We are working our way through the countries/genres. If you have not read any of my other lists that I have made in 2023, you can go back into my blog and check out my lists for my all -time favorite Thai Dramas (here), Cdramas (here), Jdramas (here) and Tdramas (here). The only list I have not done is Korean dramas which I think will come later this year at some point. The other lists were all made in 2023 so, they likely will change but for now all these lists were my favorites when I made them.
As per usual, a few ground rules, these lists will be in no particular order or genre. It is just my favorite dramas from this particular Asian country. I have to had completed the drama for it to be on this list. There are honorable mentions for this list but only 1 and I tell you why it is an honorable mention (and not really an honorable mention either). If your favorites are not on my list, doesn't mean I didn't like them, I honestly probably haven't seen them yet. If you want me to watch some of your favorite BL dramas - let me know what I should watch.

I might be a little biased with this BL drama. It will always hold a special place in my heart. It truly kicked off Korean BL dramas and what they have become today. I VIVIDLY remember this drama and just get nostalgia from thinking about the drama now. Korean BL dramas have so much variety now and expanded SO MUCH! This one is just so good and the leads had great chemistry. Again, I might be bias with this BL drama too.

Cherry Magic took the world by STORM when it aired and for good reason. This is why I love watching dramas from all over Asia. Something just hits differently with each country and each country has their strengths and weaknesses. There is just something else when it comes to Japanese BL dramas. Japanese BL dramas are special and I just love them. The acting was SO GOOD in this BL drama. I loved the leads and their chemistry. I loved watching the characters grow through their relationships. AND NOW WE ARE GETTING THE THAI VERSION, which I can't wait to check out. If you want to read my full review of this Jdrama, you can read it here.

I mentioned Until We Meet Again as one of my favorite Thai dramas of all time SO, it makes sense that it one of my favorite BL dramas of all time. This is another drama that gives me lots of nostalgia because it was one of my first BL dramas I ever watched. I thought the story was so unique and just different from anything else I had watched up to that point. It was well acted and had a lot of emotion. I became VERY invested in the couple and characters of this drama. I still rewatch scenes and episodes from this drama a lot.

OK, this is where my HONORABLE MENTION comes into play. I feel like if I am going to put Until We Meet Again in my favorite BL dramas of All Time, Between Us automatically goes into the list. The main couple in Between Us was my favorite couple of Until We Meet Again so, I am bias in this. Until We Meet Again has a higher rating from me (as well as many other dramas on this list) than Between Us but I just could not split them apart. Between us is also in my all- time favorite Thai dramas of all time. I was just so happy seeing my favorite couple together again.

I don't think this is a surprise that this BL drama is on my list. Semantic Error is a favorite for a lot of people. The chemistry between the leads is fantastic. There is a solid acting with the entire cast. It is just a fun and easy watch. I loved watching the leads' relationship start and progress. I loved watching the leads grow through their relationship and take risks for each other. The OSTS are also really good with this Kdrama. I listened to them a lot. AND NOW, PARK SEO HAM IS OUT OF THE MILITARY SO WE NEED A SEASON 2!!

I will take EVERY opportunity I have to talk up Blueming and to tell everyone to watch this drama if you have a chance. I was really surprised by this drama and it flew under the radar. I don't think a lot of people have seen it. If you are a lover of cinematography like me, YOU WILL LOVE THIS BL KDRAMA! This is definitely one of my comfort watches. The leads have great chemistry. I was just so surprised when I first watched this and I love revisiting it. They are even making a remake of this one (ALREADY) which is hilarious!

Another BL drama that I am sure a lot of people have seen and love. I LOVE THE OSTS FROM THIS DRAMA! This is definitely my favorite of the HIStory series and I am sure I am not alone with that statement. I have re-watched so many scenes and episodes from this drama. I love the concept of gangster and cop getting together. The leads had AMAZING chemistry and it was well acted. I was very invested in this couples' story and I loved the twists it had in its' story.

This is another drama on my All-Time favorite Thai dramas list. I think this drama was a hit or miss with people. You either loved this drama or you didn't. I knew nothing about this drama when I clicked play. I just saw that it was a medical examiner and a gangster who investigate a series of deaths. I did not know it was going to be a BL but once I saw that it was a BL drama, I was intrigued because I had never seen a BL drama centered around a mystery/crime drama concept before. The story was just so refreshing and new to me when I watched it. It isn't the best drama EVER but there is just something about this drama that I continue to swatch scenes and episodes from it. THE LEADS HAVE SO MUCH CHEMISTRY AND I LOVE THEM TOGETHER! They are highlight for me in this drama. Here is my FINAL review of this drama.

Another BL drama that I think everyone loved from this year. There is just something unique about this BL Kdrama. Maybe it was the cinematography or the lighting for me. I loved the lead couple together. They had such a comforting chemistry that benefited the story and the drama. I loved that this Kdrama talked about mental health and wasn't afraid to broach that topic. I liked a lot of the support characters as well. I need a second season from this drama because it is just so special to me.

I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS KOREAN BL DRAMA! I love Cha Seo Won as an actor so, I might be a little bias. I loved both couples. I am a sucker for a cold lead who melts when he meets a puppy. Cha Seo Won and Gongchan have great chemistry together in this drama. It is well acted. I like that the episodes were longer so, we got a more in-depth story. I am SO HAPPY we are getting a spin-off from this drama. I AM OBSESSED WITH THE OSTS. There is just so much about this Korean BL drama that I love. I could talk about it FOREVER! You can read my final review of this Korean BL drama here.

This is another BL drama that impressed me SO MUCH! I did not know what to expect when I clicked play but I was pleasantly surprised. It is the perfect drama to watch in the summer. YECHAN WAS A DELIGHT TO WATCH IN THIS DRAMA! It is totally his story and him realizing what he wants in life. He was the best part of this drama and I love his character. The OSTS are earworms and are just so good. I love this Kdrama so much I want to watch the variety show that the two leads are doing right now.
Now I want to go and rewatch scenes from all of these BL dramas because I love them so much.
Did some of your favorite BL dramas make the list? What are some of your favorites that are not on the list that I should check out? What on the list have you seen? What on the list have you not seen but are now going to check out?
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