Just like that, another month is done in 2023. Is it just me or are months just going by very fast? 2023 is starting off as a slower year for me but I am okay with that. I still finished more dramas in February than I did January.

I think I would have finished more dramas in February but I really sort of put every other drama aside I was watching TO FINALLY FINISH THE LONGEST DAY IN CHANG'AN! I just really need to finish this cdrama. I have been watching it for TOO LONG! I hope to finish it in the next week or so. I am horrible at binging so that is why I have not finished this drama in February. I did still finish a few dramas in February and more than I did finish in January.
Payback: Money and Power (Kdrama) (AMAZON PRIME): I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS DRAMA! If you are looking for a mature and satisfying revenge drama, WATCH THIS DRAMA! I loved the cast and the found family. This role was MADE for Lee Sun Kyun. It had some great twists. I do think that the drama needed more Moon Chae Won in it. I am also really impressed by Kang Yoo Seok in this role. This is my first drama with him other than some guest roles so, I am looking forward to watching more dramas of his. You can read my full review here.
Between Us (Thai Drama) (iQIYI): I may be bias with this drama because this couple was my favorite in UWMA. I enjoyed this drama a lot. I loved their relationship. I liked how they supported each other and how they grew together. Some of the comedy did not work for me but that is pretty typical with Thai comedy with me or actually comedy in general. I just was smiling the entire way through this drama.]
Poong, The Joseon Psychiatrist Season 2 (Kdrama) (VIKI): I LOVED the first season of this drama so, I may be a little bias when it comes to season 2. I enjoyed Season 2 just as much as I loved season 1. I loved revisiting this cast and it's found family. I loved the main couple in this drama so, it was nice seeing them again as well. I really fell in love with Kim Min Jae through this drama so, I need to watch more of his dramas. This season did bring in a couple of side characters that were very unnecessary and annoying. It also added some side stories that it did not need so, it wasn't perfect. It gave me a very satisfying ending though.
Unlocked (KMovie) (NETFLIX): If you are looking for a good thriller movie, Unlocked is the right one for you. Im Siwan does an AMAZING job in this movie. If you were a fan of him in Strangers from Hell, you will like this movie. It is very creepy and it quite scary because the scenario could plausibly happen to you right now. Acting was phenomenal. It did get slow at times and I don't think the movie gave us enough information about Im Siwan's character at the end. It looks like Netflix might want to do more than one movie with this but we will see what happens. You can read my full review of this movie here.
Romance with Blind Master (Cdrama) (iQIYI): I randomly clicked play on this drama. I probably was avoiding the dramas I was supposed to be finishing up 😂. It was better than I expected it to be. It was light and fluffy. It had good acting. The main couple had chemistry. It is a very short dramas with length of episodes and number of episodes which I think made it suffer. The drama had some major plot holes and I liked it so much I wished it was a full-length drama. The dubbing also bothered me for some reason.
Decoy Season 1 (Kdrama) (VIKI): If you are a fan of crime dramas, DO NOT PASS THIS ONE UP! I downrated this drama a bit because it does have a slow start. The drama needs to introduce all the characters and there is a lot up setup. ALSO, I have to say the drama is VERY dark. Do not watch this drama if you can't handle HORRIBLE and graphic crimes. The cinematography is BEAUTIFUL and the acting is PHENOMENAL. I love that I can't predict everything but I am sure I have predicted some things about the plot. Season 2 is out in April.

I honestly don't know many dramas other than Kdramas that are coming out in March. I know there are a lot of cdramas based on BL source materials that are rumored for March but I don't want to get excited for all of those until I see that they actually premiered and ACTUALLY finished airing. We already had a drama in February do a surprise premiere and then just stop airing with only 8 episodes aired. It is for that reason I really don't watch cdramas as they air because that sort of thing could always happen.

In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal (Korean Documentary) (NETFLIX): [PREMIERES ON MARCH 3RD, 2023]
I found the other Korean crime documentary that Netflix released in 2021 called The Raincoat Killer: Chasing a Predator in Korea so, I have been looking forward to this documentary since it was announced. This subject matter sounds so interesting! I can't wait to dive into the stories. I am planning on writing a review for this documentary at some point for the blog as well.

Oasis (Kdrama): [PREMIERES MARCH 6TH, 2023]
I mentioned this drama in my Anticipated Kdramas of 2023 blogpost which you can read right here, so if you have read the blogpost, I might sound repetitive a bit. Jang Dong Yoon is in this drama which means I will be watching it. I KNOW I WILL BE SOBBING with this drama so; I am not looking forward to that AT ALL! 😂 I am curious about this time period though so; I am sure I will find that interesting with the drama. I, of course, know there will be great acting as well - JUST LOOK AT THE CAST!

Midnight Museum (Thai Drama): [PREMIERES MARCH 6TH, 2023]
When a drama has Tor, It will IMMEDIATELY go on my list. I don't think I have watched Gun in anything before even though I have heard some of his dramas and I hear he is a great actor. I am excited to see these 2 actors work together. Also, the concept for this drama is REALLY cool! It sounds quite unique for Thai dramas or at least the ones I have come across. I am excited to explore this world and story. I hope I get access to it.

The Glory Part 2 (Kdrama) (NETFLIX): [PREMIERES MARCH 10TH, 2023]
I have not watched The Glory Part 1 because I was waiting for Part 2. So, now that Part 2 is coming out, I can start this drama. I have heard some great things. I know it is intense so, I am excited to watch this drama and see what everyone is talking about.

Pandora: Beneath the Paradise (Kdrama): [PREMIERES MARCH 11TH, 2023]
There are a lot of things about this drama that has caught my attention. The cast looks great. We got a synopsis that sounds like it could go FULL makjang and I am HERE FOR IT! We have what looks like a bad-ass female lead with secrets. We got a revenge drama. There is just a lot about this drama that I am excited for. I know a lot of other people are excited for it as well.

A Shoulder to Cry On (Kdrama) (VIKI): [PREMIERES MARCH 14TH, 2023]
I usually try to avoid school dramas because most of the time they don't work for me. Honestly, the synopsis doesn't sound like something I like BUT I want to try this drama out because I want to support the members of OMEGA-X and all that they do.

Unintentional Love Story (Kdrama) (iQIYI) : [PREMIERES MARCH 17TH, 2023]
I absolutely LOVE both of these lead actors so; I am so excited for this drama. Hopefully, I have access to this drama somewhere on a streaming site.

The Real Has Come! (Kdrama): [PREMIERES MARCH 25TH, 2023]
I have tried Family weekend dramas before and I have never finished one. I WANT THIS DRAMA TO BE THE FIRST FAMILY WEEKEND DRAMA I FINISH! I love a lot of the cast so, to watch them in a drama together will be fun. I really want to give more of these try.

Joseon Attorney (Kdrama): [PREMIERES MARCH 31ST, 2023]
We all know that a TON of people are looking forward to this drama for one reason and one reason only. I am also looking forward to this drama for that reason too. That reason is Woo Do Hwan. This is his return to dramaland drama. He actually did a cameo in Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist Season 2 as a lawyer which was fun to see. I am curious if this will be more of a comedy or not. We know there will be some angsty parts because Woo Do Hwan does that SO WELL! I also LOVE many other actors/actresses in this cast too. I think this drama will be fun.

Kill Bok Soon (KMovie) (NETFLIX): [PREMIERES MARCH 31ST, 2023]
THIS TRAILER LOOKS SO MUCH FUN! The trailer really hooked me. There is something special about a female killer. We love a strong female lead and this drama SCREAMS THAT! I love the concept of a person leading a double life and trying to hide it. I also am excited to see this cast do this type of movie. I know some actors has done this concept before but others I have not seen do this type of movie before. IT JUST LOOKS SO GOOD!

CopyCat Killer (Tdrama) (NETFLIX): [PREMIERES MARCH 31ST, 2023]
Oh, Taiwan is putting out a crime drama?! OH I AM IN! I have loved all the crime tdrama I have watched, especially the ones that Netflix has made. THIS CAST LOOKS AMAZING! It is also based off a jmovie and Japanese novel which sounds interesting to me.
That is my list for what I watched in February and what I am looking forward to in March, 2023. Hopefully I can clear my watchlist and add new ones in March.
What dramas did you start in February? Did you complete any dramas in February? Are you like me and are still watching some dramas you started in 2022? What did you like that you completed? What are you looking forward to in March for dramas? What about any movies? Anything I missed and need to add to my list? Is your list short or long?