I am SO GLAD that February was a much better drama watching month for me. I completed a lot of dramas in February and caught up on most of the dramas I fell behind on in January. It was good that I did this because MAN, MARCH HAS A LOT OF DRAMAS COMING OUT!! So, let's talk dramas!

Since I use Asian dramas as an escape, I feel so much better when I actually am in the right headspace to watch dramas. February was a fantastic month for me because I was able to complete a lot of dramas. I felt like I got most of my watchlist out of control. I also watched some FANTASTIC dramas over the last month. It gets me excited for the dramas I am going to watch in the future.
A Shop for Killers (Kdrama) (HULU): A FANTASTIC DRAMA! It was fast paced and I was enthralled the entire time. It was a crazy concept and the drama pulls it off. I still don't understand how it is related to the Kdrama The Killer's Shopping List. I liked the found family a lot. The action and cinematography during those fight scenes were great to watch. This drama is not perfect though. Some scenes were so dark, I could not see what was going on in the drama. It also is another Kdrama that NEEDS a Season 2.
Like Flowers in Sand (Kdrama) (NETFLIX): This was my favorite drama I completed in February. I honestly was surprised that I loved this drama as much as I did. It usually is not something I gravitate towards or like if I decided to click play. The definition of a healing drama. I loved the underdog sport story. I loved all of the villagers and their stories. The acting was great. You all know Jang Dong Yoon is MY favorite so, I might be a little bias with this little review. I loved his character's personality and just outlook on life. I loved watching his relationship with the female lead progress throughout the drama. I do wish that the mystery/crime didn't take up so much of the story in the middle. I thought the ending seemed rushed because of this. I also wanted to know more about some of the supporting characters.
Reset (Cdrama-rewatch) (VIKI): This was a rewatch for me. If you have not already gone and listened to Tea and Soju's podcast episode on Reset (released in February), you should do yourself a favor and go listen to it. You are in for a treat. Tell me why I was still nervous with every episode and sitting on the edge of my seat even though I knew what was going to happen in this drama! 😂 If you like a fast-paced action/crime drama, you should really check out Reset. I can't wait for the sequel.
Marry My Husband (Kdrama) (AMAZON PRIME): I might have a controversial opinion of this drama compared to everyone else. I had a lot of fun with this drama. I still disliked pretty much what everyone else disliked such as what happened in Episode 12 and the character that joined the drama late. I still had a lot of fun with this drama and rated it high. I am also a sucker for these types of dramas. The acting was good. The chemistry was great. I loved all three couples and I thought the revenge had a satisfying ending. It could have been 12 episodes. I did a full review of this drama on the blog and podcast so, check those out.
The Princess Wei Young (Cdrama - rewatch) (VIKI): THE NOSTALIGIA!! You can also go to tea and Soju's podcast and check out my rewatch/review of this Chinese Drama with the Drama Trio. We had a lot to say about this drama. I had a lot of fun rewatching this drama. I had forgotten a lot of the important parts. The lead couple still had great chemistry, just like I remembered. I forgot how many characters I hated in this drama. It is an oldie but a goodie in my opinion.
Love for Love's Sake (Kdrama) (IQIYI): I binged this drama in less than a day. It is as short but satisfying drama. The acting was SO GOOD! The chemistry with the two leads was great. I thought the story was a bit messy. Maybe that was because the story was supposed to be taking place inside a video game that was glitching, so it was intentional. It also seemed like the writer had one too many ideas for how short this drama was. I still think this was a solid BL drama.
House of Ninjas (Jdrama) (NETFLIX): This Japanese drama also has a review of it up on the podcast if, you want to listen to a more in detail review of this drama. If you love action dramas or want to watch a drama about Ninjas, WATCH THIS DRAMA! It has some great action/fighting scenes. I also loved that it isn't just a ninja drama. It is a family drama hidden under the story of ninjas. It does need a Season 2. Also, you can't watch this during the day because there are a lot of dark scenes. It is somewhat predictable with one part of the story but overall, still entertaining and fun.
A Killer Paradox (Kdrama) (NETFLIX): I was disappointed with this drama. The first half of the drama was GREAT! The second half dropped the ball. I thought it concentrated on the wrong characters and took the story in the wrong direction. The acting was great and I wanted to see more of that acting. I was expecting more of a cat and mouse story and the second half just wasn't that. I was left confused on why the writer took that direction in the second half. I don't recommend this one.
The Bequeathed (Kdrama) (NETFLIX): This drama was just ok. It had beautiful cinematography. I loved the message of family within the story but the story warped that message in a weird way. I thought the motive that was revealed was really weak and that major twist was not needed. It was definitely shocking and unpredictable but not needed. This could have been better. I don't recommend this one.

I only dropped one drama in February. I drop dramas for various reasons. I might just get bored. I might get spoiled and don't want to continue. I might fall behind on the drama and I don't feel like catching up.
Love Song for Illusion (Kdrama): I watched the first episode when it first premiered. I never went back and clicked play on episode 2. It is ending this week and the fact that I have not gone and clicked play on episode 2 yet, I feel like that is telling me something. So, I dropped it.

I was excited for a good number of dramas in February BUT MARCH IS A TSUNAMI OF NEW DRAMAS! I am happy that we got less dramas in February because I was able to catch up with dramas, for the most part. I am not going to talk about rumors because if I did, we would be here all day. I am looking forward to ALOT in March though. I just hope I get access to these dramas. There is very little in march that has been picked up by Streaming sites so far. I hope I can handle it all. It is like feast or famine over here! 😂

Wonderful World (Kdrama) [PREMIERES MARCH 1st, 2024]
I am looking forward to this one. I can't remember the last time I watched Kim Nam Joo in a drama. I also can't wait to watch Cha Eun Woo in this type of role. I AM PRAYING for access to this drama. right now, All I have seen is that it is going to Disney + which means it will be regionally restricted for me and I probably won't have access to it. I hope I am wrong and it pops up on Hulu when it premieres. This just looks like a drama that is RIGHT UP MY ALLEY! I am looking forward to a more mature drama.

Eye Love You (Jdrama) (NETFLIX) [PREMIERES MARCH 10TH, 2024]
When this Jdrama was announced in January, it immediately went on my planned to watch list. IT IS FINALLY COMING TO USA NETFLIX! I am so excited to binge this. I am really curious how this story is going to play out because you have a Jdrama starring a Korean actor. It is about a woman who can hear other people's inner voices if she looks them in the eyes. When she looks in Chae Jong Hyeop's eyes, she can't understand him because it is in Korean. This allows her to pursue a romance with him. I hope I can find some behind the scenes or interviews with this drama because I am so intrigued on how this drama came about and what it was like to shoot it. I am just so curious how he even got connected to this role.

The Midnight Studio (Kdrama) (VIKI) [PREMIERES MARCH 11TH, 2024]
This drama gives me Mystic Pop Up Bar vibes and I AM HERE FOR IT! I LOVED that drama from 2020 and I want something like that again. I also am a fan of the cast. I think this will be a lot of fun to watch. Also, the script reading video has been making the rounds and the entire cast was crying while reading the script. I laughed at this because the cast laughed at themselves. This tells me that this drama is also going to be heartbreaking. I just want this drama to be good because this cast needs this.

Grabbed By the Collar (Kdrama) [PREMIERES MARCH 18TH, 2024]
Another drama that if I don't get access to it, I WILL RIOT! From the one trailer and posters, this trio has SO MUCH CHEMISTRY! I first saw a trailer for this during one of the awards shows in January and ever since, I have had it on my plan to watch list. It is a crime drama which is definitely a me drama. Then, you add in cheating and having to work with exes. THIS SOUNDS LIKE A DRAMA FILLED DRAMA AND I NEED IT NOW!!

Hide (Kdrama) [PREMIERES MARCH 23RD, 2024]
This drama is supposedly a remake of a European show. I don't remember from what country. This drama is labeled thriller so, I am there. All I know is that it is about a wife whose husband disappears and she tries to find the. This drama has an interesting cast. The cast alone would make me interested in this drama and then you add thriller to it too.

The Resurrection of the Seven (Kdrama) [PREMIERES MARCH 23RD, 2024]
I mean there is not much I can say about this drama. I watched Season 1 SO; I need to watch Season 2. I am ready for a crazy time where I have no idea what is going on. I am curious what the writers will throw at us this time. I just want Lee Joon to get his revenge and win everything 😂
February was a month where I got back on track. Just in time for March when the new rush of dramas comes to us. I hope to not only be watching Kdramas in March. I have more life events in March so, we will have to see how March goes. What did you complete in February? What are you looking forward to in March?
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