I am sure some of you have heard of the Korean Soloist JUNNY. If you have not, WELL YOU CAN READ THIS BLOG POST AND LEARN MORE ABOUT HIM! He recently released his album BLANC and I thought it was the perfect time to introduce you to another soloist I LOVE!

Now, if I remember correctly, I actually discovered JUNNY through a Youtuber in like 2018/2019. I remember that this youtuber did a video about artists who they wished more people listened to and paid attention too. One of those artists was JUNNY. MAN, DID I FALL DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE AFTER THAT! I listened to his entire discography and binged all his music videos that were out at the time. I have been an avid follower since that discovery.

Three things drew me to JUNNY and his music. One reason is that I am a HUGE R&B fan and a lot of his music (not all) have that sound and vibe. It was especially like this back when I first found him. Reason two is that he is a versatile singer. I have enjoyed him branch out with his sound and do some experimenting over the years now that I have been following him for a while. I also love seeing who he collabs with. He always likes to try out new sounds and voices so, who he collabs with is always interesting. Third and last reason is his voice. HIS VOICE IS SO NICE! He has a great range and tone. His voice fits well with the R&B genre but also other genres. I guess I have a fourth reason. Not only does he sing, he also writes, composes and produces music. He is a multi-talented artist.
Here is JUNNY's Kpop Profile if you want to know more info about him including his social media profiles.
Here are some of my favorite title tracks that JUNNY has put out over the years.
_TRUST (ft. Punchnello)
JUNNY's VIVID albums were my introduction to him. They will always hold a special place in my heart to me. THEY ARE FANTASTIC ALBUMS!! You can see why I would like this song if I said I liked R&B. I love the build up to the chorus and the chorus as well. I love when he goes into his higher register in this song.
This song is a complete change from his R&B sound. I love when artists love to release different genres of music. You get to hear more of his range in this song. You still get his beautiful high notes in this song too. I love JUNNY for his high notes.
Another R&B song that I love that he put out. He also collabed with another one of my favorite artists for this song. I like that this song is a little more fast paced. Again, showing a different side of his talent and putting out something new. PH-1 and JUNNY's tones sound great together in this song. This also isn't the only song that JUNNY and PH-1 collab together on either.
COLOR ME (Feat. Chungha)
THIS NEW ALBUM THAT JUNNY JUST PUT OUT IS FANTASTIC!! It really is his best yet. There are a lot of different sounds and genres on this album. He really experimented with this album. I love this collab with Chungha. It has that retro sound with the synths. I AM A SUCKER FOR THAT SOUND!
This song is also off his new album. I love the drop into the chorus with this song. It has a good base. It has more of a soft rock sound. As I said above, there is a lot of versatile songs and different genres on this album. The music video for this song is an interesting watch too. I like how the music video played with colors. It is a slower song but MAN THE GUITAR IS FANTASTIC!
Everyone should just go listen to his new album BLANC.
You will get a really good picture of who he is and get to listen a lot of different sounds and genres in one album.
Here is the link to JUNNY's Spotify page if you want to explore more of his discography:
You can also listen to JUNNY on DIVE STUDIO's podcast - GET REAL:
Have you heard of JUNNY? Do you listen to JUNNY? What are some of your favorite songs of his? Have you listened to his new album BLANC?