I am still not done making lists of my all-time favorite dramas from a certain country. So, Today, I decided to tackle another country and their dramas. So, far you will find a list for my favorite Cdramas of all time (here) and a list for my favorite Jdramas of all time (here). I don't talk about Taiwanese dramas enough on this blog. I hope I can change that bit in the future. I actually haven't seen many Taiwanese dramas which is probably why. I have no idea why I don't watch more Taiwanese drama because I love a lot of the ones I have seen.
As per usual, a few ground rules, these lists will be in no particular order or genre. It is just my favorite dramas from this particular Asian country. I have to had completed the drama for it to be on this list. There are no honorable mentions for this list because I came up with a list of 10 Taiwanese dramas I love. If your favorites are not on my list, doesn't mean I didn't like them. I either had to pick and choose and your favorites didn't make the cut OR I might not even have seen them yet. Play along and tell me your favorites!
As I said above, this list was very easy to make. Probably due to the fact I have not seen a lot of Taiwanese dramas. I have a bunch of Tdramas on my Plan to Watch list though. My plan to watch list that will never end because I keep adding dramas to it. I guess this is a good thing for a drama watcher though so, I am not complaining. You might already know some of the Taiwanese dramas that will be on this list because I have included them in other lists I have made on this blog such as ROMANCE DRAMAS I WOULD RECOMMEND or my WHY I LIKE TDRAMAS blog post I also have done some reviews about certain Taiwanese dramas that are on this list as well.

Someone Like You was one of the first Taiwanese dramas I ever watched. I re-watch scenes all the time but I actually have never re-watched the entire drama. So, does it hold up to modern times - probably not BUT I love it anyway. I loved the two leads and their chemistry. I am sucker for a lot of the tropes in this drama such as employer and employee romance and grumpy male lead and spunky female lead. There is something nostalgic for me with this drama and what dramas were like back in 2015.

This drama really surprised me. I am not a horror girlie AT ALL! I hate horror but for some reason I gave this one a chance and I am SO GLAD I did. Like many dramas, Detention is so much more than just a horror Taiwanese drama. It is a beautiful drama from the cinematography to the story. It is a drama that talks about societal issues so, it isn't an easy drama to watch. It discusses topics such as abuse of authority, sexual assault and suicide. It also discusses topics such as regret, choices and friendship. It definitely still is a horror story as well so, some parts are quite scary. I love when dramas go beyond what you expect and talk about important issues. This one is an all-time favorite because it became this drama that exceeded my expectations and was more than just a horror drama.

Before We Get Married is messy but I LOVED IT!! I love a crazy drama. We ALL KNOW THIS! I love a drama that has cheating. Before We Get Married is a spicy, mature drama that you will get addicted it. There were characters that ABSOLUTELY drove me nuts but I loved every second of it. The leads had AMAZING chemistry! If you don't like affairs in dramas, this drama is not for you.

This is another Taiwanese drama that BLEW MY MIND when I watched it. It is another case of it is so much more than just another horror drama, just like Detention. It had so much more depth than I assumed it would. It has beautiful music and cinematography. What I loved about it is that it kept be guessing until the very last second. I remember this drama ending and I didn't even have thoughts about what I thought about this drama. It is a good sign when you think about a drama you just finished DAYS after you finished the last episodes.

I think I love this Taiwanese Drama so much because it is unique. It has a little bit of everything from crime to fantasy to horror to supernatural. Something for everyone. At the time that I watched this, I had not seen anything like it. It was so rich in lore and was exciting to watch because it wove this interesting story that kept me captivated. The sets, costumes and cinematography just added to this drama and made me love it even more.

The Victim's Game is an AMAZING Taiwanese crime drama! I know this is an ongoing thing I keep saying in this blogpost but it is more than just a crime drama. It talks about societal issues and has so much depth. It was a drama that I kicked me off my feet because I got a drama I did not expect. The OSTS are impactful and beautiful. This is another Taiwanese drama that had me thinking about LONG after I have completed it. I cried A LOT with this drama but I loved it too.

The way I was SO IN LOVE with this main couple - I had it BAD! They have so much chemistry together in this drama. I am a sucker for fantasy dramas and/or supernatural fated love stories and this one is a good one. I still listen to the OSTs TO THIS DAY! I loved all the twists and turns in this drama. I also love to learn about a new culture and love when dramas take the opportunity to teach about a new culture with their drama. I loved all the messages that this drama said through their drama. It is just such an amazing Taiwanese drama and not enough people have watched it or at least have talked about it. You can read my full review of this drama here.

Another Taiwanese crime drama to add to your plan to watch lists. Taiwan really have been delivering on the crime dramas in the last few years or so. Well, I think so at least. Danger Zone Season 1 and Season 2 is a dark and gruesome crime drama BUT SO WORTH IT! I loved the acting. I loved the found family. I loved the twists and turns in the plot. It is just such a great crime drama! I do think Season 1 is better than Season 2 but you have to watch Season 1 to understand what is going on in Season 2. You can read a review of season 1 of this drama here and Season 2 is here.

I don't think I really need to explain why Someday or One Day is on this list. If you have seen this Taiwanese drama, you will know why it is on this list. If you have not watched this tdrama - WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Stop reading this blogpost and go click play on this drama right now. It is a beautiful story with great acting. You do have to concentrate really hard and pay attention to it or you will not understand what is going on BUT IT IS WORTH IT! This is another Taiwanese drama that impacts you and sticks with you for a long time. My full review of this drama can be read here.

I literally have nothing negative to say about this drama. JUST GO WATCH THIS DRAMA IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN IT! I loved everything about this drama. I loved the main trio. I loved how much heart was in this story. I was emotionally invested and cried a lot. The acting was so good. I loved how it was structured like a procedural with a "case" spanning over 2 or 3 episodes and then the next case starts. It definitely was one of the best dramas I have watched this year. You can read my full review of this drama here.
Making this list has made me want to go and binge some of the tdramas that have been on my PLAN TO WATCHLIST. I have so many on that list I still need to get too. I am sure that is a regular problem for everyone who watches Asian Dramas, of course.
Did some of your favorite Taiwanese dramas make the list?
What are some of your favorites that are not on the list that I should check out?
What on the list have you seen?
What on the list have you not seen but are now going to check out?
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