I have been ALL OVER THE PLACE with my music listening in the past month. I am either listening to one song or album all day long or I put my music on shuffle and just listen to EVERYTHING! The playlist for this month will probably be a little chaotic. 😂

THE BOYZ - ECHO - I didn't even know this was a thing. I didn't know it was coming out and then it just dropped and now I am ADDICTED to it. This song has been on repeat since it was released. THEN THE MUSIC VIDEO IS SOMETHING ELSE TOO! I am sure it has something to do with the game that it is associated with, but I had a lot of fun watching it. All the members looked fantastic in the music video, and I always love The Boyz releases, so I am happy we got this song.
ROCKET PUNCH - CHIQUITA - We had a lot of fantastic girl group releases in March AND THIS ONE IS AWESOME! I know some people are sick of the retro concept. NOT ME! I love that this song sounds right out of the 80s. I am a SUCKER for synths. I love the video as well. Given the name of the song, I was not expecting what the song sounded like, so I was pleasantly surprised.
CHERRY BULLET - LOVE IN SPACE - WE FINALLY GOT THE COMEBACK WE HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! Ever since Girls Planet ended, we all have been waiting for this comeback. It is another retro sound SO I AM HERE FOR IT! I loved their last song, so I am not surprised I loved this song too. It was so nice to see them together again and back with such a catchy song. The girls looked fantastic in the video as well.
RESET (CDRAMA) - INSTRUMENTAL THEME SONG - I recently binged the cdrama Reset and I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT I am OBSESSED with the instrumental song that opens every episode. I have no idea why I love it so much. I do tend to get attached to instrumentals of dramas really easily. This one is just catchy somehow. I am VERY upset that it has not been released on streaming sites and I can only find it on Youtube BUT AT LEAST IT IS THERE! I love how it opens and just grows as the title sequence continues.

BILLLIE - GINGAMINGAYO - MARCH WAS ALL ABOUT THE GIRLS! I think this is my favorite Billlie release to date. I love that the mv kept the creepy factor. I LOVE THE DANCING IN THIS MV! The rapping is also my favorite parts in the song as well. IT IS JUST SO GOOD! This song is just SO CATCHY! It gets stuck in my head every time I listen to it with the chorus it has. THEIR EXPRESSIONS IN THIS SONG ARE SO GOOD!
WEEEKLY - VEN PARA - SUCH A CHANGE UP FROM THEIR LAST RELEASES!! I am so happy that they experimented and tried something new. I loved their previous releases and this one is no different. THAT CHORUS IS JUST SO EXPLOSIVE!! It is unexpected and I LOVE IT! I love the choreo in the chorus too. You remember that choreo so easily. I also like the shout singing in the chorus. THE MV IS JUST INTENSE AND AWESOME!
TAN - DU DU DU - THIS SONG! I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS SONG!! I did not watch the survival show and I SHOULD! I have been listening to this song NON-STOP! I need know more about this group. The structure of this song is just unique. The members ARE SO TALENTED! I just love how this song flows and goes from one line to the next. THE CHOREO IS FANTASTIC! The falsettos are heavenly. THE RAPPER IS AMAZING! I NEED TO WATCH THIS SHOW!
MOONBIN&SANHA - WHO - I mean, I am not surprised I love this song. I loved their debut😂. This mv is something else man. I LOVE IT! Both of them stood out and looked amazing. I love the set and the costumes in the mv. I loved the effects. I LOVED THE CHOREO! The lines leading up to the chorus and how the chorus drops is just fantastic. These two really know how to put on a show and I will always watch their show.

SOLAR - HONEY - I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS SOUND AND LOOK! The structure is just so different. I don't really know what I was expecting but THAT CHORUS IS EVERYTHING! The "du-du-du" in the chorus is addicting and I love it. I love how it turns into like a dance track in the second half of the chorus. HER RAP WAS UNEXPECTED! I just love that Solar is showing so much of herself through this release. She also looks AMAZING in the video. I love all the colors and outfits. I like that if she was wearing one color, that set was that color. It really made it pop. She looks so classy, and it just shows personality.
XIA - HANA - I didn't know this song was coming out at all. It sort of just showed up and I clicked play. I LOVE THE CHORUS! I love when a chorus plays and it immediately makes me dance. HE LOOKS FANTASTIC IN THE MV! The choreo is nice to watch. I love his voice. It was just a fun song and fun mv to watch.
XG - TIPPY TOES - I knew this group was debuting but I didn't know it would happen when it did. I knew nothing going into this song except for a couple of facts about the group. NOW I AM ADDICTED! THIS SONG IS JUST SO CATCHY! I didn't expect at all how the song sounded or that it would be in English. Many of the members have charisma and drew me in. I am excited to see what this group does next because they definitely grabbed my attention. I have been listening to this song NON-STOP!
BRAVE GIRLS - THANK - YOU - As I said above, I still love the retro concept. Brave Girls does the retro concept SO WELL and Thank You does not disappoint. I am a sucker for the 70s sound, and this sounds like it was pulled DIRECTLY from the 70s. The girls look beautiful. I am excited to see them on Queendom at the end of the month. I love that this song was a fan song. I JUST LOVE HOW THEIR VOICES SOUND! The entire album was great.
BLITZERS - BEAUTIFUL DAY - This OST is such a different sound from their usual songs. I was surprised to learn that they sang this song. I am loving the drama that this song is for, so, I AM CONSTANTLY LISTENING TO THIS SONG! I mean that is what an OST should do right? When you hear the song, you remember the drama or when you watch the drama, you remember the song. I am glad Blitzers made this song because it shows versatility, and I was a fan of theirs already.
What have you been listening to recently? Does your playlist look chaotic like mine? What have been your favorite releases recently? Are you excited for new releases coming soon?