September is over which means IT IS NOW OCTOBER! BRING ON ALL DRAMAS AND MOVIES THAT ARE SCARY AND CREEPY!! First, we have to talk about September though. What did I end up watching and completing in the month of September? CLEARLY FROM THE PICTURE YOU KNOW ONE DRAMA! I am sure everyone in the world knows about this drama as this point 😂. I still tried to watch a variety of dramas, from all the countries like I always do.

Did anyone else feel like September was all over the place for them when it came to the dramas they were watching? Maybe I was trying to save all my crime or scary dramas for October. Maybe I just tried to keep up with variety and I just happened to be watching a modge podge of genres and countries in September.
Squid Game (Kdrama)(NETFLIX): SQUID GAME DESERVES ALL THE HYPE THAT IT IS GETTING! It has a talented cast who gets to show off their FANTASTIC acting in this drama. I loved the concept and the genre but this is also a REALLY ME drama. I was going to enjoy it no matter what. I think it had some unique twists to the genre when compared to other survival dramas such as the games being based off of Korean childhood games. I did end up guessing correctly a lot of the major plot developments and I did not like how some character's plot lines ended but that won't stop me from recommending this drama to EVERYONE! Just FYI - if you have already seen SQUID GAMES and enjoyed it, I CAN'T RECOMMEND ALICE IN BORDERLAND ENOUGH TO YOU! It is a FANTASTIC Japanese drama that I am sure you will enjoy.
Here is my post about the actors of Squid Game.
Here is my review of Alice in Borderland if anyone is curious about the drama.
One and Only (Cdrama)(iQIYI): This was one of the best Chinese dramas I watched this year. I might be VERY bias because I am a huge fan of Allen Ren though. The costumes were beautiful. The lead couple had GREAT chemistry and I loved the found family vibes we got from the drama. The fight choreo and cinematography was some of my favorite parts. YOU WILL CRY YOUR EYES OUT WITH THIS DRAMA but it is SO WORTH IT! Here is my more in-depth review of this drama is you are curious.
Ghost Lab (Thai Movie) (NETFLIX): The trailer for this movie was VERY MISLEADING! I thought this movie was going to be a comedy. While it did have some funny parts, OVERALL, not a comedy. It was more of a psychological thriller. PERFECT MOVIE FOR OCTOBER! The acting was PHENOMENAL! It was surprisingly emotional at times. This movie will definitely make you think. TRIGGER WARNING: there is attempted rape. Here is my review of the movie.
Pegasus (CMovie) (NETFLIX): This was another movie that I clicked play, knowing NOTHING about the movie. I MEAN NOTHING! I was pleasantly surprised. It was HILARIOUS at times and heartwarming at other times. It was about car racing so it had some nice action scenes. The cinematography during the races was PHENOMENAL! It had an unexpected ending.
Miss Montecristo (Korean Daily Drama)(VIKI): I am so glad that I started watching daily dramas because they are always entertaining. My favorite genre of these has to be the revenge one. With Miss Montecristo, I wanted a good revenge story because I love the story/novel that this drama is based off of. It did fall a little flat for me. The revenge was very drawn out, I'm sure because of the number of episodes this drama covered. The acting was good and there were definitely characters that you wanted to see get what was coming to them by the end. I disliked but also understood the ending.
Check Out the Event (Kdrama)(VIKI): Normally this drama would not be the type of drama I would watch. I checked this drama out because I love the male lead Kwon Hwa Woon and it was only 4 episodes. It could have been better. It was still a cute romance but the issues I had with it might have been because I usually don't watch pure romance dramas.
The Road: The Tragedy of One (Kdrama)(VIKI): I wanted to like this drama a lot more than I did. It had good bones but a muddled execution. It still had some nice twists but the story got lost and slow in the middle. I wanted it to go in a direction that it did not go. The acting was GREAT but that is not a surprise with who was in this cast. The OSTS are FANTASTIC!

October is a HUGE MONTH FOR ME! I am looking forward to SO MANY DRAMAS! I am not joking; I will not have a life if I attempt to watch all the dramas I want to watch. This is why I wish drama watching could be my full-time job. I would be a PRO AT IT! I am not doing the usual route of October by watching all the scary dramas BUT I AM WATCHING A LOT OF CRIME DRAMAS! I already know a lot of the dramas I am looking forward to will be on streaming sites. BASICALLY, I AM SAYING I AM IN TROUBLE! 😂

Irresistible (Thai Drama)(POSSIBLY Youtube): [STARTS OCTOBER 4TH, 2021]
Well now that I watched my first lakorn, I NOW KEEP MY EYE OUT FOR NEW ONES! Irresistible caught my eye for a few reasons. I love the female lead Aom who I just watched in Bangkok Breaking. So, if I see her in any drama, it will now go on my list. Second, this sounds like a revenge drama. We all know that revenge dramas are some of my favorites.

Danger Zone Season 2 (Tdrama)(iQIYI): [STARTS OCTOBER 8TH, 2021]
I need to finish Season 1 which I only have 4 more episodes BUT SEASON 2 STARTS RIGHT AWAY!! I am so glad it does because I sure that means season 1 ends on a cliffhanger 😂. I have been enjoying Season 1 of this drama so I am looking forward for more. The acting has been JUST SO GOOD! The crimes and mystery are engaging AND I NEED ANSWERS!

The King's Affection (Kdrama)(NETFLIX): [STARTS OCTOBER 11TH, 2021]
2021 is gearing up to be the year where Caitlin watches the most historical Kdramas she ever has in her life. The King's Affection I think will be the 3rd one I will start this year and I know there is at least 2 more historical Kdramas in November that I plan to watch too. I know 5 doesn't sound like a lot BUT IT IS A LOT FOR ME! I am excited to see Rowoon in a historical drama. We all know how good of an actress Park Eun Bin is so I don't need to say anything more than that.

Reflection of You (Kdrama)(NETFLIX): [STARTS OCTOBER 13TH, 2021]
As I said above, you have betrayal and revenge in a drama AND I AM THERE! I don't know much more about this drama BUT I am definitely curious. It SCREAMS makjang to me which is MY JAM! So, I am definitely clicking play on this one and checking it out. I don't know the 2 female leads but I love a lot of the support cast so I want to support those actors in this drama.

My Name (Kdrama)(NETFLIX): [STARTS OCTOBER 15TH, 2021]
EVERYONE IS EXCITED FOR THIS DRAMA, ME INCLUDED! You got a bad-ass female character. You got revenge. You got action. This drama is RIGHT UP MY ALLEY! I am all here for action/revenge/fighting. I am ready to see some bad guys get their butts handed to them. All the episodes come out that day so MINI WEEKEND BINGE FOR SURE!

Rainless Love in a Godless Land (Tdrama)(iQIYI): [STARTS OCTOBER 17TH, 2021]
FIRST OF ALL, I need to watch more Taiwanese dramas. I have watched some and have LOVED MOST OF THEM! I don't understand why I don't seek out more of them. ANYWAYS, this tdrama caught my eye and has been on my list since I watched the first teaser. It has a sense of magic and I love magic in dramas. I also LOVE the female lead Joanne Tseng.

My Sweet Dear (Kdrama)(VIKI): [STARTS OCTOBER 21ST, 2021]
WE GOT A NEW BL KDRAMA COMING THIS MONTH!! It also stars Jang Eui Soo so that is also a plus. WE ALSO HAVE ANOTHER BL DRAMA THAT TAKES PLACE IN A RESTAURANT! I want to see all the food porn in this one. Jang Eui Soo has chemistry with anyone who he acts with on screen. I am also excited to see Lee Chan Hyung on my screen again.

Jirisan (Kdrama)(iQIYI/VIKI): [STARTS OCTOBER 23RD, 2021]
Jirisan is another drama that I have had my eye on it FOR A LONG TIME! It looks like it will have a unique story. I mean we haven't seen park rangers in a drama before. We also are getting the POWERHOUSES of Jun Ji Hyun and Joo Ji Hoon in it SO, OF COURSE, I AM EVEN MORE EXCITED FOR IT! This drama also looks like it has a HIGH budget. The drama also adds in mystery, action and thriller. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS DRAMA!!

Crime Puzzle (Kdrama): [STARTS OCTOBER 29TH, 2021]
CRIME DRAMAS ARE MY MIDDLE NAME! Plus, it is October SO I HAVE TO WATCH ALL THE CRIME DRAMAS! Crime Puzzle supposedly is about a crime profiler and a murderer. It follows their interviews in prison. I LOVE THE USA SHOW CRIMINAL MINDS! This drama is RIGHT UP MY ALLEY FOR SURE! The cast has a lot of talent in it as well. Hopefully I get access to this drama on a streaming site I use.

Chimera (Kdrama)(VIKI): [STARTS OCTOBER 30TH, 2021]
OCN dramas will always be a favorite for me. Chimera was filmed a couple of years ago apparently and is now just airing. Does that stop me watching it? NO! Again, this is a crime drama with a cast that looks AMAZING! I AM TOTALLY WATCHING THIS DRAMA! Seriously, if you ever need crime drama recommendations - FIND ME!

Inspector Koo (Kdrama)(POSSIBLY NETFLIX): [STARTS OCTOBER 30TH, 2021]
Another crime drama - SIGN ME UP! I hope I get access to this drama somewhere. I need a comedic detective drama in my life. This gives me Queen of Mystery vibes WHICH I LOVE! So, I hope it is in that same lane. I also like a lot of the cast in this drama. I NEED SOME LEE HONG NAE IN MY LIFE!
It seems like EVERYONE is having a comeback or debuting this month so I am just excited for EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. 😂
Did you complete any dramas in September? What did you like that you completed? What are you looking forward to in October for dramas? What about KPOP - anything you are excited for or are you like me and EXCITED for EVERYTHING!?