I honestly was going to wait and binge this once it was done airing. I knew a lot of people were going to watch it so it would be hard to avoid spoilers. This is why I attempted to watch it as it aired. I say attempted because, of course, life got in the way and I fell behind. So, I still got spoiled on some things and finished it after the drama had finished airing but THATS OK!

*Now as per usual with any review I write, I will not be including any spoilers in this review.*
A QUICK SYNOPSIS OF KINNPORSCHE - Kinn and Porsche meet under dangerous circumstances. Porsche agrees to defend Kinn after Kinn agrees to pay him. After that incident, Kinn hires Porsche to be his bodyguard. At first Porsche refuses but life happens and he can't say no. Now, Porsche is thrown into life as a bodyguard for the mafia and all that comes with that. What happens when feelings start to get in the way?
Overall, I enjoyed this drama. It had a lot of good things for it. I will go into more detail about everything I liked below. It wasn't a perfect drama for me though. I had a couple of things I wish were better or were done differently. I will also point these down below. I will say before I start this review that I did not read the source material before the drama and I still haven't read it. This review is just based on drama.

The Acting - The acting in the drama was SO GOOD! You could tell that every actor cared about their character and tried their best with their characters. There is a lot of talent in this cast. You can't help but fall in love with these characters.
The Chemistry - I think because there was so much talent in this drama, there was great chemistry as well. I mean it is a given that there was AWESOME chemistry between all the couples but the chemistry with the entire cast was palatable. The chemistry with each family and between the body guards stood out. The chemistry also made me care more about these characters and what happened to them by the end. I loved the family chemistry between the various brothers as well. It just worked so well.
Multiple Couples - I appreciate when a drama has multiple couples in it. If you don't like one couple, there are other couples you might find more interesting or connect with more. KinnPorsche gave us a minimum of 3 couples with the potential for more that could be explored. I appreciated this because I liked some couples over others by the end of this drama. I thought all the couples were great and had beautiful stories but I know I am not alone when I say I fell in love with one couple over another. We all had our favs with this drama. I loved watching all the couples' relationships develop over the course of the drama.
The Concept - I appreciated that KinnPorsche tried something new. Was it perfect? No but it was refreshing and new. I loved seeing this story play out. I was excited to see what happened next because the setting and these characters I had not seen done in any other Thai BL before. Now, I haven't seen many Thai BL dramas so this might not be a new concept to someone who has seen a lot more dramas than I have. I liked that this concept also allowed the drama to have a bigger cast and we got introduced to many types of characters and actors. I now have more actors/actresses to keep an eye out for in other dramas/movies.
The Production - You can tell that the production cared about the drama they were creating. They changed some details of the source material within the drama. This showed that they cared what their audience saw and how their audience reacted to the drama. I think this level of effort showed within the drama. It had some great lighting and camera angle choices. I think it really enhanced the story that was being told.

The Pacing - I thought the drama could have had better pacing. This maybe because I thought the first part of the drama stayed too much with Kinn/Porsche's relationship which it natural but then they sort of disappeared in the second half of the drama. This was because the second half of the drama concentrated on the other side couples' stories more. I thought they could have brought in the other couples earlier and maybe I would have been more satisfied with all those couples' stories at the end.
There were some unanswered questions at the end of drama and I felt that some of the episodes at the end seemed a little rushed so everything could be fit in.
More Story for Side Characters/Couples - I liked all the couples in this drama but I will admit I loved the side couples more by the end of this drama. I think that is a big reason why I wanted better pacing in this drama. I also wanted more story and information about all the side couples. There were some side couples that we never learned a lot about at all even though they were portrayed as a couple throughout the drama. Now, this might be because the drama wants to do a second season so, they don't want to reveal everything or have content for the second season. I am fine with this decision but right now because there is no confirmation that we are getting a second season, I just wanted more with the side characters/couples by the end of the drama. I wasn't totally satisfied with all the endings given to the characters by the end of the drama. I think it just depends you end up rotting for by the end of this drama because there are so many characters and relationships to root for.
Trigger Warning - If you want to watch this drama and haven't started it yet, I will say do your research. There are a lot of various trigger warnings in this drama. You might have to do some research before you dive in to see if these trigger warnings will bother you or not. For me, this was not an issue but I know not everyone is like me and do have trigger warnings. So, I am just putting that out there.
Rating: 7.5/10 (Streaming on iQIYI now)

Have you seen KinnPorsche? What did you think of this drama? Is it on your list to watch? Will you watch this drama now after reading my review?
Who were your favorite character or couple?