Even though I am trying to keep my watchlist short, I seem to be adding dramas to it anyway. Maybe it is a response to stress or something...I don't know. I just seem to be watching the first episode of dramas, adding them to my watchlist and then not watching more episodes right away. 😂 Am I the only one who does this? So, even if I said recently that I want to continue to keep "MY WATCHLIST" short until 2023 because a lot of change is coming, HERE I AM ADDING DRAMAS TO MY WATCHLIST!
Anyways - Here is what I am currently watching in SEPTEMBER 2022!
Remember if I put *ADDICTED* next to any drama, that means I AM LOVING THE DRAMA!

Good Job - I am enjoying this drama. It has great chemistry with the leads. Sometimes the comedy doesn't work for me but other times it does. I am curious to see how it ends and how the mystery will be resolved. I really want more romance in this drama because the chemistry is just SO GOOD! I also can't believe this drama is only 12 episodes but I think that is a good thing too.
Let Me Introduce Her - I am enjoying this but I want some of the secrets to be revealed already. I know there are multiple people in this drama that I hope get what they deserve at the end of this drama. The husband creeps me out in this drama because I am getting signs that he is a bad guy but the drama hasn't given me the reason why he is a bad guy yet. I also just want out main leads to be happy and together by the end of this drama. I will say again, it is not as makjang as I wanted it to be.
Once Again - This one surprised me. It had a very unexpected start. I am curious to watch more and see how it unfolds. I have only watched the first 2 episodes so, there is not much to go on yet. I like the leads' chemistry for the scenes they were on screen together. It was very few scenes so there is not much to gauge the chemistry on yet. I am excited to see their relationship progress though. I am also curious how the time travel element will play out. PLEASE DON'T GIVE US A TRAGIC ENDING!!

Young Actors Retreat - THIS SHOW HAS ME LAUGHING EVERY WEEK! I want more variety shows that give us a bunch of actors together. This show is a lot of fun to watch. I do want more scenes of the cast just hanging out together. Looking at previews, it looks like we will get more of that during the second half of the show. Who else is watching this show? Am I the only one?

Thousand Years for You - I have only watched the first 2 episodes of this cdrama because it just started. We all can guess why I started this drama when I really should wait for it to be done airing (*cough* Allen Ren *cough*) I enjoyed the first couple of episodes. It has more comedy that I would like but I know we will get more serious further in the drama. I love the chemistry between the two leads so far. I LOVE THE COSTUMES AND SETTING! I LOVE THE MIX OF MAGIC AND THE REPUBLICAN ERA! I am excited to watch more of this drama.
The Longest Day in Chang'an - I FINALLY AM WATCHING THIS DRAMA! I don't know how long this drama has been on my plan-to-watch list. I don't know how long people have been screaming at me to watch this drama. I love it so far. IT IS A BEAUTIFUL DRAMA! The cinematography, set and costumes are all gorgeous. It is complicated and has lots of characters so I have to pay close attention to it. VERY CLOSE ATTENTION! I am curious to see how it will progress. THE ACTION SCENES IN THIS DRAMA ARE *chef's kiss*!

Takara - Kun to Amagi - Kun - I am still liking this Jdrama but compared to other BL jdramas we have gotten this year; this one is just okay for me. I still think the acting is good. I still like the chemistry of the leads and I like the two of them together. Something just seems off for me and I can't tell what. I am curious to see more of the two leads' backgrounds and past which we got a glimpse of that in the last episode. I want more depth to the story and characters.

Meet Me @ 1006 - I watched half of this drama when it was on Dramafever so, when Dramafever went away (RIP DRAMAFEVER) I never finished this drama. I noticed a while ago that it is now on the iQIYI app SO, OF COURSE, I STARTED IT! I am re-watching the episodes I have already watched because I sort of forgot what happened. I have only watched the first couple of episodes and I still am liking it a lot. Just when I was watching it the first time around.

Jujutsu Kaisen - I am still watching Jujutsu Kaisen. I am still liking it a lot. I am curious to see how the story progresses and what happens to the characters during the second half of this anime. I wonder if the second season will come out by the time, I finish season 1 and I will just watch Season 2 right away.

House of the Dragon - I used to watch Game of Thrones with my dad and then had to stop due to life. I never finished Game of Thrones because I didn't have access to the last few seasons when they aired. Since I was spoiled on everything in that time, I never went back and finished the show. Now, my dad keeps asking if I am watching House of the Dragon because I am sure he is looking for someone to talk to about it. SO, I thought why not and I started this new show and season. I am liking it so far! I love a lot of the actors/actresses in the show. I am curious to see what happens once some of the characters grow older. I am loving the dynamics of the families. It was a highlight for Game of Thrones for me as well. Of course, I love the dragons because who doesn't. I AM EXCITED TO WATCH MORE!
I am just not going to say I am not going to start dramas anymore for the rest of the year. I know I am lying when I say that. 😂 I will just know that going into 2023 I will have a lot of dramas that I will need to finish once I move and get settled. I will just not be starting a ton of dramas in 2023 until I finish the ones I bring over from 2022. Basically, what I did this year. We will see what happens. I am sure this list is only just going to get bigger and bigger against my better judgement.