I think I have a lot more variety on my current watchlist right now. Surprisingly, I am not watching a TON of Korean dramas which NEVER happens. I did drop a couple of dramas that I was watching which I think is why I am not watching as many on-air dramas than I usually do. Dropping dramas that I was not enjoying allows spots to open up for me to fill with new dramas that I want to try out. I HIGHLY recommend dropping dramas you are not enjoying and not slogging through them just to finish them. I will say, I started a bunch of new dramas so, I am not far in many of the dramas I am currently watching.
Remember if I put ADDICTED next to any drama, that means I AM LOVING THE DRAMA!

The Midnight Studio (*ADDICTED) - I should have known I would be crying through this entire drama. I mean we saw the entire cast crying their eyes out in the script reading video. Crying is what I have been doing with this drama. I have watched the first 2 episodes and sobbed through the entire 2 dramas. I said before I started this drama that it gave my Mystic Pop Up Bar vibes and it definitely has that vibe. I loved that drama so; I am okay with that. I am very curious how the relationships will develop in this drama. I am excited to watch it and I hope a lot of people are watching this one. The first 2 episodes were very good.
Bad Thief, Good Thief - I have made some progress with this drama. I watched a few more episodes and I am still slowly watching this one. The story is still when the main characters are all children. I am looking forward to getting to the part when the main characters are adults. It definitely is building a story that will be fun to watch play out in the future.

Detective Chinatown Season 1 (rewatch) - I am rewatching this drama because Season 2 recently came out. I watched Season 1 when it came out in 2020 so, I don't remember a ton of it. I do remember that there are cases that I loved better than others. This drama is split into mini dramas. Every 4 or 5 episodes is a new case with new characters. At least that is what I remember from when I first watched this. I am curious to see if Season 2 has the same set up. I do remember that I thought it was one big promotion for the movie franchise. I am actually surprised this drama got a 2nd season. This is an easy watch because it is a short drama with only 12 episodes.
Provoke - I randomly clicked play on this one. I think I clicked play on this because it is a short drama where the episodes are only 15 minutes long. It is one of those dramas where you watch for pure entertainment because the story can get ridiculous. We all know I am a drama watcher who likes crazy plots and characters. These short web dramas are MADE FOR ME! I have only watched 1 episode so I am not that far into this one.
The Long Night - I have heard a lot of good things about this crime drama. I am trying to not have very high expectations but it is hard with the things that I have heard about this drama. I have only watched the first episode and I already was surprised by something in the drama. I am watching this for two reasons. One reason is I should have watched this years ago when it first came out. I am embarrassed that it already took this long for me to click play on it. The second reason is Korea is making a kdrama version of this drama. I want to watch the original Chinese drama before I watch the Kdrama remake.

The Full-Time Wife Escapist - I have been wanting to watch this drama for a LONG TIME! After I dropped a couple of dramas and started Eye Love You, I just wanted to watch more Japanese dramas. So, I just clicked play on multiple Japanese dramas and watched the first episode to check it out. This jdrama was one of the jdramas I watched the first episode. The first episode is ADORABLE! I am excited to watch more and watch the main couples' relationship progress. I am a sucker for contract marriages so, this drama is already winning me over. I love the bubbly personality that the female lead has and how quiet and reserved the male lead is. I think they will complement each other. Fun fact - the leads are married in real life.
Eye Love You (*ADDICTED) - I have been waiting to watch this drama since it was announced in January. It finally came to USA NETFLIX in March. I have watched 3 episodes. I want to watch all 5 episodes that are available right now but I am being patient and waiting for the rest of the episodes to come out so, I can binge it. There is a lot to love about this drama. The leads have great chemistry. I love the uniqueness of this drama. I love that the idea that the female lead can hear peoples' thoughts. I love the intentional idea that the production did not subtitle Chae Jong Hyeop's thoughts because they are in Korean and the female lead does not understand Korean. I love that they have a connection through food. I love how animated the female lead becomes around food. This drama is just adorable and I could go on and on about this drama.
Kissing the Ring Finger - This is another Japanese drama that I clicked play on because I was in the mood for Jdramas. As I said earlier, I am a sucker for contract marriages. I love that this female lead is sort of rude and speaks her mind. It is refreshing because a trope in romance dramas is the female lead is nice and quiet. She isn't mean, she just is blunt. You learn soon enough that there is a reason why. You can tell the male has already fallen for her so, I am interested to see if she or he will fall harder now. The male lead is the tropey rude male. Contract marriages are also a plus for me and this is another contract marriage drama that Jdramas do so well.
Shogun (*ADDICTED) - THIS IS A GORGEOUS DRAMA! I just sit in awe with every episode. The cinematography, the setting, the costumes - there is just so much to appreciate and love about it. It is an American production so you had to get used to having nudity and swear words in it which you rarely come across in Asian dramas. It is also pretty brutal because it does take place during war times and the drama does show that. These things still happen in Asian dramas just depends on the drama and who made the drama. I am enjoying learning about the history of this time. The cast is doing a fantastic job in the acting department. The white male lead is hilarious with his one liners. It is one big strategy drama where everyone has an agenda. I am curious how this plot will play out. I know this is based off of a book and the story was made into a mini-series in the 80s. For people who are worried this would be a white savior story, there have been countless interviews of the cast saying that they made it very clear that if the plot was that, they would not do the project. The cast and producers have come out and said they were very intentional to take the story in another direction and show the Japanese culture and history through the drama. So far, that is exactly what the drama has been doing in my opinion.

Parasyte: The Maxim - Korea is coming out with a Kdrama based off of this anime's story. That is one reason I wanted to watch this anime before April. I also just have been wanting to watch this anime for a while because I heard it was good. I don't know if the kdrama is based off of the manga, anime or live action that already exists. There has been one trailer for the Korean Live action released and I already see differences from the anime to the live action. It will be interesting to see which one I like more and what differences I see when the kdrama is released next month. I am enjoying the anime so far. I am almost done with it. I am curious to see how it ends. I will say it is gory, violent and very bloody. I am sure the live action will be the same. One thing I dislike about the anime is the romantic options. I dislike both female characters that are clearly romantic options in this anime. I dislike them for different reasons. I wish there was no romance in this anime or at least give me a romance option I like.

Light the Night Season 1 - I have not watched more of this drama since I started it last month. I really need to not start any more dramas and get to watching this drama. It does have 3 seasons which I plan to watch all 3 seasons if I like it. So, I will be watching this drama for a while. Hopefully I will have season 1 done before my next watchlist blogpost for April is out. That way I know I have made progress with this drama. I still liked the first episode a lot so, I just need to click play on more episodes.

Dear ISHQ - I used to watch Indian dramas back in college. I have seen a bunch of the classic ones apparently. I have not watched a drama since college though. I noticed that Hulu had a TON of Indian dramas on it. I was talking with a friend of mine who watches Indian dramas so, I decided to click play on one so, I had something to talk to her about since she is watching this one too. The episodes are very short so, it is quite easy to watch like an episode a day. Some of these dramas have been going on for YEARS! Dear ISHQ has 60 episodes in total. I think I am on episode 5 or 6 at this point because I only clicked play in the last week or so. It is definitely a story of hate to love/enemies to lovers stories. It will also be a slow burn romance, I think. I am enjoying it quite a bit. I have not watched an Indian drama in years so, it is sort of nostalgic for me to be watching one again after not watching one for so many years.
That is my current watchlist for March 2024. I know that my watchlist is LONG but I like that there is a lot of variety on it. I do plan to add some more on-air Kdramas to it before March is over. I need to get my butt in gear and finish some of these completed done so, I am not overwhelmed.
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