One of the things I plan to do in 2023 is get my On-Hold list down to 0. I know I did a clean out of it a while ago but mostly that was just to put dramas in my dropped list that I knew I was never going to go back too. I kept some dramas on my On-Hold list telling myself that I was going to go back to them and either drop or finish them. I still have not done this and I know it has been at least another year.
So, thanks to the Tea and Soju Podcast, I am making that a reality in 2023. This podcast has started an On-Hold challenge for 2023 and I am taking part in it. So, I went through my On-Hold list on MDL and I had 11 dramas on there that I need to either drop or complete. They are listed in the picture below. What I am going to do is periodically through 2023, I am going to check in on this list and see how I am doing. If I complete some of the dramas on my list, I will write some mini reviews on the drama. If I drop the drama, then I will write why I dropped it. I am excited to have an empty on-hold list by the end of 2023. I have made a conscious effort to not use my On-Hold list very often and just drop the drama recently so, these dramas have been on my On-Hold list for like YEARS and I just need to complete them or drop them already.

Have any of your guys seen these dramas? Did you drop them or complete them? What do you guys think of this list? I wonder if I will be successful or not. I am horrible at keeping up with challenges which is why I am doing this with people but also writing a blog post about it. TO KEEP MYSELF ACCOUNTABLE!
SHOUT OUT TO TEA & SOJU PODCAST! If you are a drama watcher - especially Chinese dramas, you should check out this podcast. I love listening to the episodes and it has great reviews. I am interested to see how we both do in this challenge.
If you want to follow me on MyDramalist (MDL) to keep track on how I am doing on this challenge or just what I am watching in general - you can find my profile here. Maybe I should do a blogpost on MDL in general and all you can do there.