This month's playlist is going to be a little different. For those of you who use Spotify, we all know that at the end of every year, Spotify comes out with a playlist for the year. So, for this "MY PLAYLIST" post for the end of the year, I'm going to pull songs off my playlist AND TALK ABOUT THEM! I guess it will be a little review of how my music taste was in 2021.

These first 5 are probably on my Spotify list because I listen to my Cdrama OST playlist a lot when I write - HECK - I listen to all my OST playlist when I write. 😂
NOBLE ASPIRATIONS OST - I was not surprised WHATSOEVER when a song from this cdrama was my NUMERO 1 on my Spotify playlist for 2021. I listened to that song A LOT! I still do because I love it. The OST for the Noble Aspirations series is one of my favorite things about the drama so it is no surprise that a lot of the OSTs from this series are on my list. If you want to read my reviews for Noble Aspirations, you can click here for S1 and here for S2.
HIKARU NO GO OST - DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND GO WATCH THIS DRAMA! You can read my review of it right here. As I said in my review of this drama, I listened to the OSTs from this drama ALL THE TIME and I still do. It brings back fond memories for me. This drama and its music have a BIG impact on me this year. It is not surprising that multiple songs from this drama are on my Spotify list.
PSYCH HUNTER OST - I love tomb raiding/adventure cdramas. I just find them so exciting and always sit on the edge of my seat when I watch them. I also love the OSTs that come with them because I usually love the instrumentals. This was the case with Psych Hunter. THE GUITARS ARE AMAZING IN THIS OST!
GENERAL'S LADY OST - Another cdrama that got a lot of audio play on Spotify this year. I am actually surprised that this drama made it onto my year end list because I finished this drama A LOT later than other cdramas on this list. Granted since One and Only is on this list too, I guess it can happen because One and Only was later than General's Lady this year. THE OSTS FOR GENERAL'S LADY ARE SO GOOD! I love all the songs from this drama. As I said in my review, I loved that the two stars sang a duet for the drama. You can read my review here for this drama.
ONE AND ONLY OST - THIS ONE WAS SURPRISING! I literally finished this drama in the middle of September. That means I would have had to listen to songs from this drama SO MUCH to pass up some songs that I have been listening to since January to get on my Spotify playlist. I apparently did this BECAUSE HERE WE ARE! The minute an OST from this drama starts, I immediately am taken back to the drama and the emotions I felt while I watched this drama. That is how it is supposed to be though, right? I JUST ADORE THE OSTS FROM THIS DRAMA! I adore this drama too 😂. You can read my review of One and Only here.

SHINEE - DON'T CALL ME ALBUM - To NO ONE'S surprise, SHINee's entire album is on my Spotify 2021 playlist. I LOVE THIS ALBUM and I love SHINee. I mean they introduced me to Kpop so naturally I would be listening to them on repeat. I love that they made the effort to put out an album before Taemin went into the military and they kept the experimentation part of their discography. It just has lots of variety and genres on it. I LOVE THE ENTIRE THING!
REN JIA LUN'S ALBUM - This album was an album I did not know I needed. When I discover an album, I tend to listen to it over and over again. This is how a lot of these entire albums get on my year end list on Spotify. THIS IS EXACTLY THE CASE WITH THIS ALBUM! I love Ren Jia Lun as an actor but also a singer. He has such a great voice and I was so glad to hear that he was releasing an album this year. I mean the OSTs for One and Only are on my Spotify list as well which he sings in as well.
T1419 - ASURABALBALTA - I still love this song. It was so different when it came out and I played it on repeat SO MUCH when it first came out. I always go back to it. I like all of their discography. I think this is still my favorite title track.
CHERRY BULLET - LOVE SO SWEET - CHERRY BULLET IS SUCH A GOOD GROUP! I remember when this album was released, I was so happy it happened. It had been some time since we got a comeback when this album was released so, I listened to it a lot. I love everything about this song and mv. I hope we get a new album from them soon, especially after GirlsPlanet999.

STAYC - ASAP - STAYC ASAP definitely grew on me. It was not my favorite of their releases when it was first released. I love SO BAD and still do BUT ASAP grew on me. It has to be because it is just SO CATCHY! I am very excited to see what these girls do in 2022.
CIX - CINEMA - CINEMA IS JUST AN AMAZING SONG! I think I featured this in another "MY PLAYLIST" post in 2021. I just love all of their voices in the song - YES, THE RAPPERS SANG! The chorus is just so catchy, and I have to dance when it comes on. This song really just puts me in a GREAT mood when it comes on.
Do you use Spotify? If so, what was on Your Top Songs 2021 playlist? What have you been listening too recently? Anything that I should check out or add to my playlists? Did you find any songs/albums from this post that you are going to check out? LET ME KNOW ON TWITTER OR INSTAGRAM OR IN THE COMMENTS BELOW!