March was a slower month for me than February BUT I still finished some dramas. I also dropped some dramas in March. I am curious what April will look like because I have a lot of plans in April and moving into the warmer months. I do live in a place where I do have 4 seasons so, it is nice to have dramas when it is cold outside.

I like that I completed a variety of dramas in March. I also dropped a lot of my on-air dramas in March that I was watching so, I did not finish as many Korean dramas as I expected. That is alright thought because I prefer variety in my watchlist versus dramas all from one country. It keeps things interesting. I still think I am watching a few to many things so, it will be be interesting to see what I finish and start in April.
Meet Yourself (Cdrama) (VIKI): This drama is usually not my cup of tea. I don't usually watch and/or enjoy slice of slow or slow paced dramas. Meet Yourself is the perfect drama to watch slowly. It has a beautiful countryside setting. I thought the OSTS were lovely. I liked that there was an ensemble cast. I always enjoy ensembles casts because if you don't like one character or even a lead character, there is probably other characters you can become attached too. You grow to care about a lot of the characters in Meet Yourself. It was DEFINITELY a slow-burn romance. Sometimes a little TOO slow for me. I also think it could have been fewer episodes. It was nice healing drama and I would still recommend it to people.
Detective Chinatown Season 1 (Cdrama) (IQIYI): This was a rewatch for me. Season 2 came out recently and I wanted to rewatch Season 1, just in case I needed to remember something from Season 1 for Season 2. I had forgotten a lot about Season 1 but once I started watching it, it all came back to me. I liked the main detective a lot. It clearly was made to promote the movie franchise. Some cases were better than others. It is still a quick and entertaining crime drama though. I loved the OSTS just like I did when I first watched this drama.
My Happy Ending (Kdrama) (VIKI): WHAT WAS THAT ENDING! I enjoyed the ride but man the ending was a disappointment. I did not like the villains' endings AT ALL! I feel like it was a cop out and also just can not understand the writer's choices with those endings. I thought the drama had phenomenal acting. I thought the drama portrayed mental illness really well. I think it could have been 12 or 14 episodes. I understand that this drama was more Jang Nara's characters' story BUT MAN I CAN'T GET OVER THOSE VILLAIN ENDINGS! At least my ship sailed or at least you can root for them and could see it sailing in the future.
Parasyte: The Maxim (Anime) (HULU): This anime was definitely unique & different. TW for gore & violence. Was not expecting a message about humans impacting the earth. Did not understand either romance options in the story - not needed. It ended & I still had questions

I dropped 2 dramas in March AND I AM SO GLAD I DID! I have no regrets. I dropped them for pretty much the same reason. It is a very common reason for me to drop dramas.
Queen of Divorce (Kdrama): I fell really behind on this drama. I liked the leads and their chemistry BUT MAN THEIR ROMANCE WAS SLOW MOVING! It was almost not believable because it was so slow. The characters also just kept making really stupid decisions.
Captivating the King (Kdrama): I fell behind on this drama. I realized the only reason I was watching it was because Jo Jung Suk was KILLING IT as the male lead. That is just not enough for me to stick with a drama. I needed more.

I am excited for a variety of dramas in April. I, of course, am excited for new Korean dramas that are premiering but some dramas from other countries have caught my eye as well. I am a little behind with some dramas I am currently watching so, I hope I don't get too overwhelmed because I am adding to much to my current watchlist. I will be curious if I actually am able to start all of these and stay on top of my watchlist in April.

Love is like a Cat (Kdrama) (VIKI) [PREMIERES APRIL 1ST, 2024]
I have not watched a BL Korean drama in a while. Since I am liking Eye Love You so much, which is not a BL, OF COURSE, but is a crossover of Korean and Japanese actors, I am curious about this BL Korean Drama. This is a BL Korean drama that is a Korean and Thai cross over. Now, this is not the first time that this has happened. I am sure a lot of people who are BL drama watchers are excited about this one because Mew is in it. I am curious to see if this one is any good. I know Mew can act but all of the other Korean Actors are quite fresh and new. I am at least going to check this one out to see if I am going to stick with it. If it has cats in it, I will DEFINITELY check it out.

Parasyte: The Grey (Kdrama)(NETFLIX) [PREMIERES APRIL 5TH, 2024]
This drama is the reason why I watched the anime Parasyte: The Maxim in March. I can already tell from the poster and trailer that there will be differences between the two. I am curious to see what is different and what is the same. It is only 6 episodes so I wonder how much of the anime story will be in the dramas OR will the drama take a whole new direction and it not be even close to the Anime. GET READY FOR A GRUESOME AND VIOLENT DRAMAS - THAT IS FOR SURE!

Blood Free (Kdrama) (HULU) [PREMIERES APRIL 10TH, 2024]
Is it bad that I already ship the main leads and I know that romance is probably not part of this drama? 😂 Maybe I just want a bodyguard/CEO romance so bad in a drama because we have not gotten that recently. This one looks like it could get creepy. I love the cast so, I am definitely checking this one out. I hope it is good. I will try to go in without expectations. The trailers sort of gave nothing and something at the same time. I really don't know where this plot could go. I mean the trailer hasn't even shown why the female lead needs a bodyguard in the first place. Maybe they will go head to head instead by the end because the bodyguard finds something out and needs to save the world from her. I don't know, I am just spewing theories at this point.

Chief Detective 1958 (Kdrama) [PREMIERES APRIL 19TH, 2024]
I don't know much about the original drama this is based off of. I know it ran for a VERY LONG TIME! Give me a crime drama and I am there! Give me a crime drama that Lee Je Hoon is in, I am DOUBLE THERE! This just looks like it will be a fun drama to watch. I love a good cop drama where you got a team and potentially a found family. I am curious if this will be a episodic crime drama or just about his daily life as a cop. I am also curious that they will try and do multiple seasons with this drama as well.

My Stand-In (Thai Drama) (IQIYI) [PREMIERES APRIL 26TH, 2024]
I don't know much about this drama but I do know three things. It stars pretty people. I have not watched an airing BL drama in A WHILE and I want to watch one. I like multiple cast members in this cast so, that is what also catches my interest. The synopsis sounds intriguing as well. So, I am at least going to check this one out and see if I like it.
I could have been more intentional in my watching in March. I started a lot of dramas on a whim. ESPECIALLY since I dropped some dramas. April doesn't seem like I have many dramas I am interested in BUT I already am watching so many dramas. My watchlist could become overwhelming EASILY so, I hope I can keep up and move dramas on and off my current watchlist in a timely manner.
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