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IT IS OFFICIALLY 2022!! We are at the end of another month and now ANOTHER YEAR! I have been writing this blog for over a year now WHICH IS CRAZY!! Naturally, we are going to put an end of December 2021 with a Wrap Up post and welcome January 2022 with WHAT I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO in terms of dramas for the month. Why did 2021 seem like it was moving at a snail's pace BUT ALSO GONE IN A BLINK OF AN EYE!?


I did fairly well with the last month of December and dramas. Even with my inconsistency of watching dramas during the month due to the holidays, I still completed quite a few dramas. I also am behind on a lot of the dramas I am currently watching so that is an issue as well. 😂 Do you have an issue keeping up with the dramas you are watching during the holidays or is it the opposite for you?

The Silent Sea (Kdrama) (NETFLIX): I loved EVERYTHING about this drama. I liked that it seemed unique and new. The cast was good but we knew that going in. I MEAN DID YOU SEE THE CAST?! The production was TOP NOTCH! I would TOTALLY watch a second season of this drama. I did have some questions at the end but that was because it was totally written to have a second season.

Happiness (Kdrama) (VIKI): THIS WAS HANDS DOWN MY FAVORITE KDRAMA OF 2021! I loved everything about it. I loved the societal issues discussed within the cover of a zombie drama. I loved the acting and the relationships of characters. I loved how it all mostly took place in 1 apartment building. IT WAS JUST SUCH A GOOD SOLID DRAMA!!

Between Us Special (Thai Drama Special) (Youtube): The Thai drama Between Us is one of my HIGHLY anticipated dramas and I HOPE IT COMES OUT IN 2022! This special both satiated my need for this drama BUT also made me want it sooner than ever. I JUST LOVE THIS COUPLE AND I NEED THEIR DRAMA RIGHT NOW!

Chimera (Kdrama) (VIKI): OCN DRAMAS WILL ALWAYS BE SOME OF MY FAVORITE DRAMAS! I just love the OCN network. Chimera wasn't perfect but it was a solid drama. It kept me interested and I loved the chemistry between the characters. It was slow at times, but I definitely have more of an appreciation for the actors in the drama and look forward to their future works.

Inspector Koo (Kdrama) (NETFLIX): I honestly wanted to like this more than I did. I think it was the way I was watching it which was trying to binge it. I am not good at bingeing dramas. I get bored if I watch too many episodes in a row of 1 drama. I did LOVE the cast, the group of misfits and the acting. THE OSTS WERE FANTASTIC!!

Jirisan (Kdrama) (iQIYI): I am in the minority and actually liked this more than a lot of other people. It definitely had faults and things that didn't make sense. I also found it ambitious and creative even if not everything worked out like it should have. I liked the mix of genres and thought the cast did great with what was given to them. I loved the cinematography and how beautiful the drama with the landscape shots.

Secret Royal Inspector & Joy (Kdrama) (VIKI): Overall, I liked this drama. I am a sucker for found family so, naturally, I loved that aspect of this drama. I wish there was more crime being investigated and not just 1 OVERALL crime and sometimes the comedy didn't work for me but that is a ME PROBLEM. If you like comedy, good acting and adorable couples, you will probably like this drama.

Captivated, By You (Jdrama) (VIKI): This was a drama I stuck in at the last minute, one the last day of 2021. It wasn't anything groundbreaking, but it was cute. I NEED TO WATCH MORE JDRAMAS! I do wish it was longer because I wanted to see more interactions with the characters. I did love that by the end, all the characters were connected in some way, and it was just a cute drama about friendship.


I would like to say that I don't have a lot of dramas in January that I am looking forward too but that is probably a lie. I always find something. I want to not be looking forward to a lot this month because I am behind on most of what I am watching currently. SO, LET'S SEE WHAT I AM LOOKING FORWARD TOO!

The Ghost Doctor (Kdrama) (VIKI): [STARTS JANUARY 3RD, 2022]

I could do with a funny drama right now. I don't watch many medical dramas but this one seems interesting. I haven't seen Rain in a drama for a while and OF COURSE, I LOVE KIM BUM! Speaking of people, I have not seen in a drama in a LONG TIME, UEE IS IN THIS DRAMA AND I LOVE HER! This cast with comedy could be a lot of fun so I am looking forward to giving it a try. I am always worried that comedy won't work for me but sometimes it does. WE WILL SEE!

Tracer (Kdrama): [STARTS JANUARY 7TH, 2022]

I hope this comes to a streaming site. I always can add another crime drama to my current watchlist. I like the cast and can see that they will work together well. I am sort of going into this drama blind if I can watch it because I have not seen any trailers. MAYBE THAT WILL WORK FOR ME!

Reset (Cdrama) (WETV): [STARTS JANUARY 11TH, 2022]

I know I mentioned this drama in another WRAP UP post because it was rumored to premiere in 2021. WELL, 2022 LOOKS LIKE IT IS THE YEAR THAT THIS DRAMA WILL COME OUT! I am always a sucker for time travel. I know of these actors in this drama but have never seen a drama of theirs, so I am always open to discover new actors/actresses. I mean, you combine suspense, crime, action and time travel, I WILL ALWAYS CHECK IT OUT!

The Journalist (Jdrama) (NETFLIX): [STARTS JANUARY 13TH, 2022]

One of this blog's new year resolutions is to watch more variety of dramas and shows, ESPECIALLY JDRAMAS! So, I am happy to see a new Jdrama coming out right away in January. I watched Ayano Go in Frankenstein's Love last year so, I love to see him coming out with a new drama so soon in 2022. I have not watched A TON of Jdramas so I think this might be my first Jdrama about corruption. We will see what I think of it.

Through The Darkness (Kdrama): [STARTS JANUARY 14TH, 2022]

Criminal Minds is one of my ALL-TIME FAVORITE American television shows. Through The Darkness is about profilers SO, THIS DRAMA IS DEFINITELY GOING ON MY LIST! I hope it comes to a legal platform. I AM LITERALLY PRAYING THAT I WILL HAVE ACCESS TO IT BECAUSE THE TRAILERS LOOK SO GOOD!!

Color Rush 2 (Kdrama) (VIKI): [STARTS JANUARY 21ST, 2022]

I liked the first season of Color Rush so; I am going to check out season 2. I expect that it won't be the same story because one of the actors will not be back. Which I guess makes me curious of what it IS going to be about. Will it even be a BL drama given the concept of what Season 1 was? I don't need it to be a BL, just needs to be a good story.

All of Us Are Dead (Kdrama) (NETFLIX): [STARTS JANUARY 28TH, 2022]

I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOREVER FOR THIS DRAMA AND IT IS FINALLY HERE!! I will watch anything with zombies AND THE TRAILERS LOOK SO GOOD FOR THIS!! I am ready for a mini binge. I am curious if these zombies will be different from what we have seen already in drama land OR WILL IT EVEN BE THE TRADITIONAL ZOMBIES?! 😲


THERE ARE SO MANY KPOP COMEBACKS THIS MONTH! I mean it is JAM PACKED!! That means MORE MUSIC FOR US!! I am just excited to see music and groups getting comebacks and releasing new music. I always welcome new music to check out and explore. I watched the SMTOWN LIVE concert for ring in 2022 AND ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! I had such fun...Did you guys see any clips from the concert or attend the concert yourselves?

Did you complete any dramas in December? What did you like that you completed? What are you looking forward to in January for dramas? Do you have any drama watching plans for 2022? What did you do to ring in 2022? What about KPOP - anything you are excited for or are you like me and EXCITED for EVERYTHING!?






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