Another month where NOT a lot of posters caught my eye. Maybe I am just not looking in the right places? Maybe I am just not impressed with posters recently. I am just glad I still have even a mini collection. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?

I hadn't heard anything about this drama until it was announced that it was going to air. I LOVE the posters that have come out of this drama. I especially like the posters because of the costumes in the posters. I am a SUCKER for republican era costumes. The cast looks great in them too. I hope to start this one soon FOR SURE!

As I said in my APRIL WRAP UP post, I have been looking forward to this drama for a long time. If anything, I think this poster just shows HOW MUCH FUN this drama will be to watch. I AM READY TO LAUGH SO MUCH WITH THIS CRIME SUPERNATURAL DRAMA! I hope it will be a good mix of all three genres. I love a lot of the supporting cast that is in this poster as well. They are some great comedic actors as supporting cast in this drama.

I REALLY have no idea what to expect with this drama. I read about it and thought one thing. Then I saw some posters and changed my mind and then I watched the trailer, and I just don't know. WHATEVER THIS DRAMA IS ABOUT, I AM HERE FOR IT! These posters are AWESOME! You could really look at them and try to analyze them. You could try and figure out what the drama was going to be about. The posters definitely did their job in making me curious about the drama and wanting to check it out when it airs.

We knew this. We knew that ANY drama that had Ren Jia Lun in it and it released posters, they would show up on this monthly post. SO, HERE THEY ARE! I need access to this drama legally and hopefully that happens in April. We will have to wait and see what happens. I love all the blues and greens in the posters and their costumes.

A poster is supposed to sell the audience a drama or movie. It is one of the ways dramas/movies market it to the audience. THIS POSTER IS MARKETING THIS MOVIE TO ME! I am so curious what is going to happen in the movie. It looks dark and suspenseful. It looks like it could be a nail biter and a movie I would love. I hope I can watch it when it comes out. Has anyone else heard about this movie because I definitely didn't until this poster was released.
THERE YOU GO, all the posters that caught my eye this past month. I know there isn't a lot, I will just have to keep an eye out for more next month. We will see what happens in April. Stay tuned for next month's Collection of Posters - wonder what ones I will have then! Are you a collector of pretty posters for dramas? What ones have you seen that has caught your eyes recently? Any dramas coming out that you are excited for due to the poster you have seen?