I managed to move a lot of my current watchlist in April to the completed category. It felt really nice to get back into the swing of things and finish some of the dramas that I should have finished earlier like in March. I always feel accomplished when this happens. I also watched some REALLY good dramas in April as well that I am excited to talk about and give you mini reviews on.

As I said earlier, I FINALLY finished some dramas that I should have completed at least a month ago. So, I am really happy with the dramas I completed in April. I finally understand some of the hype that these dramas had and why so many people were telling me to watch them for so long. Not everything I watched was AMAZING in April but there is a lot of variety which I always like presenting to you guys. I got to give you options on what to add to your lists to watch.
Stranger Season 1 (Kdrama) (NETFLIX): I am EXTREMELY bias when it comes to this kdrama. This is now the 3rd time I have rewatched this kdrama. I love the entire drama and enjoy rewatching it every time. I love Bae Doona and Cho Seung Woo's relationship and its progression through the dramas. I love the found family. IT IS JUST AN AMAZING CRIME DRAMA! It is a comfort watch for me FOR SURE!
Shogun (Jdrama) (HULU): ONE OF THE BEST THINGS I HAVE WATCHED IN 2024! I had some small issues with the end but my small issues did not keep me from rating this really high. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS DRAMA! from the costumes, to acting, to the sets, to the story - LITERALLY EVERYTHING WAS AMAZING! It was a joy to watch this every week and just sit there in awe with everything to look at. I am so happy that this drama was made.
Parasyte: The Grey (Kdrama) (NETFLIX): I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS! I honestly liked it more than I thought I would. I did a review and VERSUS blogpost/podcast episode on this Korean drama and released it last week, so check that out. I loved that it was a spinoff from the anime. The acting was great and the CGI really sold me on the drama. The fight scenes were creative and really drew you in. I NEED A SEASON 2!
Eye Love You (Jdrama) (NETFLIX/VIKI): I thought this was a fun, adorable rom-com. This is why Japanese dramas are some of my favorite romance dramas. It had a unique concept for a story. The leads are cute with LOTS OF CHEMISTRY! I definitely did not like the trope of noble idiocy at the end because it was not needed. I loved the message that the audience got from it at the end. I know other people criticized the female lead and her actions in this drama. How reserved she was. I did not have a problem with her as much as other people did. I know other people did not like that the drama did not sub his Korean thoughts. I did not mind this because I think it added something extra to the drama and made the female lead more relatable. These are my own opinions so others can disagree with me, of course.
Light the Night Season 1 (Tdrama) (NETFLIX): I feel bad that it took me this long to watch and finish Season 1 of this drama. IT WAS AMAZING! I can now see why so many people told me to watch this drama. It has a VERY TALENTED cast. It has a little bit of everything: romance, mystery, crime, relationships and found family. I still have no idea why this drama was split into 3 seasons. I can't wait to watch the other seasons.
The Long Night (Cdrama) (IQIYI): A FANTASTIC CRIME DRAMA! I should have watched this one years ago but I am glad I watched this now. I know a Korean remake made me check this one out sooner rather than later but I am so glad I watched this before the remake came out. It was unpredictable but in a good way. THE ACTING WAS TOP TIER! In my opinion, some of Bai Yu's best acting. It was hard to follow at times but that was because so much was going on. There were 3 timelines you had to keep track of. Everything coming together at the end and being explained was a treat to witness. It was HEARTBREAKING to watch.
Provoke (Cdrama) (AMAZON PRIME): If you are a watcher of those short web-cdramas, you should check Provoke out. The leads have some SIZZLING chemistry. For how short the episodes and drama was, the story was engaging where you root for the leads to get their revenge. This is one of the cases where I WISH the drama was a full length cdrama. I wanted to see more revenge and for the drama to have more time for romance.
The Full-Time Wife Escapist (Jdrama) (VIKI): This is a cute Japanese drama. I liked that it had multiple couples. I liked that it discussed major societal issues which I always appreciate when Jdramas do this. One thing I disliked A LOT with this drama was that the main leads were HORRIBLE at communicating. This is a common thing with Japanese drama so I saw it coming. It also sort of made the main couple charming as well. I know some people will be very annoyed with this though.
The Full-Time Wife Escapist Special (Jdrama Special) (VIKI): The drama special was like watching an extra movie after the drama. I loved that there was growth with the main couple and they communicated better in this special. I was NOT expecting COVID-19 to be a MAJOR plot point in this special. So, if you can't watch something with COVID-19 involved, this might not be for you. I also thought that the second couple was under-utilized in this special and I wanted more from their story. Again, this special did a great job discussing societal issues.
I Saw the Devil (KMovie) (HULU): This is a movie I wanted to like more than I did. I thought it had some brilliant acting. I usually can take some pretty brutal violence but even this movie had some violent scenes that I could not stomach. It advertised itself as a cat & mouse story and I did not see how it was easily matched and a true cat & mouse story.
Kissing the Ring Finger (Jdrama) (VIKI): I wanted to like this Japanese drama more than I did. I thought the lead couple were cute and had good chemistry. I loved the Female lead and her family. I loved how supportive they were of her and each other. They welcome the male lead into their family so nicely as well. I DID NOT UNDERSTAND the second male lead and the male lead's mother. They were cruel to the point that did not make sense. The mother did not have a good reason for her actions in this drama and the second male lead did not need to take the path he did in the drama. AND THEN THEY WERE FORGIVEN SO EASILY AT THE END! I just did not understand that choice.

I actually have quite a few Kdramas I am excited for in May. I don't know where all of them will end up on streaming site though. So, we will have to see what I may have to wait to check out or not even be able to watch at all. I am really glad I used April to get stuff off my watchlist though because there are more dramas in May that I am looking forward too than I thought. Hopefully I can start some other dramas from other countries as well in May because per usual, I only know the airing schedule for dramas coming in May for Korean dramas. We will have to see what pops up.

The Atypical Family (Kdrama) (NETFLIX) [PREMIERES MAY 4TH, 2024]
I know a lot of people are not going to watch this drama because of the promo photos that showed Kim Su Hyun in a fat suit. While I also don't like that, I am still going to check this drama out. The BIG reason is that it is Jang Ki Yong's return drama from the military. I MISSED HIM SO; I NEED TO WATCH THIS DRAMA! I also though this drama had an interesting concept of people with powers who has normal life problems that affect their powers. I can see that this drama could have some nice messages being said through it. I am curious how these different people overcome their issues and gain their super powers back. I am also interested to see why they had these powers in the first place.

Super Rich in Korea (KVariety Show) (NETFLIX) [PREMIERES MAY 7TH, 2024]
I love looking at houses and apartments, especially ones where I would never in a million years be able to afford. So, this Korean variety show caught my eye because it allows us to see into the lives of rich people living in Korea. I am sad that practically no one is Korean on the show but I guess that makes sense with the title. It is Super Rich in Korea; doesn't mean they are Korean. I am a huge fan of the Korean Variety show I Live Alone and this gives me those vibes but Rich people.

The Midnight Romance in Hagwon (Kdrama) (VIKI) [PREMIERES 11TH, 2024]
I have been needing a Noona romance in my life AND MAY IS DELIVERING! This is probably my most anticipated drama for the May. The posters and teasers for this drama look AMAZING! Jung Ryeo Won and Wi Ha Joon have so much chemistry in just the teasers. I can't imagine how good their chemistry will be in all 16 episodes! In my opinion, this is Wi Ha Joon's first lead role in a romance drama WHICH IS CRAZY to me but I am HERE FOR IT! I am going to DIE if I don't have this drama on a streaming site I have access too. The rumor right now is that it will be on VIKI so, we will have to wait and see.

Crash (Kdrama) [PREMIERES MAY 13TH, 2024]
THE SECOND I saw that this drama was from ENA network, I added to it to the list. I have said this before and I will say it again, A LOT of my favorite dramas both last year and so far in 2024 were from ENA network. So, I will watch EVERYTHING this network makes. This drama also just looks like a TON of fun. It looks like it will have my favorite trope of found family. I love the cast. It looks like this cast will have a lot of fun together when filming this drama. I am curious what crimes the drama will show. I hope this comes to a streaming site I have access to as well. Rumor is that this drama will be on Disney +/HULU but nothing is confirmed.

The 8 Show (Kdrama) (NETFLIX) [PREMIERES MAY 17TH, 2024]
This looks like it could get intense. I love how eccentric the characters seem in the teaser. Chun Woo Hee is having her moment in May with this drama and The Atypical Family both coming out. I love the cast in this drama. There is a good mix of talent in this drama. This looks like it could be quirky as well from the teasers that have come out. We already know it could be compared to squid game so I hope it stands out on its own, especially with both being on NETFLIX.

Connection (Kdrama) [PREMIERES MAY 24TH, 2024]
This is one of the kdramas I have been looking forward to all year so far. The SBS Awards showed a teaser of this drama during the show at the beginning of the year and it caught my eye then. This looks like another intense and wild ride in a crime drama. I never pictured Ji Sung and Jeon Mi Do acting opposite each other in a drama so, I am curious to see them team up. This sort of reminds me of that movie Crank with Jason Statham where he had to keep his heartbeat up to a certain level or he would die. Ji Sung is a drug task force cop that becomes addicted to drugs by someone so he has to elude his fellow officers while addicted to drugs and try to find the people who got him addicted in the first place. I am sure this drama is nothing like Crank but the first teaser gave me those intense vibes.🤣 Connection is rumored for NETFLIX so, we will have to wait and see.
As you can see, I am excited for quite a few Korean dramas in May. I hope I can still watch some other dramas from other countries as well. I know a lot of people will be watching The Midnight Romance in Hagwon and are looking forward to it. I just hope other people check out some of the other dramas I am looking forward too. I want people to discuss dramas with! 😂
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