May was an interesting month. Life events happened which caused my drama watching to slow down a bit. I still watched a fair number of dramas and I wouldn't skip these life events for anything. So, I am content with how May ended up.

The only dramas I finished this month were Korean dramas. I am currently watching some Thai and Chinese dramas. The Thai dramas are currently airing so I will finish them in June. I hope to finish the Chinese drama I am watching in June as well. WE WILL HAVE TO WAIT AND SEE! Do you guys prefer to watch airing dramas or wait until the drama finishes airing to watch it?
Again My Life (Kdrama) (VIKI): The first half of this drama WAS SO MUCH BETTER than the second half of this drama. I found the second half to be slow and too much talking. ALSO, WHAT WAS THAT LAST EPISODE!? I feel like it was just a HUGE cop out and it didn't even wrap everything up in a nice little bow. SO, WHAT WAS THE POINT THEN!? I mean you had Lee Joon Gi and I thought they underutilized him. I needed more fighting. The acting was FANTASTIC but the story could have been better and wrapped up better.
Tomorrow (Kdrama) (NETFLIX): I feel like people either LOVED this drama or did not care for it. It is VERY hard to watch every week because all the episodes are heavy and sad. I LOVED THIS DRAMA! I thought the acting was SUPERB! I loved the message. Even though I cried in every episode, I loved the heavy episodes. I did think the last episode was little rushed and of course I hated that I cried with every episode. THIS DRAMA LEAVES A BIG IMPACT THOUGH!
A Superior Day (Kdrama) (VIKI): I was loving this drama up until the last episode. I didn't hate the last episode but I also didn't love it. I would have changed some things in the plot of the last episode. Some parts of the last episode WERE EPIC as well. I thought the acting was AWESOME! I really saw a new side of some of these actors who I have never seen play a villain before. This is a quirky drama. The OSTs are great and TYPICAL OCN crime drama, very exhilarating and nerve wracking. If you like crime dramas, you should check this one out.
The Sound of Magic (Kdrama) (NETFLIX): This was such a unique drama. It was creative and magical. I loved the magic and message of this drama. The acting and songs were great. Not everything worked for me in this drama. Some of song placements within the narrative didn't make sense to me. Other times, the songs made sense to where they were in the plot. I also wasn't satisfied with how some of the character's storylines and certain plots points were ended at the end of the drama or that we just didn't get an answer or ending to other plot points. I would have liked some more satisfying endings to certain characters/aspects of this drama. It is DEFINITELY a unique escape for 6 episodes though.
The Killer's Shopping List (Kdrama) (VIKI): This was another quirky crime drama that I quite liked. I love the crime trope where regular people try and solve a crime and not the police. This had a little bit of everything in it from crime to comedy. Sometimes the comedy was a little bit over the top for me but overall, it was fine. I LOVED THAT THIS DRAMA PUSHED SOME BOUNDARIES ON SOCIAL ISSUES! I will always applaud a drama for that. I do with some of the plot points were better explained and this drama was quite predictable to me BUT it still is a fun crime drama to watch.
Ocean Likes Me (Kdrama) (VIKI): I had the same problems with this BL drama like I did with other Korean BL dramas. The acting was good and I liked the main couple together. I didn't think they had the BEST chemistry ever BUT it was still a comforting chemistry. I loved the landscape and ocean shots in this drama. Like other Korean BL dramas, this one also suffered from too few episodes and time. I wanted more character development and there were some plot holes in the last couple of episodes. Also, why all the time jumps? You didn't need multiple time jumps.

Well at first, I didn't think I would have a lot of Korean dramas to watch this month. THAT ALL CHANGED IN THE LAST WEEK! 😂 I will have PLENTY to watch this month. MAYBE too much honestly. AND THAT IS JUST KDRAMAS!! There are dramas from other countries that I am looking forward to in June. I am not going to include EVERY SINGLE drama I am looking forward to on this blog post. I mean I have at least 10 Kdramas alone I am looking forward too. JUNE IS A HEAVY DRAMA MONTH FOR SURE!

A Dream of Splendor (WETV/Tencent): [PREMIERES JUNE 2ND, 2022]
I know I have pointed out this drama on this blog before AT LEAST TWICE! This is because premiere dates keep floating around. I JUST NEED THIS DRAMA TO AIR ALREADY!! I have been looking forward to it FOR SO LONG! I just want to see the 3 female leads in action. I just want to see this couple meet and see how their relationship evolves. I have been ITCHING for a good historical Chinese drama so, I hope this one premieres and is good. Also, IT HAS BEEN WAY TO LONG SINCE WE HAVE SEEN LIU YI FEI IN A DRAMA!

Why Her? (VIKI): [PREMIERES JUNE 3RD, 2022]
There are a lot of things about this drama that is making me look forward to it. The cast seems GREAT and I am looking forward to seeing their chemistry together. It is a crime drama SO, OBVIOUSLY I would be looking forward to it. I'm curious what the crimes will be in this drama. The teaser also seems to have a little revenge mixed into the plot. YOU CAN NEVER GO WRONG WITH SOME GOOD OLD REVENGE IN A STORY! I also LOVE THESE POSTERS! I wonder if the posters have any special meaning to the drama.

To My Star 2: Untold Stories (VIKI): [PREMIERES JUNE 5TH, 2022]
Some people are not looking forward to this drama because the trailer shows that there are problems in paradise. I am curious how this couple will find each other again. THESE AESTHETICS OF THESE POSTERS ALSO MAKE ME EXCITED FOR THE CINEMATOGRAPHY OF THIS DRAMA!! We all know I will support all the BL productions or just gay productions in general (no matter the relationship portrayed) because we love to see all kinds of love in dramas these days. Will Season 2 live up to Season 1?

Senpai, I'm in Love (VIKI): [PREMIERES JUNE 17TH, 2022]
I just noticed this drama was coming to VIKI today. I have not seen a lot of the Japanese BL dramas. I need to do some catching up BUT I can always be excited for more of them. I love Japanese dramas in general because they always seem to be a little different and cute. I hope this one is the same. Japanese dramas are always a little unique and I am happy we are getting access to more and more of them.

Alchemy of Souls (NETFLIX): [PREMIERES JUNE 18TH, 2022]
You give me fantasy in a drama AND I AM THERE! I also am a HUGE fan of Jung So Min so, I will ALWAYS at least check out her dramas. I have loved a lot of her dramas anyway. I was NOT expecting the comedy in the trailer for this drama so, we will have to see if I like the comedy or not. Comedy is always iffy for me. This poster already makes me excited for the drama and I am already asking questions like what is with her eye? What does it mean? I also have been itching for a historical drama and the stills of this drama LOOK BEAUTIFUL! Fantasy elements in a historical are always fun to watch.

Money Heist: Korean-Joint Economic Area (NETFLIX): [PREMIERES JUNE 24TH, 2022]
I have not seen the original Money Heist or any of its spin offs. I have always wanted to watch but just never have gotten around to it. Maybe after I watch the Korean version, I will go back and watch the original. This drama looks exciting and it seems to have a lot of things in the trailer that would draw me to this drama. I am sure I am not the only one excited for this drama. ALSO, WE ALWAYS LOVE THAT NETFLIX KEEPS MAKING AND GETTING ASIAN DRAMAS SO WE SUPPORT!

Cafe Minamdang (NETFLIX): [PREMIERES JUNE 27TH, 2022]
This drama doesn't have a poster or trailer yet. I have seen some stills from the drama and I am already intrigued. It looks like we will have another drama that mixes genres such as crime, comedy and fantasy. CRIME DRAMAS ARE MY JAM SO I AM THERE!! I am curious how everything will fit together with the synopsis and plot of this drama. The cast looks great for this drama as well. Again, the fact that NETFLIX is airing this drama makes me happy ALWAYS!

Extraordinary Attorney Woo (NETFLIX): [PREMIERES JUNE 29TH, 2022]
NETFLIX FOR THE WIN AGAIN!! I am liking the cast for this drama so, I am excited to see how they work together. I am curious to see how their chemistry will be. I also wonder if there will be romance or not. I am fine with no romance but we will have to see. I am still cautious on how this drama will talk about some social issues because it can go either way. I am willing to give it a chance though because if it is done well, I think I will enjoy this drama a lot. We will just have to wait and see.
THERE IS MY LIST FOR JUNE! There are plenty of other dramas that I have my eye on for June, even from Korea that I just didn't list. AGAIN, JUNE IS A DRAMA PACKED MONTH! This blog post would be NEVER ENDING if I included everything. We will have to see how many dramas I start in June and how many I finish. I hope to finish quite a few dramas and replace them with new ones.
What dramas did you start in May? Did you complete any dramas in May? What did you like that you completed? What are you looking forward to in June for dramas? Anything I missed and need to add to my list?