I don't think I have written about music on this blog for a bit. This blogpost seems like the perfect way to bring music back onto my blog. Just like past years, this list is mostly made of the OSTs that are off my end of the year Spotify playlist. I usually am listening to OSTs as I blog so, OSTs tend to make it to my end of the year Spotify playlist. This makes my job easy though when I am trying to pick out what OSTs were my favorite for that year. If you want to read my favorite OSTs list for 2021, you can read it here. These songs are also in no particular order.

Kill Heel - George (Elaine)
Second Husband - Let Him Go (Oh Hyun Ran)
Tinted with You - Fallin' For You (RUNY)
Through the Darkness - Can't Run Away (Isaac Hong)
Through the Darkness - Lullaby (Nerd Connection)
Bulgasal: Immortal Souls - Tunnel (With KARDI) (KimYeji)
Show Window: The Queen's House - Hello (Hickee)
Stealth Walker - Red (Li Xin Yi)
Danger Zone Season 2 - Burn it Down (Xiao Bing Chih)
Second Husband - A habit (Kim Yang)
This is just a handful of songs that I loved in 2022. I wrote a list of my favorite OSTs from the first half of 2022, so you can check out that list here and see if any of those OSTs ended up on my end of the year list as well.
So, what OSTs from 2022 did you love? Do you only listen to OSTs from dramas you actually have watched like me? Do you prefer one country's OSTs over others?