I can OFFICIALLY announce that I am out of my drama slump! GOD, it feels so good to be looking forward to episodes every week again or just clicking play on a drama in general. I had not been in a slump in a VERY long time so that was rough. My July Watchlist is still a bit short and I am finishing up quite a few dramas this month. I do plan to add more dramas in the near future.
I will mention that since I am in support of the strike that is going on against certain streaming platforms, not all I am watching will be included in this post. Most of what I am watching is included - it is only a couple of dramas that I did not include. Luckily both of these dramas finish this week and next week so, after next week - all of the dramas I am watching will be named in this post. I also plan to start some new dramas in the next couple weeks or so. My current watchlist will be changing quite a bit for August which I always like seeing movement of dramas coming on and leaving "MY WATCHLIST" posts every month.
Remember if I put *ADDICTED* next to any drama, that means I AM LOVING THE DRAMA!

Durian's Affair - I LOVE a good makjang so, I was DEFINITELY going to check Durian's Affair out when it started to air. IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT! 😂 The first episode took me by surprised and I loved it. Now, I will say that I am behind on this drama because I was catching up with other dramas I am watching. I have enjoyed what I have watched so far but I am multiple weeks behind.
Jun & Jun - I know I have said this before and I will say this again. I AM A SUCKER FOR A GOOD OFFICE DRAMA! I have been looking forward to Jun & Jun since it was announced. It finally premiered this past week and I loved episode 1. I loved the main leads chemistry together. I think I am going to love seeing their relationship progress. I am also glad that this drama has longer episodes again.
Numbers - WHO KNEW ACCOUNTING WOULD BE SO DANGEROUS! 😂 I am having a blast watching this drama. I love the bromance. I love the revenge slowly coming together. I have theories of what might happen to our characters by the end of this drama. I don't understand any of the accounting lingo that is being said or anything. I am just watching for the bromance, the revenge and the cast who are doing a great job in the acting department.
The Real Has Come! - As I keep saying, I am SUPER behind on this drama but I have been watching a few episodes a week. I am enjoying it quite a bit! I think it has a good mix of makjang and just family wholesomeness. I am curious to see where everyone ends up. I love that I am rooting for multiple couples but I am loving our main couple the most which I think most people are.
The Witch's Game - I am picked this up again a bit in the last couple weeks and watched some more episodes. This is another longer daily drama that I am slowly watching. It is very makjang which I am ALWAYS a fan of. I am in no rush to finish it because I know I will eventually. As long as I finish it by the end of 2023, I will be ok with that. I sort of plan to watch at least 1 daily/weekender a year at this point.

Tokyo in April Is... - I have only watched the first couple episodes of this Jdrama. I am liking it so far. I am glad I am watching a Jdrama again because I really have missed it. I like our potential couple but I am curious how they will progress. I know with Jdramas they could get a happy ending but also, they could get a sad ending too. I am also behind on this drama so; I am sure I will hit angst at some point.
That is what I am currently watching in the month of July minus a couple of dramas. Are you watching some of the same dramas I am currently watching? Do you agree with my opinions? Every month seems to bring more dramas that I want to watch which I guess is good for us drama watchers. CDRAMALAND IS CRAZY RIGHT NOW!! There will ALWAYS be dramas to watch! I am trying to be good and get ahead of my watchlist. If I get caught up with everything I am watching, I want to add a couple of other Asian countries dramas to this list.