I have ever watched but it is good. The main couple were cute, but they were not my favorite couple ever. This couple was not a highlight for me in this drama. I still enjoyed them, but I liked other aspects of this drama more. I loved the female lead and how strong she was in the drama. A highlight for me with this drama was the female lead and her family. I loved watching their journey from the beginning of the drama losing everything to building everything back up again and getting through the obstacles thrown at them. I thought this journey was well paced. I got to see the different characters grow and change from beginning to the end. I rooted for this family to succeed. This drama was well acted. I also would have changed some parts of the ending. Overall, a solid and enjoyable cdrama though.
I have a podcast review episode for this drama up on the podcast.
RATING: 8.5/10

Episodes: 4 (NETFLIX)
If you don't have a lot of time and want to watch something different, try this drama out. This was a unique, short drama that reminded me a bit of Black Mirror. Or if you like something like SF8, you should try this out. It really stood out to me because it was so different. The acting was so good, and I loved the sci-fi theme. It was a big budget production. I liked some episodes more over others. I loved the messages/lessons conveyed through the episodes. I think some of the deeper context and messages went over my head because I don't know Thai culture 100%. Overall, still very unique and entertaining.
RATING: 8.5/10

Episodes: 6 (VIKI)
I enjoyed this Japanese BL more than I thought I would. I liked the main couple together. I liked that they were comfortable around each other. I thought they had a nice, comfortable chemistry together. I wish the drama was longer. I wanted more background on both leads. I wanted there to be more depth to their back story. I also wanted to see them more as a couple at the end. If you like dramas around food, you will like this drama. I actually wanted more food shots in this drama.
RATING: 8.5/10

Episodes: 25 (AMAZON PRIME)
If you are a watcher of those short web-cdramas, you should check Provoke out. The leads have some SIZZLING chemistry. I would love to see this actor and actress be a couple again in another full-length cdrama. For how short the episodes and drama was, the story was engaging where you root for the leads to get their revenge. This is one of the cases where I WISH the drama was a full length cdrama. I wanted to see more revenge and for the drama to have more time for romance. I also love the time period and setting this drama was in. I am a sucker for the type of costumes this time period is.
RATING: 8.5/10

Episodes: 10 (NETFLIX)
The reason why this is in my honorable mentions is because it isn't a drama but a reality show. THIS IS STILL ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS I WATCHED IN 2024! Even though I may be picky with romance dramas, FOR SOME REASON - I AM A SUCKER FOR THESE ROMANCE REALITY SHOWS! I became SO INVESTED in the 9 men and who they might end up with or that they just become friends by the end. Did everyone I like get their happy ending? No BUT I enjoyed the journey. I love that we are getting more romance reality shows. I had so much fun watching this every week. I AM SO HAPPY WE ARE GETTING A SEASON 2 OF THIS SHOW! I also have multiple podcast episodes up on the podcast about this show.
RATING: 10/10

Episodes: 8 (NETFLIX)
This one came out of nowhere and I am so glad I watched it. If you love action dramas or want to watch a drama about Ninjas, WATCH THIS DRAMA! It has some great action/fighting scenes. I also loved that it isn't just a ninja drama. It is a family drama hidden under the story of ninjas. It does need a Season 2 and I hope we get it. Also, you can't watch this during the day because there are a lot of dark scenes. It is somewhat predictable with one part of the story but overall, still entertaining and fun. I need more people to watch this. I did a BONUS review of this on the podcast.
RATING: 8/10

MOVIE (YouTube)
I am putting this in my honorable mentions because it is a movie and not a drama. I WAS SO HAPPY THAT I COULD FINALLY WATCH THIS IN 2024! It wasn't the best quality, and I still need it to come to a streaming site BUT I LOVED THIS MOVIE NONETHELESS! I thought this movie adaption did the anime justice. I thought there were a lot of similarities between the anime and movie but also each stood out on its own too. THE ACTING WAS SO GOOD! The production did a really good job picking the cast to match the characters they were playing. Due to this being a movie, the story did seem a bit rushed. I LOVED the CGI in this movie. I loved aspects of this movie more than the anime and also loved other aspects of the anime more than the movie. You can listen to the comparison of this movie and Anime on my podcast now. I did end up liking the anime a little more than the movie. I am glad I am currently watching Season 2 of this anime. Maybe that means we will get a second movie at some point in the future. I have a VERSUS podcast episode on the podcast comparing this with the anime so, check that out.
RATING: 8.5/10
What were your favorite Non-Korean dramas of 2023? Did some of your favorite dramas make my list?
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