It is Halloween and I realized that I have not done a Halloween blogpost at all this year. So, HERE IS SOME ASIAN DRAMAS THAT I WOULD RECOMMEND TO WATCH TO CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN! I tried and picked some dramas that aren't on everyone else's lists and also ones that I might not mention frequently on this blog. I wanted to give you other options and variety for this year. So, that is probably why you won't see some of the usual suggestions for this year in my Halloween blogpost BUT I guarantee if you search my blog for my past recommendations for Halloween or October, you will see many other dramas I have recommended to watch for spooky season.

Candle in the Tomb Series (Cdrama)
I am one of those people who LOVE the Candle in the Tomb and The Lost Tomb Series. NOW, you are probably asking why these series are on a Halloween list. I will tell you this, these Chinese Dramas can be quite scary depending on which one you watch and who the audience is. Yes, this series has a lot of action but you are following around a group of people who are tomb raiding. So, they might run into monsters or ghosts or the undead etc. SO, I think that counts for these dramas to be put on a Halloween list.

The Lost Tomb Series (Cdrama)
Just like Candle in the Tomb Series, this is another Tomb Raiding Series. So, you are dealing with monsters, ghosts, Zombies, bugs etc, just like the Candle in the Tomb Series. Some people are scared of these things. Since both of these series have been around for years with many dramas within the series, some of the dramas are scarier than others. I put both of these of the list because it gives you guys variety and something different to watch on Halloween. For me, I don't find both of these series scary at all but for someone else (maybe they are deathly afraid of spiders), they might find some of the dramas in these series scary or at least qualified to watch to celebrate Halloween.

Zombie Detective (Kdrama)
I think Zombie Detective is a drama that not a lot of people talk about. I put this one on the list because it is a comedy. You, of course, have a zombie involved in the story because it is in the title. I put Zombie Detective on this list for people who don't like to watch scary things. I remember when I watched Zombie Detective, I assumed I was not going to like it very much. I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed this one quite a bit.

Happiness (Kdrama)
I recently re-watched Happiness so, OF COURSE, this Kdrama is going to be on this list. If you are into zombies, Happiness is for you! I am a HUGE fan of Zombie dramas so; Happiness is a drama THAT IS MADE FOR ME! I also just loved that it also makes the audience deal with the humans and how horrible people can get in a crisis. You also get 12 episodes of a BADASS couple fighting against zombies together. The chemistry this main couple has IS FANTASTIC! I can't recommend Happiness enough for a drama to watch to celebrate Halloween. It is scary at times but honestly, I don't think it is as scary as some of the other Korean zombie dramas out there.

Oh No! Here Comes Trouble (Tdrama)
This Taiwanese drama is about a guy who sees ghosts and helps them deal with their problems to cross over. You get a little bit of everything with this drama. You get some comedy. Some parts can get quite scary, perfect for Halloween. You got a main trio of characters who are fantastic together and as an audience member, you become attached too. You have some AMAZING acting. The stories behind the ghosts have such character and depth to them. It can get quite emotional at times. This is probably one of the best Taiwanese dramas I have seen recently. If you want to read more about this drama, here is my full review.

Sell Your Haunted House (Kdrama)
I think this drama is obvious on why it is on this list. I mean you have a woman who is an exorcist and exorcises ghosts from houses and then sells those houses. PERFECT SUBJECT MATTER FOR HALLOWEEN! This one has some scarier moments compared to others on this list but still has some nice comedy mixed into it. If you are a fan of found family, this drama is also for you. Just like the ghost's stories in Oh No! Here Comes Trouble, the ghost's stories in this drama can be heartwarming but also maybe heartbreaking too. The acting is great and the OSTS are AMAZING! If you have not seen this Kdrama yet, give it a shot.

Million Yen Women (Jdrama)
Now, to suggest a couple of dramas that are a little different. I am a drama watcher who likes to watch crime dramas to celebrate Halloween. Million Yen Women was a roller coaster ride of a crime drama. I remember binging this drama in like a weekend. It has a lot of eccentric characters. If you are a fan of the trope Found Family, you will love this drama. This crime drama is a bit different compared to others that you might watch. It delves into the characters and gives them a unique back story. The twist at the end BLEW ME AWAY! I really did not predict it. This Japanese drama can be quite dark at times. It is just a different type of drama to watch for Halloween but HIGHLY recommend this crime drama.

The Bad Kids (Cdrama)
This is one of the best crime Chinese dramas I have ever watched. I think one of the main reasons why this drama is on this list is because the main bad guy is SO CREEPY! Every time he is on screen, you as an audience member feel uneasy and you can't predict what he is going to do next. This drama has some AMAZING acting. This drama in general blew me away when I watched it for the first time. This crime drama is dark, gritty and very violent so if that is not your thing, I would not recommend this one. This is the type of drama to watch on Halloween if you are into a crime drama that seems to have an underlying tension that you can't shake for the entire drama. This drama is so tension-filled and unpredictable.
So, there you go. That is my list for some dramas to watch this year to celebrate Halloween. This list may have some dramas on it you expect to see on a Halloween post. I hope there are some dramas on this list that you normally don't see on other lists. I hope this list was helpful in finding something to watch to celebrate Halloween
What dramas do you watch to celebrate Halloween?
Have you seen any of the dramas on my list?
What genres do you like to watch to celebrate Halloween?
Any dramas you would add to my list?
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