About Me
Hello! I'm just a woman OBSESSED with all things drama and kpop related. I never get any sleep because I am always drama watching so I am ALSO addicted to coffee. Coffee + Dramawatching just go TOGETHER!
Dramawatching has been a part of my life on and off for almost 15 years now. It all started because I was bored one day and found a random Kdrama on Youtube and clicked play. That spiraled into me watching more kdramas which spiraled into me checking out cdramas, jdramas and at this point in my life, I just watch all genres and country's dramas. I always have a rule of I will try anything once. Same goes with my music taste. I listen to kpop, jpop, cpop etc. I just love consuming content and checking out everything.
Now I started blogging about about 4 years ago on kdramas alone. NOW This blog exists to write about all kinds of dramas and music. I can't believe we are already 3 years into NoSleep4Dramas.
This blog is me sacrificing my sleep for just 1 more episode and drinking loads of coffee to enjoy the content I watch and listen too. I hope you find something that interests you and that we can have a conversation on!
I hope you enjoy the content on NoSleep4dramas.com
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