Another month, ANOTHER MY WATCHLIST POST! I can't believe that we only have about 3 and 1/2 months left of 2021. WHY DOES THIS YEAR SEEM TO BE GOING BY SO FAST and yet SO SLOW at the same time? As always with every month, I finished some dramas and added some new dramas. SO, WHAT DOES MY LIST LOOK LIKE NOW?
Remember if I put *ADDICTED* next to any drama, that means I AM LOVING THE DRAMA!

Lovers of the Red Sky - THIS DRAMA IS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! I was not expecting such good CGI in this drama and it has BLOWN ME AWAY! I am a sucker for fantasy and I am so intrigued by the folk lore in this drama. I am definitely expecting it to get sad at some point because what historical ISN'T! I think the cast is doing a great job and I look for to episodes of this drama EVERY WEEK!
Second Husband - I finished 1 daily revenge drama OF COURSE I HAD TO START A NEW ONE! I already have a couple of characters who deserve SO MUCH KARMA by the end of this drama. I have not even gotten to the revenge part of this drama but I can feel it coming FOR SURE! I like that I can watch just one episode of this drama a day and slowly work on finishing it.
Girls Planet 999 - I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THIS SHOW IS ALMOST OVER! We only have 4 episodes left. It feels like it premiered YESTERDAY! It is getting harder and harder to vote for people as the number of girls get smaller and smaller BUT I AM INVESTED! I am going to be SO INVOLVED in this final group's activities 😂

Stealth Walker - I have only watched the first 3 episodes of this drama and I can't wait to watch more. I am curious how it will all turn out. I like that it is on the shorter side. The story is intense and it moves fast. I love the female lead cop in this drama. I don't know much about the male lead yet so I like him so far but I want to know more about him.
Word of Honor - OF COURSE I AM LIKING THIS DRAMA! I need to finish it already though. I am always scared that it is going to disappear before I can finish it. I need to give it priority so I can finish it. I am curious how the story will unfold the further I get. I am also VERY SURPRISED that I have not gotten spoiled on the entire drama since I am watching it so late. 😂

Danger Zone Season 1 (*ADDICTED*) - THE MINUTE I SAW THAT VIC CHOU WAS JOINING THIS DRAMA, I KNEW I WAS GOING TO WATCH IT! I mean after The Victim's Game, I will watch ANY TAIWANESE CRIME DRAMA! Danger Zone sure has not disappointed so far. I am LOVING what I have watched so far. I am curious how these relationships will work out and what we will learn about the crimes they are trying to solve. OF COURSE, THE ACTING IS AMAZING! I never doubted that.
Someday or One Day - This is another drama that I need to stop fooling around and finish. I have put it on the back burner a bit because the first 2 episodes confused me A LOT! Other dramas have just grabbed my attention more at the moment. I know if I just continue, I'll get sucked in. I just need to do that.

7 Project - I like that with every episode, we get a story. I like that we get a different relationship every episode. It is refreshing. I would be lying if I said I didn't click on this drama to watch a certain couple but I LOVE that we are getting ALL KINDS of couples in this. I am just having a fun time watching this drama.
Bite Me - This is another drama that I am just having fun with. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE FOOD WHEN YOU WATCH THIS! THE FOOD PORN IS INTENSE! I do with that the relationships between both of the couples (well at the 2 couples that I think will be forming) will be a little faster. It seems like they are both REALLY SLOW! I am not saying there needs to be anything physical or whatever but SOME COMMUNICATION would be nice!
Are you watching any of the same dramas that I am watching? Do you have the same feelings that I do about those dramas? Any dramas I should check out? We will have to see what I finish and what new dramas I pick up in October.