I honestly don't know why I am making a POSTER COLLECTION blog post for this month because it is DOMINATED by one cdrama. WE ALL KNOW WHAT THAT DRAMA IS! I did manage to sprinkle in some other dramas. I just had to have this blogpost be dominated by this one cdrama because the drama kept releasing more pretty posters. I haven't even included every poster that caught my eye in this blogpost.

TO NO ONE'S SURPRISE, this drama's posters and promos have covered my social media feeds all month. Since it is dominating social media, it will dominate this month's poster blog post for the month. Every poster just looks pretty. I have not started this drama because I am waiting for it to be done. I just love all the details in these posters. I love the colors. I love the costumes and accessories. These posters prove to me that the CGI must look amazing in this drama. I am a sucker for Xianxia drama posters though. I do have a bias for them because they always are so pretty.

What caught my eye for these posters and this drama in general is the time period. Everyone looks so pretty or handsome in these posters and costumes. THE TRAILER LOOKS SO GOOD! I also love the new additions to the cast and I am curious how they are worked into the lore and story. I love how badass the group poster looks with the weapons and magic in them. I AM PRAYING THIS SEASON 2 IS GOOD! I enjoyed season 1 but I had issues with it as well.

I have NO CLUE what To Ship Someone is about. This poster just caught my eye. It is unique among all of the cdrama posters I have seen. Those types of posters always catch my eye. This drama has definitely caught my eye now and I will be looking out for it whenever it premieres.

I hear this is a great crime cdrama so it is on the list. I like a lot of things about this poster. I love that it looks like a painting. I am curious why it is split in the middle with different colors for each character and by the glass cracks. Is that significant to the story or the characters' relationship? I wonder how many clues are in this poster for this crime drama.

I feel like this drama has released ALL the posters it has ever made. It seems we have been getting posters for this drama every week since it was announced. I know I have featured this drama in another poster collection blog post. THIS DRAMA JUST NEEDS TO PREMIERE ALREADY! I need access to it and want to watch it already. I mean at least the posters are doing their job.

This drama released posters recently. I don't think I collected all of the posters they released in this blogpost even. I love how pretty these posters look. I love the water. I love the colors. I love the flowers. I really know nothing about this drama but now I am excited for it after seeing the posters. I honestly don't even know if this drama is done filming yet. I guess we will have to wait and see.
There is the POSTER COLLECTION for April 2023! I hope you enjoyed this month's Poster Collection. I know it was DOMINATED by one drama but we still got a few other dramas in there for you.
Stay tuned for next month's Collection of Posters! Are you a collector of pretty posters for dramas? What ones have you seen that has caught your eyes recently? Any dramas coming out that you are excited for due to the poster you have seen?