February has come to an end. Another month has gone by. Let's check out what I have finished in drama land this month! Let us also check out what I am interested in for the month of March. What have you completed and enjoyed in Dramaland for February? What dramas are you looking forward to in March?

February was the month that I took the time to finish the cdramas I was watching so I could get them off my current watch list. All of my cdramas that I completed I had started in 2020 so I needed to either finish them or drop them. So, I got behind on all the airing Kdramas that are on my current watchlist. 😂
-Hikaru No Go: THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST CDRAMAS I HAVE EVER SEEN! I absolutely loved it and can totally see myself re-watching it again in the future. I loved the message. I loved the relationships. I loved the story. I loved the acting - SO MUCH TALENT IN THIS DRAMA! Check out my FINAL REVIEW of this drama to see more reasons why I loved this drama.
-To My Star: This was a very cute BL kdrama. I am glad that we are getting these short dramas. I will always support LGBTQ content (from whatever country it is from).
-Royal Secret Agent: This was a FANTASTIC kdrama. I had a lot of fun with it. I am glad there wasn't a ton of romance in it because the trio of the leads were SO FUNNY TOGETHER! I laughed multiple times throughout this drama. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!
-Psych Hunter: If you like a good old Republican crime drama, TRY THIS ONE OUT! It was creative, entertaining and exciting to watch. The actors had great chemistry together and it was an easy watch. I am glad I got back to this drama and finished it. I was not disappointed.
-Manner of Death: I have to give props to this production. They went out on a limb and tried something new. Was it perfect? NO BUT I enjoyed it quite A LOT! I hope this drama showed other productions that you can expand the subject matter for BL dramas and do it well. This drama was refreshing and entertaining. I recommend you to check this one out FOR SURE!
-A Man in a Veil: THATS RIGHT! I FINISHED MY FIRST DAILY DRAMA! What a CRAZY ride it was! 😂 I enjoyed this drama a lot, probably due to all the murder, secrets and revenge in it. FULL ON MAKJANG and we know how much I LOVE MAKJANG DRAMAS! It, of course, wasn't perfect but I loved the experience of watching it.
-New Face: This drama had a UNIQUE concept for a crime drama. It made me want to click on the next episode because I wanted to see it all play out. I wanted more scenes/story with some of the female characters because I think some of them were sidelined. OVERALL, a solid crime drama that was fast-paced and always suspenseful.
-The Yin Yang Master: Dream of Eternity: I stuck some movies into the month of February as well. THE VISUALS IN THIS MOVE REALLY STOOD OUT! The acting was good and the actors had great chemistry. I loved all the CGI and the magical elements that were involved in the story. For more about this movie - CHECK OUT MY REVIEW OF THE MOVIE!
-Space Sweepers: Another movie where the visuals and CGI stood out. You fall in love with all the characters. If you are a fan of the FOUND FAMILY trope, you will love this movie. Overall, a very heartwarming and exciting drama. For more about this movie - CHECK OUT MY REVIEW OF THE MOVIE!

It might be good that March is a slow drama month for me because MY LIFE WILL BE SO CHAOTIC PERSONALLY THIS COMING MONTH! I am excited for all 5 of the dramas I am looking forward to in March and for very different reasons.

Mouse (KOREAN)(VIKI): [STARTS MARCH 3rd, 2021]
I am ready for another DARK CRIME DRAMA! Mouse seems RIGHT UP MY ALLEY! I have high hopes for this drama. You just have to say serial killers and murder AND I AM THERE!

HIStory4: Close to You (TAIWANESE)(VIKI): [STARTS MARCH 14th,2021]
I have liked other seasons (not all seasons) of this drama series. OF COURSE, I AM GOING TO CHECK OUT THE NEW SEASON! I am curious how this story will play out because there have been a lot of conversations about this drama on social media.

Joseon Exorcist (KOREAN)(VIKI): [STARTS MARCH 22nd, 2021]
I AM SUCH A HUGE FAN OF KINGDOM SO I AM DEFINITELY WATCHING THIS ONE! I am ready to be scared stiff and watch all the exorcism and sword fighting. I am also a HUGE FAN of Jang Dong Yoon so I am excited to see him in another role. I just hope I am just not going into this drama with too high of expectations because I have HIGH HIGH HIGH EXPECTATIONS for this drama! 😂

Navillera (KOREAN)(NETFLIX): [STARTS MARCH 22nd, 2021]
I honestly wasn't interested in this drama UNTIL one of my fav actors Kim Kwon joined the cast. So, I am willing to give it a shot and try it out. You never know - IT MIGHT SURPRISE ME!

Writing Your Destiny (KOREAN): [STARTS MARCH 26th, 2021]
I am due for an entertaining fantasy drama on my watchlist and I am hoping this will be it. Ki Do Hoon is the male lead and that is why I noticed this drama. The synopsis seems interesting so I hope I can watch it somewhere when it premieres at the end of the month.
-Super Junior
-MIRAE (new debut)
-CIIPHER (new debut)
-NTX (new debut)
Did you complete any dramas in February? What did you like that you completed? What are you looking forward to in March for dramas? What about KPOP - anything you are excited for?