I AM BRINGING THIS BACK! I stopped doing this post around the middle of last year and I have missed doing it. I loved collecting posters I liked over the previous month and then just posting them in a blog post. I think it did 2 things. You got to see pretty posters and enjoy how beautiful or unique some could look. You also became aware of upcoming or airing dramas that you might write down to check out when the drama aired.
(Hopefully I keep this up this entire year 🤣)
Now as we all know the Lunar New Year is going on. Due to the Lunar New Year, a BUNCH of Chinese drama and movie productions released special posters to celebrate. We all know this if we follow Chinese dramas/movies. I am going to post a lot of the posters here in this post BUT not all the posters. There were just TOO MANY! So, if you don't see a poster in this post, please don't get mad. I just picked the posters I liked, and I know I missed posters as well.
I am REALLY looking forward to this drama. The drama released a special Lunar New Year poster to celebrate the holiday. The drama also released new character posters recently. Hopefully this means we get to see a premiere soon. I really like Crystal Liu and I am excited to see her back in Chinese drama land. I know of the male lead Chen Xiao but I have not seen him in a drama before. The story of this drama sounds super interesting and something that I will have a fun time watching. I love all 3 posters. The one released for the Lunar New Year reflects the drama and the bustling of city life and market which I am sure we are going to see in the drama. I love all the little details in the poster. What I love about the character posters is how the clothes flow and sort of become a part of the landscape of the poster. It is a clever and beautiful poster.
I always love a good ensemble cast drama where all of them are friends and we get multiple romances and multiple story lines. Gentleman Attention Please sounds like it will be just that which is why it caught my attention. I just had to share this poster because of the tiger ears/hats. 😂
This Chinese drama is anticipated by a lot of people, Including me. The drama released a special Lunar New Year poster to celebrate the holiday. Deng Lun and Ni Ni look SO GOOD together and I am excited for their EPIC romance. I hope it comes out soon but for now we just wait and see.
Another special poster released for the Lunar New Year. Tencent released the next batch of posters for their upcoming and highly anticipated dramas. I LOVE HOW COLORFUL THEY ALL ARE! Also, can you spot the tiger in all of them? I love the garden and flowers in this Who Rules the World poster.
Some of Tencent's highly anticipated dramas are modern dramas such as She and Her Perfect Husband so they released special posters for those as well. I just love the art style of these posters. I love all the lanterns hanging from the top of this poster. I think this is a nice preview of what we are going to get in this drama.
WHO IS EXCITED FOR ODE TO JOY 3!? I AM!!! As I said above, I love a good drama with an ensemble cast so we get lots of different stories and romances. This also reminds me that I need to watch Ode to Joy 1 and 2. I am seen clips and know the story, but I have never seen the entire drama. I love all the girls on the roof in this poster because they are friends and look like they are celebrating the holiday and having fun together. I hope they have as much fun together in the drama.
I think this is one of my favorite posters released for the Lunar New Year. LOOK AT ALL THE PRETTY DETAILS!! I love the floating lanterns. I love that the poster reflects the light in the lanterns and the lights closer to the groups of people. It gives warmth to the poster. I like that the river has stars in it so you can interpret it as a galaxy or a river. It is just a creative and beautiful poster.
I still have not decided if I am going to check this drama out or not. The drama released a special Lunar New Year poster which is very nice. I love the reflection of the lanterns on the water. I also have to laugh at the tiger on the roof of the building. I like that the poster is warm and comforting. I just love the glow of lanterns, I always have so when it is reflected in posters, I appreciate that.
THE TREE IN THIS POSTER IS BEAUTIFUL! Another poster released to celebrate the New Year and IT IS AWESOME! I love the ombre effect on the tree. I love the fallen leaves/petals on the ground. I love that the poster stuck to a 4-color scheme for the poster because it makes the colors REALLY stand out. I can't stop looking at the tree because I love it so much.
I am still not quite sure what this drama is going to be about BUT I PLAN TO WATCH IT! Maybe murder is involved. 😈 If it isn't, then that is ok too. I love the posters for this upcoming Kdrama because all 3 women seem strong and powerful. WE LOVE A WOMAN IN A SUIT! I would also not be opposed to makjang tendencies in this drama, but we will have to see.
I still have not watched this drama yet because I am still cleaning out my watchlist. I CAN'T WAIT TO START IT THOUGH! The character posters were released in January before it premiered. I AM SO CURIOUS ABOUT THIS DRAMA AND WHAT THESE POSTERS MEAN FOR THESE CHARACTERS! I can also tell through just these posters that there is some GREAT acting in this drama.
WHOOHOOO IT IS BACK OFFICIALLY! THE POSTER POST IS BACK!! I am so excited to do this monthly post again.
Stay tuned for next month's Collection of Posters - wonder what ones I will have then! Are you a collector of pretty posters for dramas? What ones have you seen that has caught your eyes recently? Any dramas coming out that you are excited for due to the poster you have seen?