My current watchlist is still on the small side because many of the new dramas I want to start have not premiered yet. I have a couple of dramas that premiered this week that I haven't gotten a chance to click play on yet. I also am trying to not start a lot of new dramas before I finish some things. I don't want to be overwhelmed. This also may give me the opportunity to check out some of the movies that have been on my list for a while. You will have to see wait for my Monthly Wrap-Up posts to check out what movies I watch.
Remember if I put *ADDICTED* next to any drama, that means I AM LOVING THE DRAMA!

The Guardians/Lookout - I have had this drama on my PLAN TO WATCH list for quite some time. A friend on Twitter and I took the plunge this week and started the drama. It is nice to watch something with someone else. I like this drama but I am not loving it. There are some characters that I am not a fan of and for some reason the episodes seem to drag even though they are only 30 minutes. I am still going to watch it because I only just started it but for now, I like it. Maybe I started it with too high of expectations?
Kingdom: Legendary War - I just clicked play on this Korean competition show last night. I enjoyed the first episode. I am a fan of all the groups on the show so it will just be a nice weekly palate cleanser to watch after a long week at work. I enjoyed all the performances of all the groups and I am excited to see how creative they get.
Miss Montecristo (*ADDICTED*) - I AM REALLY ENJOYING THIS CRAZY RIDE! I love the revenge story. I love THE CRAZY of this daily drama. This drama is just MADE FOR ME! I click play on the next episode, excited to see how EVEN MORE CRAZY this drama can get. 🤣
Mouse - I am liking this DARK crazy ride but I heard it takes a bad turn this week with episode 11. I have yet to click play on the episode yet AND NOW IM SCARED! 🤣 I mean you have to suspend your disbelief for this one FOR SURE! The science with this one MAKES NO SENSE! It has been fun so far so I am wondering if I will drop it after episode 11 or not now.
Navillera - I am liking this one. I am NOT LOVING IT as much as everyone else seems to be. I have 3 reasons why. One, this drama is not normally a drama I watch. I love Kim Kwon so since he joined the cast, I HAD TO WATCH THIS ONE! I love Song Kang as well so he was just a plus for this drama. The cast over all is FANTASTIC with this one. Second, I HATE CRYING and I have cried with EVERY episode except for 1 with this drama. I knew this drama was going to make me cry when I started it which is why I usually avoid these types of dramas. Third reason, there is a point in this plot where I can see where it is going AND I AM NOT GOING TO LIKE IT! This point of the plot is a spoiler so I won't spoil it but I am just thinking THIS IS UNCESSARY AND HEAVY HANDED! I love the relationship between Song Kang's character and the grandfather. I love how everyone is going to learn something through their relationship and the grandfather pursuing ballet at an old age. I just don't like one point of the plot. I am going to try and stick it out because it is only 12 episodes BUT I HAVE THOUGHTS!
Phoenix 2020 - I AM SO GLAD THIS ENDS THIS MONTH! I think it will have one last crazy story line before it ends. I am a little behind but I just don't really get how this one will end. I doubt it will be favorite for sure but I am glad I am about to finish my second daily drama this month.

General's Lady (*ADDICTED*) - I started this Cdrama because I thought I wasn't watching enough. 😜 I am glad because I am quite enjoying it. ESPECIALLY SINCE HOW TO BE THIRTY IS LETTING ME DOWN! I like the 2 leads so far. I like them individually as characters and also as a potential couple. I have not reached the point where they are an actual couple yet but we are getting there. This is just an easy, fun watch which is working for me. Another plus is that since this drama has already ended - I CAN LISTEN TO THE OSTS OVER AND OVER BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN RELEASED ALREADY!
Noble Aspirations (*ADDICTED*) - As I said last post, I AM SO GLAD I PICKED THIS DRAMA UP AGAIN! I am now addicted to it and it is my favorite drama I am watching right now. I just love EVERYTHING about it. I still have a long way to go until I finish it BUT I also am in no hurry to finish it because I am enjoying it so much.