WOW! This Wrap Up Post is turning out to be completely different than I assumed it would be. There were a lot more dramas in June that I completed than I thought there would be. I am also looking forward to SO MANY MORE dramas than I thought I would be for July. Now, I am wondering if I will be able to keep up and watch everything I want too in the coming month or two. I guess it also depends on if all of the dramas I am looking forward to are put on streaming sites where I am located. We will have to see how July shakes out. I love how I said in May that I would not have much to watch in the summer. 😂

I finished a lot of dramas and shows in June. I have given you a ton of variety to choose from with my completed list. We got dramas, anime, variety shows and even some American shows. You are bound to find something that seems interesting to you, and you want to click play on. I actually finished a lot more dramas/shows that I thought I would. I knew June was going to be a bit busy for me so, I am glad I still got a lot off my current watchlist.
My Happy Marriage (rewatch) (Anime)(NETFLIX): I rewatched this anime for a VERSUS podcast episode. I finally had access to the movie but since I watched this anime last year, I needed to rewatch it to compare it equally to the movie. I still enjoyed the anime as much as I did the first time I watched it. I love the main couple. I love their individual growth but also how their relationship progressed throughout the drama. I loved the fantasy parts of this anime as well. I am SO GLAD season 2 has been confirmed for this anime BECAUSE I CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH IT! I hope this means we will also get another movie eventually as well.
RATING: 9/10
As Long as We Both Shall Live (JMovie) (YouTube): I thought this movie adaption did the anime justice. I thought there were a lot of similarities between the anime and movie but also each stood out on its own too. THE ACTING WAS SO GOOD! The production did a really good job picking the cast to match the characters they were playing. Due to this being a movie, the story did seem a bit rushed. I LOVED the CGI in this movie. I loved aspects of this movie more than the anime and also loved other aspects of the anime more than the movie. You can listen to the comparison of this movie and Anime on my podcast now. I did end up liking the anime a little more than the movie.
RATING: 8.5/10
The Atypical Family (Kdrama) (NETFLIX): ONE OF MY FAVORITE DRAMAS OF 2024 HANDS DOWN! I loved the found family. I thought the drama was really creative witht he powers and the "real world" problems that were affecting the family. Every time I listen to reviews of this drama, I discover something else that I missed while watching this drama. I thought the drama had a lot of good messages being told. I liked the romance but the highlight for me with this drama were the other relationships in this drama such as the father/daughter relationship. This drama has a lot of emotion and discusses a lot of good societal and life issues. I have my own podcast episode/blogpost reviewing this drama if you want to listen/read it. You can read it here. I had a couple of issues with this drama it wasn't a perfect drama like the use of a fat suit BUT overall, still one of my favorite dramas in 2024.
RATING: 9/10
Crash (Kdrama) (HULU): This turned out to be a surprise for me. I knew that I would enjoy this Kdrama but I did not anticipate how much I would enjoy this drama. I LOVED THIS CRIME DRAMA!! I wish more people watched this drama. I feel like it sort of flew under the radar. It has such a unique topic of being about crimes related to vehicles. I loved the team and found family. I think this drama could have been 10 episodes and not 12 episodes, but I am glad it wasn't a 16-episode drama. The last episode was NOT needed. It definitely set up the potential season 2 which I would totally watch. It had an overarching crime throughout the drama which I think took up too much time, so I wish there was more episodic crimes, but I still REALLY enjoyed this drama.
RATING: 9/10
The Victims Game Season 1 (rewatch) (Tdrama) (NETFLIX): I will NEVER stop talking about The Victim's Game and how good of a drama this is. I rewatched Season 1 because we FINALLY got Season 2 in June after 4 years of waiting. I am currently watching Season 2 now. I still loved Season 1 just as much as I did the first time I watched it 4 years ago. It is just SO MUCH MORE than just another crime drama. It discusses important issues that need to be talked about. I loved the after the credits scenes and interviews because it gives the audience insight to what the production was thinking when making the drama. You can tell the people making this drama care a lot about it. It is a crime drama that is REALLY dark and gruesome. It is detailed and shows everything when it comes to the crimes and autopsies so just FYI and TW. IT IS STILL WORTH IT!
RATING: 9/10
Player Season 1 (rewatch) (Kdrama) (VIKI): I rewatched Season 1 of this drama because it aired 6 years ago, and Season 2 premiered in June. I AM SO GLAD I REWATCHED THIS DRAMA! I forgot a lot of it. It was fun being reintroduced to this cast and story. I am currently watching Season 2 so; you don't NEED to watch Season 1 before you click play on Season 2 but you might want to watch Season 1 just to get to know the main characters that also show up in Season 2. I rated Season 1 the same that I rated it the first time I watched this drama. I still had a lot of fun rewatching this. I love the main characters and their dynamic. I think this drama has a good mix of crime and comedy in it.
RATING: 9/10
Agents of Mystery (KVariety) (NETFLIX): I binged this all-in-one day. I enjoyed this variety WAY MORE than I thought I would. I have had variety shows such as Busted and The Devil's Plan on my plan to watch list FOREVER! I figured if I liked Agents of Mystery, I would dive into those later. I thought this was quite entertaining. The puzzles were complex and fun. THIS HAD A HIGH BUDGET! I thought the cast had good chemistry and worked together well. The story and script were a little cheesy. I would watch a second season though. Overall, this is a fun watch that is something different to add to your watchlist. It is too short!
RATING: 8/10
Queen Charlotte (American Show) (NETFLIX): I watched this spinoff finally because Bridgerton Season 3 came out in June, and I had never watched this spinoff. I LOVED THIS! I am so happy I watched this before I watched Season 3. I got to know a lot of background and context for some of the side characters in Season 3. I love that this spinoff gave me more insight into Queen Charlotte and her relationship. The amin couple had great chemistry. I cried SO MUCH with this spinoff. I am super curious what other spinoffs we might get in the future.
RATING: 10/10
Bridgerton Season 3 (American Show) (NETFLIX): The first half of this season was great! The main couple was front and center. They had GREAT chemistry. I don't know what happened with the second half of this drama. The writers tried to add to much. They tried to set up too many storylines for upcoming seasons all in 1 season. Some of the side stories could have waited for future seasons. I thought there was so much added that it took away from the main couple and their screentime. I also DID NOT like Colin's reaction to finding out Penelope's secret. I just thought it was uncalled for and sort of out of character. I wish we had gotten more scenes of the main couple. I wanted deeper, touching conversations between them. Also, I disliked the whole issues between Eloise and Penelope in Season 2 that seeped into Season 3. I missed their relationship for a good chunk of this season. I felt like the writers skimmed over a lot of things because there was TOO much added into Season 3.
RATING: 7/10
Regeneration (Cdrama) (VIKI): Overall, this crime/thriller cdrama was entertaining. I loved the format of this drama. The story structure was an interesting way to lay out the story and reveal the twists and turns. Speaking of twists and turns, this drama did have a few good ones. The ending fell flat for me though. I did not like that the drama tried to wedge in a romance when it wasn't really needed.
RATING: 7/10

I ended up dropping 2 dramas in June.
The Midnight Romance in Hagwon (Kdrama) (VIKI): I probably never should have started this drama. I knew going into the drama that there was a good chance that this drama wasn't for me. I only cared about the romance and nothing else going on in the drama. The romance just moved too slow for me. I just need to avoid this writer/director in the future because I have never liked what they make.
My Stand-In (Thai Drama) (IQIYI): I think I watched like the first 3 or so episodes of this drama. I started this drama because I loved the two main actors. I DID NOT LIKE THE TWO MAIN CHARACTER! I started to dislike how Ming was acting. I was interested in the time travel part of this drama, but I just did not like where Ming's character could be headed. I also was not liking how Joe might be headed down the same road. Now, that might have changed by now because I stopped really early int he drama. but I just could not cheer for a couple that seemed to not be making the right decisions and would be going down the same path that they did at the beginning. Maybe if I hear good things, I will go back to this. I think the actors were doing a great job with their characters. it was the writing and the direction where the story was headed that I was not liking.

I AM REALLY SURPRISED! Just a couple of weeks ago, I only had like 2 dramas on my radar for July. NOW, THAT HAS BALLOONED A LOT! I don't know if I am going to end up watching everything on this list. We will have to see BUT I might just be watching A LOT in July. Will I become crazy in July and watch A LOT and be overwhelmed all month?

Red Swan (Kdrama) (HULU) [PREMIERES JULY 3RD, 2024]
I am interested in this drama for two reasons. It looks like a makjang WHICH WE ALL KNOW I AM A FAN OF! I also need a good bodyguard romance in my life in 2024. I have watched 2 bodyguard dramas now in 2024 that did not have the romance I needed and that I was searching for in 2024. THIS ONE HAS POTENTIAL! I also like that the romance is between two older actors. The one thing that I am hesitant on is the two main actors. I don't dislike them, but I also don't love them. I don't think I have watched enough of Rain's dramas to have an opinion on him really. Kim Ha Neul was in this year's Nothing Uncovered which was HUGE let down for me. I don't think it was her though. It was the horrible writing that made me dislike it. So, I am willing to give her another chance. I have liked her in some of her older dramas. We will have to see about this main couple. I just hope they have good chemistry and pull it off.

The Auditors (Kdrama) (VIKI) [PREMIERES JULY 6TH, 2024]
I will be honest; I am watching this drama for 1 reason and 1 reason only. That is Jin Goo's hair. DO YOU SEE THIS GLORIOUS MANE HE HAS!? I don't actually know if I will like this drama. We will have to see what happens when I click play. It looks like it could have some good found family. I do like some of the cast but other cast members, I have never watched or don't really have an opinion on them. The jury is still out on this one. It might be dropped in the future, it might not. I am honestly just going in because of the hair though. I can't lie.

The Boyfriend (JVariety Show) (NETFLIX) [PREMIERES JULY 9TH, 2024]
I didn't watch a ton of Gay content in June so, this variety show looked perfect for me to watch in July. I know I have had my eye on the other popular Gay Variety Show His Man that I have not watched yet. I do like these romance variety shows a lot more than I thought I would. I do like that this is a Japanese Variety show because I haven't watched a ton of those anyway. I hope a lot of other people check this out so, I can talk to people about it.

Century of Love (Thai Drama) [PREMIERES JULY 10TH, 2024]
I know NEARLY nothing about this drama. I don't think I have ever watched any of the cast in anything. I have watched 1 trailer for this drama, and I am a sucker for an immortality/reincarnation story. I don't know if I will have access to this one, but I want to watch more BL content in 2024 so, I at least want to click play on this one and check it out. I always like a good fantasy story in my dramas. I also know I have said in the past that any drama with reincarnation, I am immediately interested in it.

Tarot (Kdrama) [PREMIERES JULY 15TH, 2024]
I know this was rumored for June, but it looks like July might be the month it comes out. Also, have no idea if this will show up on a streaming site. So, we will have to see. I am on the fence if I will watch this. Horror is not usually the genre I am interested in. The fact that it was presented at Cannes intrigues me. It also is only 7 episodes, about 30 mins long. We will have to see if I get access to this one and then decide if I at least give it a try. It looks scary, nonetheless. Maybe I will save this one for October if I get access to it. We will see what happens.

Sweet Home Season 3 (Kdrama) (NETFLIX) [PREMIERS JULY 19TH, 2024]
Now this will be interesting. I have not even watched Season 2 of Sweet Home. So, I think I am going to start rewatching Season 1 in July because it has been 4 years since I watched Season 1. Then once I finish Season 1, I will just continue into Season 2 and eventually Season 3. So, I won't try to finish all 3 seasons in July but will aim to finish all 3 seasons in 2024. I have heard mixed reviews about Season 2. I LOVED SEASON 1! I am curious what I will think of all 3 seasons.

4 Minutes (Thai Drama) [PREMIERES JULY 26TH, 2024]
ok I will be honest; this drama is on my radar for two reasons. One reason is, OF COURSE because Bible is in this drama. Ever since it was announced that he would be joining this drama, I have had my eye on it. I know the other actor. I have a ton of his dramas ton my plan to watch list. I just have never watched any of them...yet. The other reason this drama caught my eye is the premise. One of the leads has a power to see the future...4 minutes into the future. I am curious how that will work. We will see if I have access to this one.

No Way Out: The Roulette (Kdrama) [PREMIERES JULY 31ST, 2024 (maybe)]
I am not positive that this will air in July. MDL has the date as July 31st but sometimes that means that it will be pushed to August. We will have to see. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS DRAMA! I mean, first it is a crime drama with a with an interesting concept of a cop having to protect a killer. Second, GREG HSU IS GOING TO BE IN THIS DRAMA! HE WILL BE PLAYING AN EVIL GUY! Which I have never seen him do. The fact that he is going to be in a Kdrama is really interesting to me. This cast, in general, really interests me. We will see if this actually airs in July and if I have access to it.
Just when I though July was going to be dry month for me and airing dramas - THIS HAPPENS! I will have to buckle up. Luckily, I really have no travel plans in July so, I will be sticking close to home in the coming month. July definitely will be interesting for me. What do you guys have your eyes on?
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