ONE MORE MONTH UNTIL 2022! That means 1 more "MY WATCHLIST" post until 2022. Are you ready? I am not....I have finished some dramas that were on my watchlist and started quite a few new ones as well.
Remember if I put *ADDICTED* next to any drama, that means I AM LOVING THE DRAMA!

Chimera - OCN CRIME DRAMAS ARE BACK!! I have missed a good OCN drama and so far, Chimera is delivering. I am actively invested and curious what will happen next which is good for me. I need to be invested in a crime drama to like it. I like that it has some classic OCN tropes that you only find in OCN dramas. I hope this means that we will get more in the future but I highly doubt it because this one was filmed back in 2017.
Happiness (*ADDICTED*) - I will admit I was not into this drama after the first episode. I mean I enjoyed it and the first episode was entertaining but I don't know. The first episode ended and I needed something more. I don't know what that was but I felt like it was missing something for me. AFTER THE SECOND EPISODE THAT ALL CHANGED! I am SO IN after episode 2. I still need to see more monsters and zombies but I am totally looking forward to episode 3.
Inspector Koo (*ADDICTED*) - I actually didn't know if I was going to like this drama. I am weird when it comes to comedy so I was worried the comedy wouldn't work for me. I WAS SO WRONG! I love the darkness of this drama that is played well against the tiny comedy moments. I love the cast. I think they are doing a wonderful job. I can't wait to watch more episodes.
Jirisan - I know this drama isn't working for everyone but it is working for me. I like that it is ambitious and I like that the subject matter is different. I know the production didn't meet everyone's expectations. I will agree it isn't flawless. I guess because I didn't go in with any expectations, I can just enjoy what I am watching. I am invested in wanting to figure out the mystery and get an answer to all the questions. I love that there is a supernatural element to it which I was not expecting.
Second Husband - Daily drama still going strong. I have finally gotten to the catalyst that starts the revenge so I am here for it. I am expecting a time jump very soon. I already want multiple characters to get what they deserve but I am only on episode 30 so it will be a while FOR SURE!
Secret Royal Inspector & Joy - I am quite enjoying this. As I have always said, I am always worried about comedy because of my sense of humor but in this drama, I like it. The leads are very good with comedy. I can foresee some serious things happening in the future and I am okay with that.
The Red Sleeve - I WAS NOT EXPECTING COMEDY IN THIS DRAMA! It sort of threw me off at first but then I got used to it. I love the cast and I am very curious about future episodes so I am going to keep watching. I am worried about how sad it will get because I don't like to cry.
Now We Are Breaking Up - I LOVED THE FIRST 2 EPISODES! I may be a little bias but I am admitting that now. The leads had great chemistry and I am interested to see how their relationship plays out in the future. The drama DEFINITELY set up some good drama coming our way so I am excited to watch more.

Stealth Walker - This one has gone on the back burner a but because I cleaning out my watchlist with other dramas. I will soon get back to it because it is short and sweet. The episodes I did watch, I did enjoy quite a bit. I mean it is a crime drama so it is my thing.

Danger Zone Season 2 - I LOVED SEASON 1 as you can tell from review here. I am enjoying Season 2 as well. I am not sure if I love it as much as season 1 but I am only on episode 4 so that might change. Right now, the story has not led to some of the things that I loved from season 1 such as the bromance. We will have to see. I am still very much intrigued by the mysteries and getting answers to the questions. The cast is AMAZING and the acting is on point just like season 1.
Rainless Love in a Godless Land - I have only watched 1 episode of this but I am enjoying it. I like the magical elements and I am intrigued that it seems to try and have a climate change/lets clean up the world message. I have never seen that in a drama before. The cast is a good cast so I am not worried about the acting or anything. I just need to watch more to get more invested in the story but I am liking it so far.
Are you watching any of the same dramas that I am watching? Do you have the same feelings that I do about those dramas? Any dramas I should check out? We will have to see what I finish and what new dramas I pick up in October.