Unless you have been under a rock, you must have heard about the recently completed Japanese Variety Show The Boyfriend. If you have never heard of this Japanese dating reality show, then this will be your introduction. I hope you go check this show out once you are done reading this review. This review will also be in podcast form as an episode which should now be up on the podcast. THIS JAPANESE DATING REALITY SHOW IS A GEM AND VERY SPECIAL! I loved every second of it. I have so many opinions about this show, and I think everyone should check it out. ESPECIALLY if you already like reality tv, even if it is the trashy reality shows from the USA that I was used too before I started watching Asian Reality shows. There are days that I wish we got new Asian dating reality shows every month, but I know there are a TON of dating reality shows in my plan to watchlist that I have not watched yet. I did 2 podcast episodes recapping the first 6 episodes on the podcast right now so, you can check those out now wherever you might listen to podcasts.

A QUICK SYNOPSIS OF THE BOYFRIEND - A group of 9 men live together in a house over the course of a month. They run a coffee truck together and get to know each other. They are hoping for a romantic connection and to get a boyfriend by the end of the show.
I feel like it is a little unfair for me to write a review of this show because I ABSOLUTELY adored it. I really have nothing negative to say about this show. Before The Boyfriend, I had not watched an Asian dating show in a little bit so, this show premiered at the right time. Since I was so addicted to other Asian Dating shows like Heart Signal, I knew I would become just as obsessed with this show. I become REALLY invested in the people and the possible couples that come out of these shows. I, overall, just want everyone to have a good experience on these types of shows and come as friends at the end. Maybe come out as a couple if they have a connection with someone. That was EXACTLY the case with The Boyfriend and MAN, WAS IT A ROLLER COASTER RIDE!

THE ATMOSPHERE - One thing that I know I have said multiple times about Asian reality shows is that they are different from the reality tv shows you are used too from the USA. I find that most of the dating reality tv shows that I have watched from Asian countries (granted I have not watched a TON of them) are much calmer with just a little drama throughout the entire show. I actually watch these types of shows to relax because I know not a lot of drama happens. That is the same with The Boyfriend. The "drama" that happened in The Boyfriend was VERY minor and actually quite funny like the chicken incident. The atmosphere of the show and for the guys was awkward at first but I think that is normal for any of these shows. As the show went on, you could tell the guys got more comfortable with each other and the structure of the show. I think how this show was shot and the cinematography also led to this calmness around the show.
GROUNDBREAKING - This was the first Japanese LGBTQ+ Dating show ever. It was really groundbreaking for Japan to produce this type of show. It isn't the first Gay reality show we have seen from an Asian country but definitely the first one from Japan. It also had guys who weren't just Gay but also Bisexual on the show which was groundbreaking within itself. Japan is known to not be very same-sex relationship friendly so, to have this show happen is A LOT!
THE GUYS - I think this was a great group of guys. You got a range of ages, personalities, occupations that created a group of guys you rooted for. I think everyone had favorites, of course, but there was enough variety where you would definitely find one to root for. I loved watching this group of guys getting to genuinely get to know each other and support each other through this show. The different personalities kept the show interesting, and you became curious who would become a couple or become friends. There were definitely people who ended up friends who you normally would not picture together. They even talked about this in the reunion episode where they don't think they would have ever become friends if it wasn't for this show. These guys were relatable and charismatic. You as an audience member wanted to get to know them and root for their happiness. We, as audience members, learned about these guys' backgrounds and personal stories which allowed us to connect to them more.
THE SETUP OF THE SHOW - I have seen this setup in other dating reality shows so, it wasn't new to me. I like this type of setup for a show because it seems relaxing with a little work and casual dating with a bit more structure to some dates built in. It is relatable but also added some playful competition to the show. I also love when these shows have panelists because it is like you are watching the show with other audience members and having them commenting on the show as it goes on. Also, I think the length of the show makes the guys on the show take risks and be more forward with their feelings because they only have a short period of time on the show. This is refreshing and welcoming. The overall feel of the show is low-key, less stress, less manipulative and genuinely just a relaxing watch for us audience members.
THE LOOK INTO THE CULTURE - Now for people who have never watched an Asian Dating reality show, this show must have been eye opening. You got to see a little bit into Japanese culture. You got to see a little of the guy's jobs and lifestyles. I think what you got to see more into was the social culture of Japan. There is an age hierarchy that played into the guys' interactions. You got to see this a lot with "arguments". The guys resolved the issues with no shouting and just conversation. They didn't want issues in the house and wanted to collectively resolve them to feel more comfortable. They didn't want to raise as issues with someone who was older which is why the chicken issues was considered "drama". You as a viewer learn that Japanese culture is people who don't directly communicate a lot of the time and then these guys had to learn to be more forward and direct with each other or they never would be able to go on dates or create these relationships. This Japanese social culture also led to less drama because either it wasn't discussed/brought up or resolved as a community and through discussion. I have gotten to see this through jdramas but it is something else to see it through a Reality dating show.
FRIENDSHIP - There was pressure to make a love connection but also there wasn't. This was a slow burn/slower paced show. Overall, the guys came out of the show with friendships, and some came out of the show as a couple. There wasn't this pressure to make a love connection. The guys were also dealing with personal problems they wanted to overcome such as Taeheon with his family. I think this show created a great space to not only find love but also develop meaningful friendships which is just as fun to watch through these shows. I had just as much fun seeing these guys create these friendships through the show as I did root for them to have these romantic connections.
CONVERSATIONS - The way that these men were so open and genuine with their feelings was really impressive. I really liked how in tune they all were with their feelings. They were comfortable with outward expressions of emotion like crying and hugging each other and were ready to put themselves out there even if they didn't get the response they wanted. I also really liked how if feelings weren't reciprocated, none of them tried to sugar coat it to the other person. This entire atmosphere led to some amazing and comforting conversations that we as audience members could take away from the show and maybe use in our own lives. They thanked the other guy for his honesty, but said the same feelings were not there. The guys on the reunion show even acknowledged that they still remember things said in these conversations. Regular people feel seen by watching other regular people have normal conversations on tv. These guys I think left the Green Room after having reflected on themselves and their lives and left with confidence and a better sense of self. We heard this feedback in the reunion episodes, especially after they said they had watched the show and reflected on what was shown to the world on NETFLIX.
GREAT INTRO TO ASIAN DATING REALITY SHOWS - I think this is a great introduction to Asian Dating reality shows. It is the perfect show on a major streaming platform to introduce people to this genre of shows. It has relatable guys with an easily digestible format. It doesn't have a lot of drama. It has a calm and relaxing atmosphere. I hope more people check out the boyfriend and then move onto other Asian dating reality shows.
THE OSTS - I just need to give a quick shoutout to the OSTS of this show. I have fallen in love with the artist whos' songs are featured in the show. I never would have found this artist if not for this show.

MORE SCREENTIME FOR PEOPLE LEFT IN THE HOUSE - I said this in other podcast episodes about this show but I wish we got more screentime for people who were left in the house after the guys went to work the coffee truck. I know there was only so much time in each episode and the coffee truck was sort of a date. I just wanted to see some things that were going on in the house as well. Of the quieter moments we got from the house, I loved those quieter moments or one-on-one conversations we got within the house.
MORE SCREENTIME FOR OTHERS - I know I also talked about this in the other two podcast episodes, but this show really showed Dai and Shun a lot. Obviously, they would be a main focal point of the series due to them pretty much being a couple for the entire show. I just wish some of the quieter people got more screentime or chances. I might be very bias because most of my favorites were these quieter people though.
NEED SEASON 2 - PLEASE NETFLIX GIVE US A SEASON 2 OF THIS SHOW! MAYBE EVEN DO A GIRL VERSION! I hope Netflix sees how popular this show was and makes a Season 2! We need more shows like this coming out of Asia.

I loved that the show gave us a reunion episode. I was hoping we were going to get this. Sometimes these types of shows don't do this and then leave us wondering what happened after the show ended. We don't get closure and confirmation if any of them stayed together after the show ended. I wish it was standard practice for these types of shows to do reunion shows after the original show is over. It was fun getting updates on everyone and where they were in life.
DAI/SHUN - I was actually quite surprised these two were still together. I guess opposites attract. I am happy for them though. There was a sense of maturity with both of them that you did not see on the show. Some things did not change at the same time as we saw on the reunion show. They seemed very happy. I know a lot of people were rooting for them and they did bring drama to the show. They were cute together on the reunion episode.
KAZUTO/ALAN - I was sort of surprised these two were not together but at the same time I was not surprised. I think their personalities were just too different. I am glad that they are really good friends though. I was happy to see that Kazuto was willing to open himself up for something with Alan at the end of the show.
THE REST OF THE GUYS - It was really nice getting an update on everyone. I liked hearing that Taeheon's conversation with his family went well. I wish we got a surprise where other members had decided to try and date but that wasn't the case. Maybe that is because I just want Taeheon to find someone. I laughed at hearing Taeheon's explanation from the show and how he became like a friend/father figure with the advice on the show. Taeheon came off as very wise on the show. He still came off as very mature. I loved hearing everyone's impressions and thoughts from the show. I also loved hearing how their lives were after the show aired. It was really nice just seeing everyone being comfortable together and confirming they were all friends. I still think Kazuto and Usak would have been a nice couple together. Usak's gift was great!
The Boyfriend - 10/10 (NETFLIX)
This Reality Dating Show deserves nothing less than a 10/10. Could you go and nitpick things from the show? Yes, you probably could. Do you need to do that? No, you do not need to do that. I would just say enjoy the ride. If you liked The Boyfriend, you should check out other Asian Dating reality shows like Heart Signal. They are just so much fun and there are so many to watch and become invested in. If you have not watched The Boyfriend yet, NOW is the perfect time to check out this dating reality show on NETFLIX.
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