Maybe you are wanting some romance dramas now that the weather is cooling down. A drama to snuggle up on the couch with. Since people seem to be liking the blog posts where I make lists of various themes and topics, I figured I would do another one. Now, if you know anything about me from this blog or social media, you know I don't watch a lot of romance dramas. If I do watch a romance drama, a lot of the time it is a mix of different genres like crime and is usually not just a straight up romance drama. so, just a warning, you might not agree with the list below because it might seem like I am reaching on some of these.
If you are interested in romance dramas, you can visit the blog post of Romance Japanese dramas I recently posted. You can read it here.
I tried to give variety with this list. I chose dramas from various countries but also various genres or types of romances. Maybe you will find something on this list to watch. This is also not ALL of the romance dramas I love. There are many others but I can't put them all on this blogpost. Maybe I will do a part 2 at some point. This blog post is also in NO PARTICULAR ORDER!

This was one of my favorite romance Kdramas to air in 2020 and still one of my favorite romance Kdramas ever. It has a lot to love. The cinematography is beautiful. The leads have great chemistry. They just seem like a natural fit and their romance is an easy one to watch because they seem so comfortable with each other. The 2 actors are also just great at acting. Yes, this drama has other genres mixed into it like crime but the lead couple really stands out and is a highlight for this drama. This drama made me smile every week when I watched it. I looked forward to it every week and I wish more people checked it out. The OSTS are great as well. It is a nice healing drama to watch.

Any time I can talk about this Chinese drama series, I WILL! This drama was my introduction to Chinese dramas and I don't regret it one bit. I binged this drama SO HARD when I clicked play on it. I think I watched all 3 seasons in like a week. I loved everything about it. It is a bunch of different genres together. It is quite wacky and far-fetched at times. The lead couple is a big reason I love this drama. Their chemistry is fun and quite touching at times. It is a crazy and fun ride. It is a little cheesy but, in my opinion, a fun watch.

Like everyone else who watched this drama when it aired, I was obsessed with this drama. It was WAY TO SHORT and went by WAY TO FAST! I even have bought the manga and read all the volumes that are out currently. If you are a fan of BL dramas and have been living under a rock and haven't watched this drama, FIND IT AND WATCH IT NOW! You got a healthy relationship. It is just a cute and heartwarming romance drama. It is quite funny too.

Another BL drama that you should check out if you are into BL dramas. I am sure most of you have watched this one already though. The leads have great chemistry. I loved how polar opposites the leads were together but they still complimented each other. It has solid acting. It is an easy watch and I am sure you will enjoy it.

I have written about this drama a few times on this blog. If you have read my post about Reincarnated dramas (which you can read here), or my drama review for this drama (which you can read here), you will know why I love this drama. This was my first lakorn drama I had ever watched. I am SO GLAD it was my first one. The lead couple has AMAZING CHEMISTRY and is quite sexy at times. I loved the reincarnation theme but I am a sucker for that sort of thing. With Lakorns, you have moments where the plot gets crazy and this drama definitely has that with murder and mystery mixed into the romance. The acting is also very good with this drama. This drama was just addictive for me.

Another Kdrama that has become one of my favorite romance dramas of all time. I was very surprised by this one because it should not have worked for me. It has some fantasy and crime mixed into it but overall, it is a romance drama. It has some great comedic moments as well. It made me smile. The chemistry between the two leads WAS GREAT! If you like rom-coms, you will love this drama.

Now this drama is for people who like makjangs. This drama is for the people who like crazy dramas with lots of drama. If that is not for you, don't watch this drama. It can be triggering at times because there is domestic abuse in the drama. This drama is OVER THE TOP MADNESS and that is why I had so much fun watching it. It was so dramatic. It was also fun to watch this drama when it aired because everyone was losing their minds about it on social media when it aired. 😂 The acting in this drama IS SO GOOD! This was an addictive watch for me but I know it is not everyone's cup of tea.

Another drama that caught me by surprise. I should not have liked or even stuck with this drama. Instead, I fell in love and it is one of my favorite romance dramas now. IT HAS BEAUTIFUL CINEMATOGRAPHY! The 3 leads have AMAZING chemistry between each other. I remember having a hard time choosing who I wanted to be the end couple with this drama. The acting was great and I felt so many different emotions while watching this drama. I got very invested in this drama and needed to see how it ended.

I think this was my first Taiwanese drama I ever watched. I AM SO GLAD IT WAS because It still is one of my favorites to watch. It is older so; it is a little cheesy but I still love it. It might seem a little over the top or dramatic too because it is older but again, I still love it. I think I have rewatched it at least twice and I rarely do that with dramas. The leads have great chemistry and their love story is so heartwarming. I am also a sucker for the employer/employee romance trope and THIS HAD THAT IN SPADES!

This is a juicy over the top romance drama. If you are into cheating and/or looking for spicy and mature romance drama, check this out. I had a lot of fun watching this drama. It was another drama that I was addicted to while watching it. The chemistry is OFF THE CHARTS with this one. I can't recommend this drama enough to people.
Making this list was a lot of fun for me. Now, I want to rewatch like 4 of these dramas to experience everything I loved about them again. There are many romance dramas that I did not include on this list that I loved.
Did some of your favorite romance dramas make the list?
What are some of your favorites that are not on the list that I should check out?
What on the list have you seen?
What on the list have you not seen but are now going to check out?