If I have not established on this blog already, one of my favorite Chinese actors is Ren Jia Lun. If you have not seen my blog post for Under The Power, you can read it right here. You give me a drama with him in it, I WILL WATCH IT! So, HERE IS MY REVIEW FOR ONE AND ONLY!

*Now as per usual with any review I write, I will not be including any spoilers in this review.*
A QUICK SYNOPSIS OF ONE AND ONLY - Ren Jia Lun plays Zhou Sheng Chen, son of Prince Nan Chen, who is an accomplished general. Bai Lu plays Cui Shi Yi, daughter of an esteemed family, is the appointed Crown Princess since birth. Shi Yi is sent to Zhou Sheng Chen's manor to learn some skills and be trained under him. Slowly, Shi Yi's admiration turns to love. They both grow closer becoming confidants and friends. They support each other and support each other. Due to society and obligations, their relationship can't move beyond this. What will be the end of this ill-fated pair?
Overall, this is one the best Chinese dramas I have seen, ESPECIALLY in 2021. It is just a beautifully heartbreaking story. I knew going into this drama that it was going to be sad so I wasn't shocked or anything. Just everything about this drama was done SO WELL!

The acting in this drama IS RIDICULOUSLY GOOD! I knew going into this drama that I would love Ren Jia Lun but this is my first drama with Bai Lu. I KNOW, I KNOW THAT IS CRAZY FOR ME TO SAY! All the acting from the entire cast in this drama WAS GREAT! The two lead actors stood out because the drama does revolve around their story. These two actors acted a lot with their eyes. For me, when an actor evokes so much emotion without saying a word, just through their eyes, THAT IS AMAZING ACTING! Ren Jia Lun and Bai Lu's longing stares and small facial expressions WAS EVERYTHING in this drama.
I was impressed with the costumes in this drama. I would be impressed with one costume and then in the next episode there would be new costumes and I would be impressed again. I thought the production put so much detail into the costumes AND IT WORKED! The costumes were exquisite. GIVE ME ALL THE FUR COLLARS IN ALL MY DRAMAS!!
I liked that even though the drama was about Zhou Sheng Chen and Shi Yi's relationship, we still got other relationships in the drama. Due to the tragic nature of the drama, none of the relationships could work out for the most part, for various reasons, BUT I liked that we got multiple relationships whether that was romantic, friendships or even mother/daughter relationships. Shi Yi and her mother's relationship was beautiful, heartwarming but also heartbreaking to watch. I loved that her mother understood her daughter because of her own life experiences and supported her. I also loved Zhou Sheng Chen's relationships with his other generals. It pointed out how great his character and morals were throughout the drama because he took in these people and raised/trained them. All of the relationships in this drama made an impact to you as an audience member. You connected with the characters and the relationships.
I just need to point out the cinematography in this drama. Most of it was groundbreaking or anything BUT it was still great! What stood out to me a lot was when the drama was filming the fight/battle scenes. The production used these moments to experiment and have fun. I loved that because it made the fight choreo stand out and I noticed it more. The fight/battle choreo is this drama was shot VERY WELL! The flowing robes in fights were SHOT SO WELL! The cinematography for this drama was overall very good but the fight/battle scenes were highlights for me because I saw new things that I had not seen before done with camera angles or camera movement. I hope I see it more in other productions. It is also for this reason I wish there was more fight/battle scenes in this drama BECAUSE I LOVED THOSE SCENES SO MUCH!

Now I really have nothing to say that is negative about this drama. I could go on and on about what I loved about this drama and why it is SO GOOD! But I do want to point one thing out.
I DID NOT LIKE HOW MUCH I CRIED WITH THIS DRAMA! A little fact about me, I HATE TO CRY! I usually avoid dramas that I know will make me cry SO NATURALLY I would have avoided One and Only but as I said above, Ren Jia Lun was in it so I had to watch it. If you hate crying, this drama might not be for you. I SOBBED like the last 5 episodes - especially the last episode. Now, that just speaks more to how good the acting and story is in this drama BUT if you hate crying, BE READY WITH TISSUES AND CHOCOLATE FOR THIS ONE! The amount of crying I did with this drama is the only reason why I rated it lower than a 10 because as I said, I HATE CRYING!
I AM SO GLAD FOREVER AND EVER IS RIGHT THERE! For people who don't know, Forever and Ever is the sequel to One and Only and should be a happier drama so we can heal from the heartbreak of One and Only. Was the heartbreak of One and Only worth it? ABSOLUTELY! The acting was SUPERB! The story was just beautiful to watch. One and Only leaves an impact and stays with you for days after.
Rating: 9.5/10 (Streaming on iQIYI now)

If you are curious about my reaction to the drama IN REAL TIME - here is my tweets/watch thread for the drama
Did you watch One and Only?
What did you think of the drama?
Is it on your list to watch?
Will you watch this drama now after reading my review?