I can't believe November is coming to an end. WHERE DID THIS MONTH GO!? How do we only have 1 more month in 2020? (THANK GOD) As I said when I introduced this series, this post will talk about the dramas/movies I completed in November and then also point out the dramas/movies/music that I am looking forward to in December.

I didn't do too well with completing dramas this month. I am very behind on most of the dramas I am watching due to things that came up in my life. So, I am playing catch-up. As I said, I must have watched the last episode of the drama in November either it is an airing drama or was a completed drama that I was just watching. I did manage to finish 5 dramas this month though so that is still progress.
-Maiden Holmes (CHINESE): I liked this drama a lot! The chemistry between the 2 leads were great. The story was tight and well written. It didn't seem to wander off somewhere that didn't make sense. I won't say it didn't have its faults. It did bring in some tropes that I don't think the drama needed but it was a well written and balanced drama so I can overlook the faults. If you are looking for a sweet, light romance Cdrama - CHECK THIS ONE OUT!
-Search (KOREAN - AIRING): I know this drama has mixed reviews from everyone who watched it. I quite enjoyed this drama. I found it to be unique in the kdrama landscape. OCN is one of my favorite networks so I am a little bias. The CGI did not meet expectations. The plot did have some plot holes and the drama ended with some unanswered questions. The concept for the drama was ambitious, refreshing and action-packed so there is still a lot to love about this drama for me.
-Craving You (TAIWANESE - AIRING): This was a short and sweet BL Taiwanese drama. It didn't have much angst which was great. It was one of those dramas that I wish the episodes were longer and the drama was longer because there were plot points I wanted to be more fleshed out. This wouldn't have happened if there was more time within the episodes and drama. I thought the couples had good chemistry and I did connect with the main couple even though it was a shorter drama.
-My Dangerous Wife (KOREAN - AIRING): The drama was a CRAZY AND WILD RIDE! It does not surprise me that it was a remake of a Japanese drama. I think if it was 12 episodes versus 16 episodes, the pacing of the drama would have been better. It seems a little repetitive and dragged in the middle. Usually Japanese dramas are shorter in episode count and even length of episode so maybe the production tried to lengthen the Jdrama version's plot to fit into 16 episodes (the standard episode count of Korean dramas). That being said, this Kdrama had a very satisfying ending and had a few twists in the plot that I did not predict which I always appreciate.
-My Gear and Your Gown (THAI - AIRING): This was not my favorite. I wish the pacing was different in this drama because It felt like we had to wait for the very end for the couples to get together. I loved when the couples finally did become couples BUT I wish we had more time with them as couples. There was just a lot of back and forth with obstacles stopping people getting together and creating drama. The actors had great chemistry together. I did like that this drama explored important issues such as STDs and safe sex because I am always a fan of dramas using their platforms to talk about important topics and advocacy.

There is a fair amount of dramas coming in December that I want to watch. It will be a crazy month of catching up/completing dramas and starting the new ones. It will be a crazy month wrapping up the year that has been 2020. I plan to watch all these dramas IF THEY COME TO A LEGAL SITE AND I HAVE ACCESS TO THEM.

-Cheat on Me, If You Can (KOREAN)(VIKI/KOCOWA): This seems like it will be a fun drama. A mix of comedy and murder and hopefully some steamy romance. I love both of the lead actors in this so I am excited to see them in a drama as a couple. Honestly, you just have to add murder/crime to a drama and I will probably watch it.

-WISH YOU: Your Melody in My Heart (KOREAN)(VIKI): I have to support all of my LGBTQ+ content so I am OF COURSE watching this drama. I am excited for a cute, sweet drama, especially since a lot of the dramas I am watching currently or will be watching will NOT BE cute and sweet HAHA!

-Detention (TAIWANESE)(NETFLIX): Someone pointed this one out to me on Twitter and said CAITLIN, THIS ONE IS JUST FOR YOU! They were not wrong so I am watching this one when it airs on Netflix this month. I might be watching it from under a blanket with all the lights on BUT I WILL BE WATCHING IT!

-True Beauty (KOREAN)(VIKI): I am a little iffy with the plot when it comes to this one. I LOVE THE CAST so I am going to check this one out. I don't know if I will stick with this one until the very end BUT HEY IT MIGHT SURPRISE ME! This is a drama that I don't usually watch so it is a little of a risk for me to watch this one because it might be dropped. I am going to give it a chance though.

-Alice in Borderland (JAPANESE)(NETFLIX): I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS DRAMA! I am glad that I get all the episodes at once so I can do a mini binge. THE PLOT LOOKS COOL! I LOVE THE CAST! I am just so excited for the crazy ride that this drama is going to be!

-Mr. Queen (KOREAN)(VIKI): I have had my eye on this drama for quite some time. I haven't watched many historical Kdramas this year and this is a historical but also fantasy so this one was added to this list. I am a HUGE fan of Kim Jung Hyun so I am excited to have him back in a drama. The cast, in general, looks good for this one.

-Sweet Home (KOREAN)(NETFLIX): Netflix is giving all of the episodes to us for this one as well when it premieres in December so this will be another mini binge for me. I have been waiting for this drama since June so I am glad we are getting it before the end of the year. It is scarier looking than I assumed it will be. I can do scary in December though so I am looking forward to this one.

-Secret Royal Agent (KOREAN): As I said earlier, all you have to do is add crime to a drama AND I AM IMMEDIATELY WATCHING IT! Also helps that Lee Tae Hwan is in this drama BECAUSE I AM A HUGE FAN! This drama just seems like a funny combo of a cast and a great premise for a drama so I am definitely checking it out!
Did you complete any dramas in November? What did you like that you completed? What are you looking forward to in December for dramas? What about KPOP - anything you are excited for?