People seem to like the drama lists I make and I like making them. So, this week I wrote a couple more lists. These two topics are near and dear to my heart because I could talk about them forever. The two genres I chose for these two lists are some of my favorites so, I have many dramas that I could put on these lists.
The first genre, as you can see from the title, is crime/mystery. I talked a little about why I liked this genre in my FAVORITE GENRES AND WHY blog post so, you can go to that blog post and get more details on why I like this genre so much. One thing I did mention is I love the crime/mystery genre so much because I like following the clues and trying to figure out the mystery myself along with the characters. If I am doing that with a drama that means I am invested in the story and drama. I specifically wanted this list to just be Chinese dramas because I feel like not a lot of people watch Chinese crime dramas. They watch Chinese dramas for other genres. I could be wrong with this, of course.
This list is just a few of my favorite crime Chinese dramas. They are in no particular order and I am sure I won't be able to fit all my favorites into one blog post. I can do more than one if you guys want more of these types of blog posts. I tried to mix up the list with story or time period or actors. These dramas are also ones I have finished watching. If your favorites aren't on the list, I might have seen them and just didn't want this blog post to never end. I might not have seen your favorite drama yet, if that is the case, let me know your favorites and I will watch them.

The Memory Lost series will always have a special place in my heart. It was one of the first cdrama I ever watched. I BINGED THE HELL OUT OF THE ENTIRE SERIES!! It is a little cheesy but there was just something special about this series for me. I love Yang Rong and Bai Yu as the leads. Their chemistry was OFF THE CHARTS for me. I loved watching the progression of their relationship across the series. The drama's story is a little wacky but that is also what makes it fun. Evan Li as the second male lead is also a favorite for me.

I love A Murderous Affair in Horizon Tower was so much more than just a crime drama. It really turned out to be a female-centered drama hidden within the crime genre. This drama REALLY keeps you guessing until the end. I was on the edge of my seat watching this drama. I love the message that this drama told at the end. THE ENSEMBLE CAST IN THIS DRAMA WAS FANTASTIC! I also think I liked this drama so much because I went into the drama without many expectations and this drama blew them out of the water. IT IS JUST A UNIQUE AND SPECIAL CRIME DRAMA. This drama was one of the first drama reviews I ever posted on this blog. You can read it here.

RESET (2022)
I was late to this drama by multiple months but I am so glad I watched Reset. It is a thrilling story from start to finish. The acting was very good. I was SO impressed by the acting. I loved seeing how the characters progressed through the drama. If you want a fast-paced crime drama - WATCH THIS ONE! I really appreciate a story that is not predictable. Even the OSTs are memorable and I still listen to them regularly. Check out my drama review of Reset here.

Under the Power is one of my favorite Chinese dramas OF ALL TIME! This is another drama that holds a special place in my heart. I even did a "LOVE LETTER" post for this drama. You can read it here. I adored the main couple in this drama. I may be a little bias because I love Allen Ren and Seven Tan. I loved watching them progress through the drama. I loved their chemistry and became invested in how their relationship. It isn't a perfect drama by any means but there is just something special about it for me. I definitely started this drama for the crime elements but stayed for the main couple.

Ancient Detective came out of NOWHERE for me. I saw that there was a new crime drama out and it looked interesting to me. I knew none of the cast and had no expectations going in. It really flew under the radar. I don't think many people know about it. Maybe they do. ANYWAYS if you do not, CHECK THIS DRAMA OUT! I was pleasantly surprised because it is a lot better than you think given the low budget and cast. It was just unexpected and fun. You have interesting cases. You have a cast with great chemistry and some great characters. You have tropes of course but the tropes work in this drama. The cinematography was great in this drama. Man, now I want to re-watch this drama.😂 I also wrote a "LOVE LETTER" for this drama which you can read here.

This is another crime drama that I am sure not a lot of people have watched or checked out. Miss Gu Who is Silent surprised me with how much I loved it. It threw me for a loop and was unpredictable at parts which I loved. THE CHEMISTRY WITH THE MAIN COUPLE WAS OFF THE CHARTS!! The OSTs stood out for me. The budget was low but this drama sort of was addicting for me. I remember bingeing the hell out of it and staying up WAY TO LATE to watch the next episode.

Another crime drama that I was late too but at least I watched it in the same year it aired. Under the Skin was great. I loved the chemistry of the leads. I loved how art was incorporated into the cases and shown in the drama. I thought the incorporation of art was unique and creative. It wasn't a perfect drama (is there a perfect drama though? 😂) but I was very entertained by Under the Skin. I definitely became a fan of both lead actors. Here is my review of the drama which I posted to the blog.

I loved season 1 of Tientsin Mystic. Season 2 does not compare. You can skip Season 2 in my opinion. Season 1 was SO MUCH BETTER! Another drama where the leads had great chemistry working together. I loved both of the female leads as well. They made a great team overall. I LOVED how spooky and creepy this drama was. THE OSTS ARE AMAZING! It is a weird but fun mix of genres. It was an unexpected hit for me. I love when that happens honestly because the drama becomes more memorable for me.

If you are a fan of crime dramas, YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS DRAMA! Stealth Walker is another fast-paced crime drama that grabs a hold of you and doesn't let go until it ends. THE LEADS OF THIS DRAMA ARE AMAZING!! THEIR CHEMISTRY SIZZLED! I swear there were not enough scenes of them together in this drama for me. You watch a crime drama to be surprised and the twists and turns in this drama will definitely surprise you. This is another crime drama where I am addicted to the OSTs. Here is the review that I wrote for Stealth Walker.

LAST but not least, Maiden Holmes will end this list (for now). I have more Chinese crime dramas that are some of my favorites but the list needs to end somewhere. This is more of a lighthearted crime drama compared to come others on this list. I am a SUCKER for historical crime dramas. The main couple had great chemistry. If you like a drama with no couple drama, this drama is for you. This is another crime drama where the crimes are good but the couple keeps you around.
THAT IS THE LIST. THOSE ARE SOME OF MY FAVORITE CHINESE CRIME DRAMAS! There is a TON that did not make the list that I love because the list had to stop somewhere. I also have a TON of Chinese crime dramas that I have not watched yet.
Did some of your favorite Chinese crime dramas make the list?
What are some of your favorites that are not on the list that I should check out?
What on the list have you seen?
What on the list have you not seen but are now going to check out?