REDEMPTION! I actually completed a lot of things in December. I think I did PRETTY GOOD! Did I complete everything I wanted too? No, I did not BUT it was way better than November. I am still bringing more dramas into 2025 than I would have liked but not as many as previous years. I think that strategy I talked about in November worked for the most parts. Not everything worked but I can speak about that another time. I am writing this a little before the end of the month. This blogpost and podcast episode will be out a little before the end of the month. If I finish anything in December after this blogpost/podcast episode comes out, I will review it in January's Wrap Up blogpost/podcast episode. I just want to let everyone know that because I am pretty sure I will complete some things after this comes out.

I completed a lot of things that I should have completed multiple of months ago, but I am just glad I could complete them before 2024 ended. I think one reason it took me a while to complete some of these dramas is I was trying to finish 1 drama before I tackled the other dramas. I knew this one drama would take me forever to finish and I was right. It took me A LONG time to finish this one drama (which I will talk about below) which caused the other dramas to be delayed until December.
Ashes of Love (Cdrama) (VIKI): We are going to get this one out of the way first. If you liked Ashes of Love, don't read ahead and just skip to the next mini review. I did not like this cdrama AT ALL! I could not connect with the main couple. I could not get behind them ended up not caring for them at all. The female lead really annoyed me through out. Because I could not connect with the main couple, I ended up really liking the second demon couple. I even enjoyed the villains because at least they were fun to watch (HORRIBLE PEOPLE but fun - like a guilty pleasure). I even had some sympathy for the villains a little once I knew their full backstories. The pacing of the story was too drawn out. I did love that it was a Xianxia. We know that is one of my favorite genres. I also did not agree 100% with how the ending played out, especially with the second male lead (trying not put any spoilers in here).
RATING: 5/10
Godzilla Minus One (rewatch) (JMovie) (NETFLIX): I rewatched this movie for the third time in December. I have been trying to get my parents to watch this movie for a year now and I was successful FINALLY this month. This is still one of my favorite movies and DEFINITELY my favorite Godzilla movies. I still listen to and love the OST. It has such a touching and heartbreaking story. You care about the humans and their survival which is new for me. Godzilla is TERRIFYING which is a lot of fun to watch. I AM SO GLAD WE ARE GETTING ANOTHER MOVIE! If you have not watched this film yet - PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND WATCH IT! You can read my full review of this movie here AND you can also go to the podcast and listen to my review in podcast form as well.
RATING: 9.5/10
What Comes After Love (Kdrama) (VIKI): I liked this drama more than I thought I would. I know I did not enjoy it as much as other people did though. It had beautiful cinematography. I love that even though it was a Kdrama, you can tell that it tried to put aspects of a Jdrama into it like in the cinematography. I loved the OSTs. I loved the format where we got flashbacks as well as present day. I loved the main couple. I was not expecting the ending we got. I also am surprised I loved the amount of angst in it. I usually can't handle this level of Angst but for some reason this worked for me. I actually liked the angsty parts more than the sweet parts when they were in Japan in the flashbacks. I do wish there was a second couple, but I understand why that didn't happen, especially with the number of episodes there were.
RATING: 8/10
Road to Kingdom: Ace of Ace (KPop Competition Show): I don't think this season lived up to past seasons of Road to Kingdom/Kingdom. I am glad these groups got to show people what they had. I liked that I got to know all of these groups better. I did not like the concept of the Ace. I think it added too many rules and confusing scoring. I also wanted more interactions between the teams. I also wanted more interaction between Taemin and the groups. I mean you don't have Taemin be the MC and he not really do anything. He could have been given the opportunity to give some advice. I think this season really fell short for me. Even the performance didn't seem as big or as bombastic as other seasons. I also know I should have finished this show like 3 months ago.
RATING: 7/10
Zombieverse Season 1 (KVariety Show) (NETFLIX): I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I think people will like this if they like Running Man. If you are a fan of zombies and zombie Kdramas, you will have fun with this too. It definitely is partly scripted but other parts are the casts' reactions. They do have to figure out the puzzles and think how they will get out of situations. I was a lot funnier than I assumed it was going to be. Mostly because of the comedians who would say these hilarious one liner. This is the perfect show if you need something to just be entertained and turn your brain off. It definitely is cheesy and cringey at parts, but it is still hilarious to watch. I definitely plan to check out Season 2 just to see the new cast interact and escape zombies again.
RATING: 8/10
Solo Leveling Season 1 (Anime) (CRUNCHYROLL): I can see why people were raving about this anime. I did not know that it would have Korean audio. I don't know why I did not assume that since it is based off a manhwa. I can't believe it took me this long to check this anime out. I absolutely loved it. I built a world that is both terrifying but intriguing. I like that Jinwoo is a player in a game and that within itself is a mystery of what that is and why. The art of this anime is amazing. I LOVED THE OSTS! Far warning - it is VERY violent and somewhat creepy at parts. There is nothing new in terms of the formula that makes up the story. You have a weak main character who goes through a transformation to become the strongest and stives to be the strongest. There is a reason why this formula has worked though in both anime and dramas so, I am not surprised that this is a popular anime. It is somewhat comforting since it has a similar formula. The only thing I did not particularly like is Joo Hee, the healer. I did not care about her character at all. I am excited to see what happens in Season 2 FOR SURE!
RATING: 9/10

I am looking forward to a TON of Anime in January 2025! There is also a good group of Kdramas coming out in January. I am only interested in 4 of them. 3 of the 4 Kdramas I am interested has not released a poster, trailer or even confirmed a January premiere date. I am going to talk about them anyway. I know I usually don't talk about dramas that don't have confirmed dates, but January is probably the only month I make this exception for since it is the Holidays and all. I would not be surprised if some of these dramas are pushed to later in the month if there has been no confirmed premiere date yet. There are a couple of other Kdramas that have premiere dates, but I am on the fence if I will watch them or not, so, I am just going to skip talking about them for now. Given that I might not be watching some of the Kdramas in January like I want to, I went down the anime rabbit hole. I knew that there were 3 anime that I already planned to watch but then due to me falling down the rabbit hole, I found more I am interested and that will be airing in January. I am not going to start all of these in January, but they have been added to my plan to watch list. One of my goals for 2025 is to watch more anime. I want to watch more anime to then watch the live adaptions if they exist so, I can do more versus podcast episodes. I also just need to use my Crunchyroll subscription more. I am also going to be brining 4 dramas into 2025 that I am currently watching.

Study Group (Kdrama) [CONFIRMED TO AIR IN JANUARY 2025]
So, we only got a short teaser for this Kdrama. It confirmed that it was going to air in January 2025. We do not have a confirmed premiere date, but it at least has been confirmed for January 2025. I am comfortable to talk about this drama because of that. This drama does not have a confirmed streaming platform internationally that it will be on so, that is also TBD. Hwang Min Hyun filmed this drama before he enlisted. He enlisted in March of 2024 and is not due to be discharged until late December of 2025 so, this is likely to be the only drama we get from him in 2025. I love Hwang Min Hyun so; I have missed seeing him on my screen and I am excited we are at least getting this drama from him in 2025. This is about a high schooler who wants to study well and be a good student, but he is only good at fighting and goes to one of the worst schools. He forms a study group in an attempt to get ready for his college entrance exams. When the members of his study group start getting bullied, he has to step in to protect and defend them with his fighting skills. The teaser looks just like what I just what I described.

Love Scout (Kdrama) [PREMIERES JANUARY 3, 2025]
I KNOW! I said that I usually don't gravitate towards romance Kdramas. THAT IS USUALLY THE CASE! Love Scout will be the exception. I am interested in this for 2 reasons. One of my FAVORITE tropes ever is the boss and secretary trope. I also love that the woman is the boss in this drama and the male is the secretary. I love when dramas turn tropes on their heads. The second reason is that Lee Joon Hyuk is starring in this, and I am still salty that Dongjae is STILL not on paramount yet in the US. Now the first trailer showed little comedy in it, but the second trailer showed some. So, I am hoping it won't be too much comedy in it. I also have liked some of the other dramas this screenwriter has written. There is a confirmed premiere date for this but no confirmed international streaming site for this one.

The Good Man (Kdrama) [RUMORED TO PREMIERE JANUARY 15, 2025]
I would not be surprised if this drama is pushed to later in 2025. It has not released any posters or trailers yet. MDL says that it has a premiere date of January 15 but that really has not been confirmed with anything. I am excited for this one because of two reasons. I love the cast. We have a lot of good actors/actresses in this one including Lee Dong Wook, Lee Sung Kyung and Ryu Hye Young. The synopsis intrigues me. Lee Dong Wook plays the eldest son of a family of gangsters. He has to go through life, dealing with the ups and downs of being a gangster and protecting his family and other important people in his life. This sounds like a role that Lee Dong Wook would KILL AT! Again though, it does not have a confirmed premiere date, teaser/trailer or poster - so we will have to see if this actually comes out in January or is pushed.

Unmasked (Kdrama) (Disney +) [RUMORED TO AIR JANUARY 15, 2025]
This is another drama that is rumored to air on January 15. They haven't released any posters or trailers. The cast DEFINITELY caught my attention. I mean you got Kim Hye Soo, Jung Sung II and Joo Jong Hyuk. All people I like. MDL says this drama is going to be a crime drama which I like. It also says it is going to be a comedic crime drama. Sometimes comedic crime dramas work for me, sometimes not. I need to see a trailer to see if I am going to click play on this one. MDL says this drama is a Disney + drama. It does not mention if Disney Plus includes Hulu or not. That is another thing we will have to wait and see on as well. I would not be surprised if this one is pushed further into the year as well.

Asura (Jdrama) (NETFLIX) [PREMIERES JANUARY 9TH, 2025]
I love that Netflix is getting more Jdramas. This one caught my eye because of the synopsis. I like some of the cast so that is always a plus. The synopsis sounds messy. We know I love a crazy, messy makjang like story. MDL synopsis says that this drama is about 4 sisters who get together for the first time after a long while. One sister suspects that their father has a secret lover and child. The other sisters don't believe her but promise to not tell their mother. Well of course, things come out and probably more secrets come out eventually. JUST THE MESSY SYNOPSIS I LOVE! Apparently, there are 2 older adaptions of this drama as well - like REALLY OLD! So, this is definitely added to my plan to watch list. I have not decided if I am going to watch it right when it airs in January or not. Depends on what my current watchlist looks like.

Sakamoto Days (Anime) (NETFLIX) [PREMIERES JANUARY 11, 2025]
This looks like it is going to be a lot of fun. It is about a hitman that retires for love. No one in his world believes it though. He knows if he kills, his wife will divorce him, and he will lose his family. So, he has to figure out clever ways to protect his family from his old life without noticeably killing anyone. He has old enemies and partners showing up from his old life, disturbing the quaint life that he has built, so, he needs to protect that and not let his family find out. It looks like there will be a good mix of action and comedy with this one.

Solo Leveling Season 2 (Anime) (CRUNCHYROLL) [PREMIERES JANUARY 2025]
I binged Season 1 this past month because I knew Season 2 was due to release in January 2025. I had this anime on my list for a while to check out. I can see why it was all over my social media and everyone was raving about it. Solo Leveling Season 1 also recently won some awards this year. I loved Solo Leveling Season 1. I am glad the entire first season wasn't spoiled for my on social media so, I was still surprised at parts. I am surprised with how creepy it got in parts I was not expecting it. If Season 2 is anything like Season 1 - I am sure I will love it. I have not read the manhwa FYI. I also heard a rumor that Solo Leveling is getting a Kdrama adaption, but I have not seen anything confirming it. PLEASE BE AS GOOD AS SEASON 1!

My Happy Marriage Season 2 (Anime) (NETFLIX) [PREMIERES JANUARY 6, 2025]
This is one of my most anticipated things coming out in January. I LOVED Season 1, and I even did a versus blogpost/podcast episode between the anime and live action movie which you can check out here. I have not read the manga so; I don't know what is coming in Season 2. I hope we get more of their relationship. I mean they haven't gotten married yet. We know nothing about his family so, I am thinking we might meet some of them since Season 1 was so focused on her. I am sure we are going to learn more about her powers. There is just so much I think we explore in Season 2. I hope by getting a Season 2, we might also get another live adaption movie because I enjoyed that so much as well. So, much can happen in this, and I am excited. This anime is definitely one of the ones I will be watching right when it airs. PLEASE BE AS GOOD AS SEASON 1!

The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 (Anime) (CRUNCHYROLL) [PREMIERES JANUARY 10, 2025]
This anime is probably the other anime that I am most excited for. I binged this a couple of months ago. I knew I would LOVE Season 1 but I did not know how much I would love it. So, I was pleasantly surprised when they announced that Season 2 was coming out in January when I had just finished the anime in October. I am so excited to get back into this world. I am excited to investigate more cases. I am excited to see the 2 leads' relationship blossom more. I hope we get some romance. I am sure we are going to get more palace intrigue in this. One thing I loved about Season 1 was the female characters and their relationship so, I hope we get more of that. I am ready for all of comedy as well that comes with this anime. PLEASE BE AS GOOD AS SEASON 1!

I think I randomly came across this trailer on Tik Tok or something. I IMMEDIATELY fell in love with the female lead. I think this is going to be a really fun anime with lots of comedy. It is about a girl who likes a stable job as a receptionist but hates overtime. So, she secretly goes out and fights monsters on her own so, she can clock out of her job on time. I am sure that secret won't stay secret for long. I love a good magical fighting anime with comedy. I also like when we have female main characters in the magical anime. I probably will wait for this one to fully come out or at least enough episodes come out so, I can do a mini binge. This one has been added to my plan to watch list FOR SURE!

Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective (Anime) (CRUNCHYROLL) [PREMIERES JANUARY 2, 2025]
I came across this anime during my deep dive down the rabbit hole as I looked over the anime that were supposed to premiere in January. I love a good mystery whether it is anime or drama. This one seems unique because it combines too things. The only way you can get me to watch a medical drama/anime is put mystery into it. You have a doctor trying to figure out a weird disease and investigate that. Now this anime has that but then you also add crime into it where she also tries and solves crimes if they come walking into her hospital as patients. That is unique to me so, I want to check this one out. I had never heard of it until now.

Honey Lemon Soda (Anime) (CRUNCHYROLL) [PREMIERES JANUARY 8, 2025]
Now, I know there is a live adaption movie floating around somewhere of this. I figured I needed to stick in some romance anime into this list. I love the animation style of this. I am also a sucker for a good wholesome high school anime. This anime looks super cute and wholesome which will be a nice change of pace maybe for January. It looks like it has some of those classic high school anime tropes as well. I might wait for all of it to be out before clicking play but I am at least going to add it to my plan to watch list.

This also gives off cute high school anime vibes. This also looks like it could be hilarious. I love the aspect where you think the male lead is going to fall for her, but it seems like the female lead will fall first. That is a twist I like. Medaka Kuroiwa is impervious to my charms is about a high school romance where this girl is like the popular girl where no one can resist her charm until she meets the one boy who seems to be able to resist. In reality he is training to be a monk. So, it is a will he or won’t he situation or if she will break her rule and fall first. I might wait for all of it to be out as well before clicking play but I am at least going to add it to my plan to watch list.

I love an anime with a quirky girl. I also love a setup of the main person falling into their own work. I love it when dramas do it as well as anime. This anime is about it is about a girl who starts her career as an animator. Her first anime is a hit. Everyone is expecting her next work to do just as good, but it is supposed to be a rom com movie and she has never fallen in love, let alone had a boyfriend. So, she can’t move forward with the project and is stuck. Now the trailer shows that she falls into her work, but the synopsis says nothing like so, I will have to wait and see which is true. Is it a workplace anime or a fantasy anime? The OST also sounds amazing.
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