Well, my watchlist is SHRUNK AGAIN! The rest of 2021 is going to be CRAZY at work so I am going to try and finish what is on my current watchlist before I start anything new. I also want to be more selective because I feel like I have watched and completed SOME REAL DUDS THIS YEAR!
Remember if I put *ADDICTED* next to any drama, that means I AM LOVING THE DRAMA!

Bossam: Steal the Fate (*ADDICTED*) - I LOVE THIS DRAMA! Like this is me telling you that if you are not watching this drama, YOU NEED TO BE! The chemistry with the leads in this drama is EXPLOSIVE! I love when they are on screen together. Their acting is superb! I am SO INVESTED in this drama.
Mine (*ADDICTED*) - I am not caught up on this drama AT ALL but I am still loving it. I mean COME ON - it is a makjang drama. I AM ABSOLUTELY GOING TO LOVE IT! We all know I AM HERE FOR THE CRAZY MAKJANG! The acting is AMAZING! I loving all the powerful women in this drama. IT IS TRULY ADDICTING!
Miss Montecristo (*ADDICTED*) - I am not caught up on this drama but I am watching it slowly. I am still VERY MUCH entertained by this drama. I need more revenge BUT I still watch it every day. If this drama isn't getting an emotional response out of me aka, I want to throw things at my tv, then what is it doing? 🤣 I STILL NEED TO SEE MORE REVENGE THOUGH!
Faith - This is a rewatch for me. I have seen this Kdrama 4 times already. I LOVE THIS DRAMA! One of my favorite Kdramas OF ALL TIME! I am enjoying rewatching all my favorite parts in this drama. If you have not watched this drama, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!
My Roommate is a Gumiho (*ADDICTED*) - To my SURPRISE, I AM LOVING THIS DRAMA! Rom-coms and me usually don't mix. This one is working for me. I thought that Hyeri's antics would be TOO MUCH for me but it is working REALLY WELL in this drama. I am excited to click play on the next episode.

One of the reasons I am not starting any new dramas until I clear out what is already on the Current Watchlist ARE THESE CDRAMAS! I NEED TO FINISH THEM ALREADY! Other things just keep getting in the way. I AM LOVING BOTH OF THEM but I just choose to watch other things and put these on the back burner.
General's Lady (*ADDICTED*) - I STILL LOVE THE OSTS!! I am excited to watch more and see our couple grow and evolve. I WANT TO FINISH THIS SOON!!
Noble Aspirations Season 1 (*ADDICTED*) - I am still taking this one slow because I AM LOVING IT SO MUCH! I really just need to bite the bullet and finish it. I HAVE SO MANY OTHER CDRAMAS I WANT TO WATCH! There is also a 2nd season to this I want to get too. I ALSO WANT TO SEE THIS MAIN LEAD BECOME EVIL - if he ever does.

Love Phantom (*ADDICTED*) - HONESTLY, I have no idea why I am liking this drama so much. I really shouldn't be AT ALL! I am excited to see where the main couple's relationship goes. There are definitely some secrets that still need to be revealed. I am hoping it will still stay light and fluffy throughout BUT WE WILL SEE! Have you checked out my FIRST IMPRESSIONS for this drama yet?

Be Loved in House: I Do - This is a very easy watch. I need easy watches in my life right now. The leads seem very natural with each other and I like that. The main couple have great chemistry together. It is moving a little slow in my opinion in terms of the couples getting together BUT this drama also is only 12 episodes so I am sure we are going to get somewhere soon. I started this to see Aaron Lai in another drama after so much time because I wanted to support him and I am glad I did.
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